October 13 2017

Briefs, Phrases, and Legal Terminology From Boston Legal Season 1, Episode 13


tomorrow= TOM
nation= NAIGS
would you like= WOUBLG
to tell= TOLT
to tell me= TOMT
contractual= KR-LT
relationships= ROIPS
testify= TEF
bona fide= B-FD
routine= RAOUNT
impression= KBREFGS
bleach= BLAOEFP
against the law= GLAU
who else= WHOELS
access= SKES
let me understand= LEMDZ
business= BIS
magazine= MAG
publicity= PUBT
dispute= SDPAOUT
domestic= DMEFKT
you were= URP
did you feel= SDUFL
she was= SHAOEFS
obviously= OEFLS
criminal= KRINL
conviction= VIX
license= L-NS
prescribing= PRAOIBG
medication= MEGS
annoying= NOIG
compass= KPAS
mutual= MAOUFP
punish= P-RB
illegal= ILG
bias= BAOIZ
prescribed= PRAOIBD
medicine= MED
blood pressure= BLAOPS
cholesterol= KLES
diabetes= DAOIBTS
heart attack= HAURK
side effects= SFEKTS
memory= MEM
no further questions= NOFRGS
essentially= SERBL
successful= SK-FL
fission= FIGS
public= PUB
I can’t tell= YAT
what is= WHAS
is that= STHA
deceit= SDAOET
headache= HAEK
litigation= LIGS
proofed= PRAOFD
consents= SKENTS
patient= PAIRBT
potions= POEGSZ
preliminary= PREL
studies= STOIS
how long= HOUNG
prescriptions= PRIPGSZ
sexual harassment= SWARMT
competent= KPE
I like= AOIBLG
muscle= MUFL
cramps= KRAFRPS
absolutely= SLUL
salacious= SLAIRBS
issue= IRB
ultimately= LULT
destroyed= STROID
is to believe= STOBL
orientation= OERNGS
deception= SDEPGS
cardiac arrest= KAURKT
rimonabant= RA/MON/BA*NT
imminent= KBIMT
status= STAUS
clinics= KLINS
reveal= RAEFL
more than= MORN
fatal= FAILT
benefits= BEFS
coronary= KOIRN
ignore= GOR
circumstances= SIRKS
measures= MURZ
you think= AOUNG
beg your pardon= BURPD
arrogant= AR/GA*NT
exalt= XAULT
selfish= SFIRB
alliance= LAOINZ
history= HIFT
hinted= HINTD
affair= AIFR
coincide= KWOINDZ
money= MUN
cause of action= KAUX
ride= RAOID
detriment= DRIMT
financial= F-NL
professional= PROEFL
considering= K-RG
media= DWRA
coverage= KOFRJ
deliberating= DLIBG
defrauding= DPRAUGD
influence= FLUNS
cocaine= KOIK
objection= OX
your Honor= URN
trivialize= TRIFLZ
cravings= KRAIFRBGS
profiled= PROILD
billion dollar= B-LD
industry= STRI
racket= RAKT
market= MARKT
under the= N-RT
physicians= F-GSZ
doctor= DR-
accordingly= KWORLG
severity= SWAOERT
insult= SNULT
sanctioned= SANGS/-D
migraine= MAOIRNG
migraines= MAOIRNGS
agency= AEG
Congress= KO*NG
catastrophe= STROEF
Alzheimer’s= ALZ
I wouldn’t know= YAON
losing= LAOUGZ
dextroamphetamine= DEX/TROE/AEFM or DEX/TROE/A*EFM recognition= R-GS
productivity= PROUFT
government= GOFT
tell me= TL-M
continue= T-N
members of the jury= MEJS
verdict= VERD
Commonwealth= KW*ELT
Massachusetts= MAS/MAS
dismissed= DMIFD
at this time= TIT
adjourned= JOURND
courthouse= KHOUS
surprised= SPRAOIFD
conversion= KWERGS
victory= VOIRKT
investigator= VERGT
satisfy= SAEF
midnight= MAOID
deceived= SDAOEFD
deceiving= SDAOEFG
deceives= SDAOEFS
amphetamine= AEFM
abuse= BAOUS
addiction= DIX
shrinks= SR*INGS
humor= HAOURM
acceptance= SEPZ
democrats= DMATS
republicans= RENS
humility= HUMT

