January 22 2021

Briefs and Phrases From WandaVision: Season 1, Episode 1

WandaVision Episode 1
exaggeration= XAJS
looking forward= LAOFRGD
first time= FIRMT
significance= SIGS
I haven’t= *IFNT
Ralph= RA*FL
there you go= THRUG
no thank you= NAUNG
data= DAT
vision= VIGS
unemployment= NROIMT
skeleton= SKENLT
skeletons= SKENLTS
wedding= WEGD
romantic= ROEMT
atmospheric= SFAERK
meaning of this= MAOEFNGTS
hospitality= HOPLT
Europe= AOURP
exotic= XOKT
culture= KLUR
kitchen= KIFP
sweetheart= SWHART
horizontal= HORLZ or HORL
vertical= VERL
input= KBUT
output= AOUPT
gourmet= GOURMT
recipe= SPAOE
upside down= SDOUN
pulverized= PUL/V*ERDZ
improvise= KBROEFS
stop it= STO*PT

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January 22 2021

Friday Phrases

Friday Phrases Logo
look forward= LAOFRD
looking forward= LAOFRGD
looks forward= LAOFRDZ
looked forward= LAO*FRD
meaning of= MAOEFNG
meaning of the= MAOEFNGT
meaning of this= MAOEFNGTS
meaning of it= MAO*EFNGT
meaning of it is= MAO*EFNGTS

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Category: Briefs | LEAVE A COMMENT
January 21 2021


“The individual can attain self-control in great things only through self-control in little things. He must study himself to discover what is the weak point in his armor, what is the element within him that ever keeps him from his fullest success. This is the characteristic upon which he should begin his exercise in self-control. Is it selfishness, vanity, cowardice, worthiness, temper, laziness, worry, mind-wandering, lack of purpose?- whatever form human weakness assumes in the masquerade of life, he must discover.” William George Jordan

Love, Speed & Accuracy,

Elsie Villega

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January 18 2021

Medical Monday: Tracheitis

Tracheitis is inflammation of the trachea (windpipe).


OPTION #1: tracheitis= TRAIK/AO*ITS
OPTION #2: tracheitis= TRAIK/YAO*ITS
OPTION #3: tracheitis= TRAIK/YI/AO*ITS
OPTION #4: tracheitis= TRAI/KAOE/AO*ITS
OPTION #5: tracheitis= TRAIK/YI/AOIT/*IS
OPTION #6: tracheitis= TRAIK/YI/AOIT/T*IS

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January 15 2021

Friday Phrases

Friday Phrases Logo
so far, so good= SOFRGD
what color= WLOR
what color is= WLORS
what color the= WLORT
what color it= WLO*RT
what color this= WLORTS
what color it is= WLO*RTS
only to= OENLTD
only to the= O*ENLTD

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Category: Briefs | LEAVE A COMMENT
January 1 2021

Friday Phrases

Friday Phrases Logo
so far, so good= SOFRGD
top of the= TOFPT
top of it= TO*FPT
top of it is= TO*FPTS
top of this= TOFPTS
what color= WLOR
what color is= WLORS
what color the= WLORT
what color it= WLO*RT
what color this= WLORTS
what color it is= WLO*RTS

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Category: Briefs | LEAVE A COMMENT