New York’s Deposition Rules
New York’s deposition rules can be found in Part 221 of the Uniform Rules for N.Y.S. Trial Courts.
Part 221: Uniform Rules For The Conduct Of Depositions, contains the following sections: 221.1 Objections at Depositions, 221.2 Refusal to Answer When Objection is Made, and 221.3 Communication With the Deponent. These rules have been in effect since 2006.
What Rules Govern Depositions?
Rules 26 through 30, 32, 37, and 45 of the FRCP are the main rules that govern depositions.
CLICK HERE for an explanation of the FRCP.
Objections During Depositions
How To Put Together A Depositon Transcript
Practice Video: Michael Jackson Deposition
Practice Video: Bill Gates Deposition Part 2 (1998)
Here are some briefs and phrases from the video:
may have been= MAIFB
various= VAIRBS
competitor= KPET/TOR or KPET/O*R
platform= PLAFRM
internet= SBET or SBNT
union= AOUN
e-mail= AOEM
retail= TRAEL
capabilities= KPABLTS
I don’t think= YONG
feature= FAOERT
intension= SBENGS
initial= NIRB
package= PAJ
in or about= NOERB
series= SAOERS
memorandum= MUMD
memo= MOEM
meeting= MAOEGT
phone call= FOENG or FO*ENG
strategy= STRAJ
discussion= SKUGS
summary= SMAER
virtual= VIFPL
I don’t know= YON
application= PLIGS
did you understand= SDUNDZ
executive= SKAOUFT
Practice Video: Bill Gates Deposition Part 1 (1998)
Here are some briefs and phrases from the video:
chairman= KHAIRM
computer= KPAOURT
dictionary= DRAIRB
edition= YIGS
concept= SKEPT
software= SWA*ER
softball= SBAUL
so many= SOM
effective= FEF
device= DWAOIS
definition= DPINGS
inventory= VEN
accurate= KRAK
inaccurate= NAEK
browser= BROURS
technology= TJ
navigation= NAFGS
internet= SBET
context= KEGT
e-mail= AOEM
memorandum= MUMD
paragraph= PRAF
I don’t think= YONG
I don’t think so= YONGS
with respect= WR-PT
in or about= NOERB
architecture= AERK
do you understand= DOUNDZ
contradict= KRIKT