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October 2 2017

Briefs, Phrases, and Legal Terminology From Boston Legal Season 1, Episode 12


how bad= HOUBD
is he= SE
brilliant= BRIL
litigation= LIGS
enormous= NAOERMS
where is= WR-S
administrative= MIF
what was= WHAFS
elevator= L-FRT
did I= SDI
I wouldn’t know= YAON
at the same time= TAIMT
you wanted= UPTD
to see= TOZ
summary judgment= SMAERJT
negligence= NEJS
intentional= SBENLGS
infliction= FLIX
memoranda= MAUMD
plead= PLAOED
amend= AMD
constructive= KRUFKT
appeal= AEP
liberty= LIBT
I’m sorry= AOIMS
one of them= WUFNLT
are you= RU
outstanding= OUS
busy= B-Z
punitive= PAOUFNT
cause of action= KAUX
superintendent= SPR-NT
what kind of= WHAOIFND
senior= S-R
curriculum= KLIM
terminated= TERMTD
nonsense= NAUNS
closing argument= KLAOUMT
reason= R-N
reviews= RAOUFS
to do= TAOD
psycho= SKOE
mistake= MAEK
skeletons= SKENLTS
excellent= XLENT
victim= VIM
bludgeoned= BLUJ/O*ND
neighbor= NAEB
trauma= TRAUM
promised= PROMD
news= NUS
argument= GAOUMT
woman= WOM
police= PLIS
she said= SHAOEDZ
hearsay= HAOERS
arguing= GAOUG
defense= D-FNS
evidence= AEFD
stealth= ST*ELT
dispatched= DPAFPD
representing= REPG
declaratory judgment= DLAIRT/JUMT
discharge= DARJ
sexual harassment= SWARMT
sexually harassing= SWARGS
geographic= G-FK
arrested= ARD
technicality= TEBLGT
convincing= KWINGS
inside= N-DZ
premeditated= PRAOEMTD
calculated= KLAITD
insignificant= SNIG
on the floor= OFL
first time= FIRMT
alive= LOIF
interrogate= SBROEGT
I don’t know= YON
intelligent= TEJ
design= SDAOIN
evolution= EFLGS
mutually= MAOUFPL
exclusive= XLAOUFS
natural= NARL
supreme court= SKORT
theory= THAOER
scientific= SAOIFKT
exude= XAOUD
incriminate= KRIMT
species= SPAOES
voluntary= VO
desperation= DPRAIGS
education= JAEGS
political= PLIL
agenda= JAEND
nonresponsive= N-RP or N-RPS
science= SAOINZ
apologized= JAOIDZ
fair statement= FAIRMT
from you= FRU
jurisdiction= JURD
deftly= DEFLT
indeed= N-D
condemn= KEM
demotion= DMOEGS
explicit= XLIFT
secretary= SEKT
suppressed= SPREFD
pollution= PLAOUGS
religion= R-J
religious= R-JS
debates= DB-TS
creation= KRAOEGS
legitimate= JIT
endorsement= SBORMT
incrimination= KRIMGS
democracy= DMOK
what do you mean= WHAOUM
you remember= URM
I remember= IRM
what happened= WHAPD
to the= TOT
misunderstanding= MUNGD
common sense= KMONZ
also= L-S
I am= IM
squeezing= SQAOEGZ
out of= OUF
lawsuits= LAUTS
ridiculous= KAOULS
allegiance= LAOEJS
violate= VAOILT
good luck= GLUK
tonight= TONT
in fact= N-FT
profoundly= PROFNLD
what do you mean= WHAOUM
cigars= SGARS
official= FIRBL
evolved= EFLD
is it= ST-
advocacy= DWOEKZ
sexually harass= SWARS

