Briefs and Phrases From The Falcon and The Winter Soldier: Season 1 Episode 2
glory= GLOIR
nervous= NEFS
drama= DRAUM
all of it is= A*UFLTS
high school= HAOL
so much= SOFP
eagles= AOELGS
resumé= REFM
endurance= SBAOURNS
ounce= OUNS
Steve= STAO*EF
Rogers= ROJS
Hobbit= HOBT
wizard= WIRDZ
fifteen= FAOEN
chute= KHAOUT
panther= PA*RNT
doable= DOBL
hostage= HOFJ
medicine= MED
vaccine= VAOEFN
you’re welcome= YOURM
serum= SERM
cyborg= SAOIRBG
soldiers= SOERJS
chaotic= KHAOKT
citizenship= SOIP
social security = S-S
health care= HAERK
resources= SRORSZ
stop the= STOPT
famished= FAM/*IRBD
hungry= HOIRNG
freedom= FRAOEM
alias= AILZ
do you remember= DOURM
what I just= WHAIJT
how do you know this= HAOUNTS
Korean= KRAEN
skirmish= SKIRM/*IRB
metal= MAELT
decades= DAEDZ
do you know= DAOUN
who this= WHOTS
I didn’t tell= Y*ILT
couples= KUPLS
miracle= MIRBLG
ironic= AO*IRNG
aggravate= GRAIFT
squash= SKWARB
vacations= VAIGSZ
gentlemen= JE
civilians= SIFNLS
matter of time= MAERMT
Friday Phrases
Briefs and Phrases From The Mandalorian: Season 1, Episode 1
heartfelt= HAFRLT
gratitude= GRAOUD
bounty= BOUNT
is that= STHA
planet= PLAENT
hatch= HAFP
what are you doing= WHA*URGD
where are you going= WR*URG
am I right= MIRT
is it true= STRAOU
thorax= THRAX
evacuated= AOEFKTD
solstice= SOL/ST*IS
theatrics= THAOERKTS
smuggler= SMURLG
very busy= VEBZ
commission= KMIGS
face-to-face= FAIFTD
I didn’t mean to= YIMTD
discretion= SKREFGS
I like those= AOIBLGS
I like these= AOIBLGZ
digits= D-JS
data= DAT
pauldron= PAUL/DRO*N
signet= SIG/N*ET
ancestors= AN/S*EFRTS
quarry= KWA*ER
territory= TERT
destruction= DRUBGS
subparagraph= SPRAF
protocol= PROELT
self-destruct= SDRUKT
diagnostic= D-GT
is that good= STHAGD
Briefs and Phrases From The Office: Season 5, Episode 6
Court Reporter Spotted: Living Single: Season 4, Episode 5
Briefs and Phrases From The Office: Season 5, Episode 5
kidney= KAOEND
corporate= KORPT
pasturized= PAST/RAO*IDZ
monotheism= MON/THAO*FM
laptop= LAPT
financial= F-NL
vintage= VINGT
half an hour= HAUR
sorority= SRORT
auction= AUBGS
number of= N*UFB
pedestrian= PED
buffoon= BUFN
robberies= ROIBS
statistics= STAFKTS
committee= KMAOE
city= STI
thousand= THOU
I’m not= Y*MT
Friday Phrases
Briefs and Phrases From The Falcon and The Winter Soldier: Season 1 Episode 1
someone else’s= SW*UNLS
someone else= SWUNLS
subtle= SULT
intel= SBEL
did you see= SDUZ
windshield= WIRBLD
call it= KA*ULT
glitchy= GLOIFP
Arabic= AR/B*IK
online= AONL
Washington= WARB/WARB
courageous= KURJS
righteous= RAOIRBS
stoically= STOIBLG
mantle= MANLT
alliance= LAOINZ
half hour= HAUF
nightmares= NAOIRMTS
did something= SD-FNG
condition= K-N
notebook= NOEKT
illegal= ILG
convict= VIKT
remember me= RERM
amends= AMDZ
give me= GIFM
nurture= NAOURT
absurd= AURBD
adventurous= DWURZ
pinochle= PAOE/N*UBLG
consulting= SKULGT
talk to= TAUKTD
consolidate= SKLOD
circulation= SL-GS
siblings= SIBLGS
widower= DWOR
widow= DWO
orphan= OFRN
recipes= SKPAOEZ
video games= VAOGS
under arrest= NARZ
avenger= A*FRJ
financials= F-NLS
indict= DAOIT
orbital= ORBLT