Briefs And Phrases From Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations: Alanis Morissette
Alanis= A/LAN/*IS
Ottawa= OT/WA*
Canada= KAN/DA*
Catholic= KA*T/L*IK
divine= DWAOIN
fourteen= FOURN
pop= PO*P
Los Angeles= LOS/LOS
nineteen= NAOEN
California= KAL/KAL
introspective= SBROEFKT
Grammies= GRAM/Y*IS
million= M-L
debut= DAI/BAO*U
anxiety= ANGT
isolated= SOELTD
seminal= SEM/NA*L
phenomenon= FON
stadiums= STAID/Y*UMS
community= KMAOUNT
outdoors= AOUT/DAORS
boundaries= BOURNDZ
backstage= BAK/STA*IJ
all the= AULT
did you think= SDUNG
who I was= WHOIFS
about a= BA
identity= AOID
certainty= SERNT
monolithic= MON/L*IKT
disconcerting= DIZ/SKERGT
disconnected= SKEKTD
Johnny Depp= JO*N/YI/D*EP
isolating= SOELGT
chatting= KHAGT
projections= PROJSZ
assumptions= SUMGSZ
traumatized= TRAUMDZ
lonely= LOENL
understood= NAOND
when I get= WHIGT
retire= RIR
exempt= XEMT
if I can= FIK
comfortable= K-FRBL
embracing= KBRAIS/-G
addictive= DIFKT
temporarily= TRAERL
portal= PORLT
other side= OERDZ
peace= PAES
ego= AOEG
concrete= KRET
in many= NAEN
famous= FAIMS
pretend= PREND
Barbara= BAR/BRA*
Walters= WAURLTS
congruence= KAUN/GRAOUNS
aspects= SPAEKTS
consciousness= KONS/-ND
seeker= SAOERK
hunger= HURNG
singularly= SINL/LA*RL
multitudinous= MULT/TAOUD/N*US
denominator= DMON/NA*IRT
bottom= BOT
vulnerability= VUL/N*ERBLT
dualistic= DAOUL/ST-K
studio= STAOUD
authenticity= AU/THEN/T*IFT
day-to-day= DTD
in person= KBERN
introverted= SBROE/V*ERTD
snuggle= SNULG
is it true= STRAOU
airports= AIRPTS
piece= PAOES
jumping= JUFRPG
magnifying= MAG/NA/FAO*IG
grappling= GRAP/LING
amplify= AFRP/FAO*I
activist= AKT/V*IFT
irony= OIRN
doggedly= DAUGD/LI
digital= DIJT
expression= XREFGS
delicate= DLIKT
propensity= PROE/P*EFNT
I didn’t want= YIPT
I remember= IRM
reason= R-N
imbued= KBAOUD
social= SOERBL
public= PUB
diverse= DWERS
liberating= LIB/RA*IGT
healing= HAELG
women= WIM
there are times= THR-RMTS
cathartic= KA/THA*RKT
redeem= RAOE/DAO*EM
terrified= TROIFD
apparently= PAERNLT
energy= N-RJ
absolve= AB/SO*FL
uncomfortable= N-FRBL
awkward= AURKD
catalyst= KAT/L*IFT
investigate= VEGT
you went= UFRG
anorexia= AN/REX/YA*
bulimia= BAOU/LAOEM/YA*
disorders= SDORDZ
thinking= THIG
addiction= DIX
therapy= THAERP
withdrawal= WRAUL
human being= HAOUB
focus= FOEKS
impersonal= KBERNL
obsession= OB/S*EGS
natural= NARL
so many= SOM
seduction= SDUX
excruciating= SKRAOURBGT
recovery= ROIFR
journey= JOIRN
and then= SKPHEN
applying= PLAOIG
fifteen= FAOEN
so I had= SO*ID
fantasy= FANT/SAO*E
relationship= ROIP
development= VEMT
navigate= NAFGT
attracting= TR-K/-G
principle= PRIN
autonomous= AU/TON/M*US
active= TIF
participant= PARPT
committed= KMITD
infatuation= IN/FAT/WA*IGS
conflict= KIKT
musician= MAOUGS
better= BERT
Christmas= KMAS
profile= PROIL
husband= HUS
what was= WHAFS
how did= HO*UD
whatever= WHAFR
spiritually= SPIRL/LI
ancient= SHENT
Egyptians= GIPGSZ
psychologically= SKLEL
jurisdiction= JURD
comfort= K-FRT
beautiful= BAOUF
married= MAERD
romantic= ROEMT
battle= BALT
distinct= DINGT
desperate= DPRAT
procreate= PROE/KRAO*ET
babies= BAEBS
ourselves= OURSZ
average= AFRJ
mired= MAOIRD
reactivity= RAOEFKT/TAO*E
do you feel= DOUFL
definitely= DAFL
Gary= GA*ER
spiritual= SPIRL
intellectually= SBLEKT/WA*EL
complementary= KPLERMT
traumas= TRAUMS
education= JAEGS
when you get= WHUGT
adventure= DWUR
canoe= KA/NAO*U
portend= POR/T*END
and I get= SKPIGT
breather= BRAO*ERT
boy= BOI
lesson= LEFN
you want= UPT
filter= FIRLT
careen= KA/RAO*EN
who he is= WHOES
is a= SA
miracle= MIRBLG
angst= A*INGS
India= IND/YA*
glimpse= GLIMS
meditate= MED/TA*IT
Himalayas= HIM/LAI/YA*S
illusion= LAOUGS
separatism= SPRAIT/T*IFM
fragmented= FRAGTD
ashram= ARB/RA*M
exercises= XERSZ
mountains= MOUNS
animal= ANL
anyone else= NINLS
alter= ARLT
incense= IN/SENS
invitation= VAOIGS
backyard= BARD
workaholic= WORK/HOL/*IK
ethers= AO*ET/*ERS
abiding= A/BAOIGD
mundane= MUN/DA*IN
degree= DRE
obsessed= OB/S*EFD
observer= OEB/*ER
how good= HOUGD
you are= UR
and also= SKP-LS
chaos= KHAOS
orientation= OERNGS
too much= TAOFP
emphasis= KBIS
happiness= HAENS
temporary= TRAER
awareness= WAIRNS
relief= RAOEFL
emotions= MAOEGSZ
I would= ILD
transparency= TRANZ/PARNZ
consistent= KAONT
you were= URP
judgment= JUMT
telepathic= TEL/PA*KT
empath= EM/PA*T
empathic= EM/PA*KT
archetype= ARK/TAO*IP
all the= AULT
silence= SLENS
journal= JURNL
stagnation= STAG/NA*IGS
in my= NAOI
that really= THA*RL
ideas= Y-DZ
essence= SEFNS
continuously= T-N/Y*UFL
semantic= SMANGT
panacea= PAN/SAOE/A*
tell me= TL-M
creativity= KRAOEFT
that I am= THAIM
music= MAOUK
action= -X
you can= UK
perfect= P-FRT
amazing= MAEGS