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July 26 2017

Briefs, Phrases, and Legal Terminology From Boston Legal Season 1, Episode 11


intrusion= SBRAOUGS
fixtures= FURXZ
for the record= FRORD
New York= NORK
litigation= LIGS
temporarily= TRAERL
return= RURN
partner= PARN
practice= PRA
privileged= PRIFD
accident= SD-
ambulance= BLANS
cousins= KUFNS
futility= FAOU/T*ILT
passively= PAFLS
jurisdiction= JURD
Sudanese= SAOUD/NAO*EZ
United States= UNTS
complaint= KPLAINT
termination= TERMGS
wrongful= WROFL
agenda= JAEND
skillet= SK*ILT
premeditated= PRAOEMTD
accidental= SD-L
conceal= SKAOEL
alive= LOIF
tort= TORT
theory= THAOER
terrorism= TRIFM
financial= F-NL
awesome= AUFM
polygraph= POIL/GRA*F
malpractice= M-P
hospital= HOPT
disturbance= DURNS
excuse me= SKAOUM
excellent= XLENT
inquiries= KWOIRS
medical treatment= MAOEMT
respirator= R-RP
sovereign= SOFRN
immunity= KBAOUNT
genocide= JENDZ
life support= LORT
betrayal= BRAEL
first of all= FRAUL
consciousness= KONS/-NS
policy= POIL
Congress= KO*NG
rescue= SKWU
population= POPGS
bipartisan= BIFRN
advisement= VAOIFMT
cause of action= KAUX
sedated= SDAITD
liberal= LIRBL or LIBL
politics= PLIX
recognizance= ROGZ
million dollars= M-LDZ
schedule= SKELD
determination= DERMGS
hearsay= HAOERS
survive= SWAOIF
incriminate= KRIMT
declaration= DLAIRGS
exception= XEX
prejudice= PREJ
something else= S-LGS
international= SBAL
attorney general= TOERNG
Attorney General= TO*ERNG
media= DWRA

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June 14 2017

Briefs, Phrases, and Legal Terminology From Boston Legal Season 1, Episode 10


enjoy= GOI
tremendously= TREL
kidnapped= KIPD
custody= KUD
contempt= KEMT
husband= HUS
evidence= AEFD
gun= G-N
handgun= H-G
December= DAOES
Christmas= KMAS
ladies and gentlemen= LAIJ
executive= SKAOUFT
domestic= DMEFKT
police department= PLEPT
victims= VIMS
demeanor= DMAOERN
detective= DEKT
nuisance= NAOUFNS
what, if anything,= WHAFG
fingerprints= F-PS
psychiatrist= SKAOIRKT
homicide= HOM or HOMDZ
inconclusive= KBL*UFS
negative= NEF
weapon= WEP
withdrawn= WRAUN
burglaries= BLAERS
burglar= BLAR
burden of proof= BURP
fatal= FAILT
stomach= STUM
intestine= SBEFNT
to my knowledge= TAO*IJ
medical= MEL
probate= PROEBT
invest= VEF
kitchen= KIFP
what did you do= WAOU
temple= TEFRPL
memory= MEM
approach= PROEFP
up or down= POUN
amnesia= AM/NAO*EZ
catatonic= KAT/TO*NG
examined= X-D
medical certainty= *MS
posttraumatic= POEFT/TRAUMT
psychologically= SKLEL
intent= SBENT
conscious= KONS
manufactured= M*FD
affirmative= AFRMT
rehabilitate= RABLT
mistrial= STRAIL
elevators= L-FRTS
between you and me= TWAOUM
family= FAEM
forensic= FRENS
specialist= SPIFT
prosecution= PR-GS
reasonable doubt= -RD
not guilty= N-G
what happened= WHAPD
negotiate= GOERBT
sergeant= SAERNGT
shoulder= SHOURLD
rifle= RAO*IFL
suspect= S-PT
trauma= TRAUM
charges= KHARJS
murder in the first degree= M-FD
murder in the second degree= M-KD
Americans= MERNS

