February 23 2013

Wow…The notice on page 15 of the February 2013 edition of the JCR states that the RMR certification no longer has a written knowledge portion of the test. The test is now skills only.

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October 22 2012

“Court reporters often interrupt proceedings to get every word uttered by someone in a low tone or if more than one person is speaking at once. Recording equipment cannot do that, which explains the “inaudible” entries that often punctuate court transcripts from digital recordings.” -From the article, “Fewer Court Stenographers as N.J. Courts Go Digital” By: The Associated Press

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September 10 2012

It feels great to be officially back from vacation. I got a decent amount of practice in amongst all the resting and relaxing…My husband had me practicing to old episodes of Perry Mason during our vacation. It was great practice too. I guess I know what DVD box set I’m getting for Christmas as a stocking-stuffer. Lol.

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September 7 2012

Dictionary Challenge: Day 30
51 entries today. The final day of the 30-day-dictionary challenge. The challenge was a success. I started the challenge with 60,600 entries, and ended with 62,753 entries.

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