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June 14 2017

Briefs, Phrases, and Legal Terminology From Boston Legal Season 1, Episode 9


expert opinion= SP-N
analysis= NALS
handwriting= HARNG
samples= SAMS
similar= SLAR
original= ORJ
signature= SIGT
aggravated= GRAIFTD
manslaughter= MAURLT or MAUTS
hostage= HOFJ
expert witness= X-NS
yes, I do= YOID
negotiator= GROERBT
I didn’t think so= YINGS
clinical= KLINL
diabetes= DAOIBTS
medicine= MED
settle= SELT
videotaped= VAOPD
alleviate= LAEFT
continuance= T-NZ
professional= PROEFL
assure= SHUR
remark= RARK
accurate= KRAT
prognosis= P-G
clinicians= KLINGSZ
cigarette= SGRET
expert= SPERT
disease= D-Z
headaches= HAEKS
complications= KPLIXZ
vaccine= VAK/SAO*EN or VAX/SAO*EN
penicillin= PLIN
therapist= THAERPT
obvious= OEFS
discrimination= SKRIMGS
bartenders= BAERNDZ
number= NUB
pretrial= PRAOIL
factor= FAOK
memoranda= MAUMD
jeopardize= JEPZ
preface= PREFS
scientist= SAOINT
undercover= NOFR
reputation= R-PGS
hostility= HOFLT
no matter= NORMT
pursuing= PRAOUG
British= BRIRB
Columbia= KLOM
absence= ABS
summoned= SMOND
examine= X-
lecture= LURKT
federal= FRAL
checkpoint= KHEPKT
evacuate= AOEFKT
fire alarms= FLARMS
chambers= KHAIMS
justice= JUS
courtroom= KRAOM
efficiency= FIRBZ
obligation= BLIGS
safeguard= SAIFGD
integrity= SBEGT
pretext= PRAOEGT
excuse me= SKAOUM
confer= KWER
side effects= SFEKTS

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April 26 2017

Briefs, Phrases, and Legal Terminology From Boston Legal Season 1, Episode 8


Thanksgiving= THAFG
coma= KMA
privileged= PRIFD
office= OFS
reception= REFPGS
termination= TERMGS
connection= KEX
employer= PLOIR
ethical= TH*EBLG
violations= VAOILGSZ
evidentiary= AEFT/RAO*E
hearing= HAERG
malpractice= M-P
improve= KBROF
relationship= ROIP
therapist= THAERPT
therapists= THAERPTS
license= L-NS
disclose= SKLOES
injunctive= KB*UFNGT
innocent= N-NT
denied= D-ND
violence= V-LS
murder= MURD
illegal= ILG
treacherous= TREFP/R*US
college= KLEJ
physical= FIS
restraining order= STRAENGD
schedule= SKELD
background= BAUGD
dismayed= SMAID
social security= S-S
wager= WAIRJ
disgusting= SGUFGT
Vulgar= VURLG
serious= SAOERZ
operative= PRAIFT
exposure= SKPAOUR
victim= VIM
objective= OFBT
Part time= POIM
employment= PLOIMT
downside= DO*UNDZ
employees= PLOES
dirty= DOIRT
instant= STANT
reiterate= RIT
constitution= STAOUGS
at this point= THIPT
confidence= K-FNS
in the meantime= NAOENT
exemplary= XEMT/PLA*ER
thank you, sir= THAUNGS
conflict= KIKT
my name is= MAOINS
African American= FRIM
discriminated= SKRIMTD
impersonate= KBERNT
apologize= JAOIZ
humoring= HAOURMG
proclivity= PROE/KL*IFT
testimony= T-M
summation= SMAIGS
occurrence= KURNS
terminated= TERMTS
tolerance= TLANS
confidential= K-FL
hysteria= HIS/TER/YA*
homicide= HOM or HOMDZ
what happened= WHAPD
self defense= SD-FNS

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April 4 2017

Briefs, Phrases, and Legal Terminology From Boston Legal Season 1, Episode 7


deposition= DEPGS
anything else= NILGS
emergency room= MAOM
questions= QES
surgery= SURG
as soon as= SNS
witnesses= WNSZ
docket= DOKT
endangerment= SBAIJT
probation= PRAIBGS
criminals= KRINLS
guilt or innocence= GOINS
tenants= TANTS
landlord= L-LD
plea= PLAOE
building= BL-G
electrical= LEBLG
property= PRORT
opinion= P-N
robbery= ROIB
assault= SAULT
possession= PEGS
informant= NFNT
bullet= BULT
precedent= PR-NT
cited= KRAOITD
consent= SKENT
procedure= PRAOER
legitimate= JIT
puncture= PURNGT
inquiry= KWOIR
transcript= TRIPT
conditional= K-NL
compliance= KPLAOINS
intrusion= SBRAOUGS
tissue= TIRB
suspect= S-PT
anesthesia= STHAOEZ
hypocapnia= HOIP/KAP/NAOE/YA*
hypotension= HOIP/TENGS
incision= KB-FGS
recovery= ROIFR
amendment= AEMD
solely= SLEL
nerve= NEFRB
cardiac arrest= KAURKT
solicitation= SLIFGS
ambulance= BLANS
police= PLIS
emergency= M-J
beg your pardon= BURPD
as a matter of fact= SMAFT
plea agreement= PLAOEMT
discipline= SPLIN
stitches= STIFPS
colleague= KLAOEG
pursuant= PRAOUFNT
jurist= JUFRT
presentation= PRENGS
judicial= JURBL
contempt= KEMT
discreet= SDRAOET
casino= KAOFN
influence= FLUNS

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March 9 2017

Briefs, Phrases, and Legal Terminology From Boston Legal Season 1, Episode 6


neurologist= NAOURLGT
issues= IRBS
rheumatoid= RAOUM/TO*ID or RAOM/TO*ID
arthritis= THRAOITS
adrenaline= DRENL
denied= D-ND
bail= BAIL
Yale= YAIL
recommend= REM
matrimonial= MAT/MO*ENL
umbilical= UM/BIL/KA*L
blood= BLAOD
cancer= KAERN
delivery room= DLOIFRM
gesture= JEFRT
myeloma= MAOI/LOE/MA*
diagnosed= D-GD
chemo= KMOE
bone= BOEN
marrow= MA/RO*E
transplant= TRANLT
freezer= FRAOERZ
maybe= MAEB
lawsuit= LAUT
volunteering= VOE/-G
volunteer= VOE
deposition= DEPGS
manipulated= MIPD
second degree= S-D
calendar= KALD
breakfast= BREFS
cognitive= KOFNGT
impairment= KBAIRMT
tobacco= TBAK
colliding= KLAOIGD
brain= BRAIN
stimulator= STLAIRT
foreign= FOERN
expensive= XEFNS
citation= KRAOIGS or SAOI/TA*IGS
commercial= KMERBL
false= FALS
accusations= KAOUGSZ
speech= SPAOEFP
political= PLIL
analogy= NAOLG
injunction= NUNGS or KBUNGS
injunctive= NUFNGT or KB*UFNGT
relief= RAOEFL
government= GOFT
department= DEPT
slander= SLARND
gentleman= JA
defending= D-FG
judicial= JURBL
excruciating= SKRAOURBGT
victory= VOIKT
discouraging= DURJ/-G
dominate= DOMT
superior= SYOR
coffee= KO*EF
urgency= URGZ
and I understand= SKPINDZ
transfusion= TR-FGS
biological= BL-L
literature= LIRT
representation= REPGS
instructions= STRUXZ
explicit+ XLIFT
memory= MEM
election= LEX
lobby= LOIB
machine= M-N
anticipate= PAET
contingency= TIJZ
weekend= WEND
especially= EP
attorney= TOERN
obligation= BLIGS
hazard= HAZ
media= DWRA
consultant= SKUNLT
downstairs= DOUNTS
cell phone= SLOEN
humiliated= HULTD
interview= SBAOUF
for a moment= FROMT
favorite= FAIFRT
movie= MO*EF
memorandum= MUMD
signature= SIGT
divorce= DWORS
transaction= TR-X
currency= KURNZ
forensic= FRENS
accountants= K-NTS
bottom= BOT
law school= LAOL
central= STRAL
ethics= TH*EX
committee= KMAOE
regardless= RARLS
sorry= SOR
notice= N-TS
inflammatory= KBLARMT
appellate= AEPT
I don’t understand= YONDZ
refrigerated= FRIRTD
oncology= AON/KOLG
candidate= KAND

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February 15 2017

Briefs, Phrases, and Legal Terminology From Boston Legal Season 1, Episode 5


suspects= SPTS
observed= OEBD
unoccupied= UN/OUPD
officer= OIFR
apprehension= PRAENGS
pandering= PARNGD
judge= JUJ
dismissed= DMIFD
civic= SIFK
politics= PLIX
Americans= MERNS
versus= V-S
trial= TRAOIL
testimony= T-M
cases= KAISZ
murderers= MRURDZ
motion= MOEGS
callous= KA*LS
pharmaceuticals= SKAOULTS
kind of= KAOIF
homicide= HOM or HOMDZ
criminal= KRINL
defense= D-FNS
prosecution= PR-GS
wanton= WAONT
intoxicating= SBOK/-G
class action= KLAS/-X
plaintiffs= PL-FS
offer= OFR
headaches= HAEKS
P. O. Box= PO*X
papular= PAP/LA*R
lesion= LAOEGS
tanapox= TAN/A/PO*X or TAN/NA/PO*X
virus= VAOIRS
diseases= D-SZ
hypochondriac= HAOIP/KON/DRAOE/A*K
biased= BAOIDZ
throat= THROET
collapsed= KLAPS/-D
objection= OX
sustained= STAEND
overruled= OEFRLD
suffocates= SUFKTS
police= PLIS
jury= JIR
in fact= N-FT
published= PL-RBD
newspapers= NUPS
witnesses= W-NSZ
your Honor= URN
employed= PLOID
malpractice= M-P
relationship= ROIP
friendship= FROIP
I feel= IFL
entitled= SBAOILTD
to be= TOB
honest= HONS
continuance= T-NZ
denied= D-ND
consolidate= SKLOD
attorneys= TOERNS
alternative= NAEFT
proceeding= PRAOEG
discharge= DARJ
quarter= QAERT
nuisance= NAOUFNS
enormous= NAOERMS
nauseous= NAURBS
wonderful= WUF
claiming= KLAIMG
arrested= ARD
problems= BLEMS
practice= PRA
patient= PAIRBT
mascot= MAFKT
condition= K-N
cold= KOELD
flu= FLU
bronchitis= BRON/KAO*ITS
diabetes= DAOIBTS
neglect= NEG
accommodate= KOMT
applaud= PLAUD
incapacitation= IN/KPAFGS
traditional= TRAL
migraine= MAOI/GRA*IN
psychosomatic= SKOE/SMA*KT
lawyers= LAURS
yes, your Honor= Y-RN
senior= S-R
citizens= SISZ
interlocutory= INT/LOEK/TO*ER
appeal= AEP
settlement= ST-MT
discussions= SKUGSZ
at this point= THIPT
excuse me= SKAOUM
I remembered= IRMD
definitely= DAFL
victim= VIM
encounter= KBOURNT
argue= GAOU
revenge= REFJ
Medicare= MAIRKD
generous= JERNS
injuries= JERS
opposition= PAOGS
parties= PAERTS
proposal= PROEPL
guarantee= GAERNT
district attorney= DAO
rejected= JEKTD
lethal= LAO*ELT
maneuver= MAOUFR
prison= PRIS
rubber= R*URB
prescription= PRIPGS
medical= MEL
supplies= SPLAOIZ
succinct= S*UNGT
succinctly= S*UNLGT
I see= IZ
clarify= KLOIF
yesterday= YED
charge= KHARJ
billions= B-LS
discriminated= SKRIMTD
driver’s license= DL-NS
percentage= PERJ
healthy= HOILT
poverty= POFRT
social security= S-S
overcharge= VARJ
million dollar= M-LD
verdict= VERD
members of the jury= MEJS
recuse= RAOE/KAOUS
contempt= KEMT
premeditation= PRAOEMGS
provoked= PROEFKD
trachea= TRAIK/YA*
assume= SAOUM
ills= *ILS
litigation= LIGS
frivolous= FRIFLS
software= SWA*ER
engineer= GER
depositions= DEPGSZ
examinations= X-GSZ
invoiced= KBOIFD
medical care= MAERK
doctor= DR-
psychiatric= SKAOERKT
alleviated= LAEFTD
defendant= D-FT
madam= MAMD
foreperson= FOERP
unanimous= NANS
murder in the first degree= M-FD
murder in the second degree= M-KD
adjourned= JOURND
congratulations= GLAIGSZ
in order= NORD
civil rights= SIRTS
idea= Y-D
incarcerated= KRAITD
burden= BURD
appealing= AEPG
bail= BAIL
not guilty= N-G
obliged= BLAOIJD
beg your pardon= BURPD
Alzheimer’s= ALZ
diagnostic= D-GT
evidence= AEFD
mistrial= STRAOIL

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February 6 2017

Briefs, Phrases, and Legal Terminology From Boston Legal Season 1, Episode 4


at this time= TIT
discharge= DARJ
vested= VEFTD
confess= FES
confessed= FEFD
confessing= FEFG
murder= MURD
criminal= KRINL
she goes= SHEGS
represent= REP
company= K-P
assistance= SIFNS
ordinarily= O*ERLD
convicted= VIKTS
crime= KRAOIM
violates= VAOILTS
morals= MO*RLS
clause= KLAUS
contract= KR-T
exhausted= XAUFTD
conventional= KWENLGS
I don’t care= YOK
practice= PRA
gun= G-N
panic= PA*NG
life= LAOIF
sentence= SNENS
trigger= TRIRG
security= SKAOURT
officer= OIFR
defendant= D-FT
rules of= RAOUFLS
beautiful= BAOUF
allergic= LERJ
unfortunately= UFRNLT
reliable= RAOIBL
consistent= KAONT
with the= W-T
justice= JUS
widow= DWO
humanize= HAOUMZ
plea= PLAOE
strategic= STRAOEJ
doctor= DR-
undercover= NOFR
chief= KHAOEF
witness= W-NS
prosecution= PR-GS
first time= FIRMT
center= STR-
nervous= NEFS
weapon= WEP
office= OFS
gentleman= JA
precisely= PRAOIFL
information= N-FGS
dizziness= DOINS
confusion= KWAOUGS
courthouse= KHOUS
malpractice= M-P
inferiority= FAORT
complex= KPLEX
pity= POIT
anxiety= ANGT
cross examine= KR-K
nuance= NAOUNS
shadow= SHAOD
do you really= DO*URL
I do not want= YO*PT
associates= SOERBTS
religious= R-JS
positive= POF
police officer= PLOIFR
disciplined= SPLIND
privileges= PRIFS
suspended= SWEND
neurology= NAOURLG
trauma= TRAUM
extensive= STEFNS
delusional= DLAOULGS
suffer= SUFR
medical certainty= *MS
conceivable= SKAOEFBL
objection= OX
sustained= STAEND
police= PLIS
testify= TEF
regulations= RELGSZ
defense= D-FNS
allegiance= LAOEJS
brilliant= BRIL
reconcile= SKAOIL
do you care= DOUK
do you like= DOUBLG
pretending= PRENGD
license plate= LNLT
in the hospital= NOPT
conviction= VIX
lawyer= LAUR
coerced= KOERS/-D
for example,= FOERX
you could= UKD
have a= VA
clergy= KLERJ
arrest= AR-
investigate= VEGT
evidence= AEFD
forensics= FRENSZ
evidently= AEFLT
intimidation= SBIMGS
integrity= SBEGT
foreperson= FOERP
unanimous= NANS
verdict= VERD
first-degree murder= F-MD
members of the jury= MEJS
deputy= DPAOUT
retained= TRAEND
schedule= SKELD
adjourned= JAURND
appeal= AEP
transcript= TRIPT
honorable= HONL
closing= KLOEGS
alcohol= KHOL
device= DWAOIS
pattern= PAERN
forward= FAORD

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