March 26 2021

Briefs and Phrases From The Falcon and The Winter Soldier: Season 1 Episode 2

The Falcon and The winter soldier s1 ep 2
glory= GLOIR
nervous= NEFS
drama= DRAUM
all of it is= A*UFLTS
high school= HAOL
so much= SOFP
eagles= AOELGS
resumé= REFM
endurance= SBAOURNS
ounce= OUNS
Steve= STAO*EF
Rogers= ROJS
Hobbit= HOBT
wizard= WIRDZ
fifteen= FAOEN
chute= KHAOUT
panther= PA*RNT
doable= DOBL
hostage= HOFJ
medicine= MED
vaccine= VAOEFN
you’re welcome= YOURM
serum= SERM
cyborg= SAOIRBG
soldiers= SOERJS
chaotic= KHAOKT
citizenship= SOIP
social security = S-S
health care= HAERK
resources= SRORSZ
stop the= STOPT
famished= FAM/*IRBD
hungry= HOIRNG
freedom= FRAOEM
alias= AILZ
do you remember= DOURM
what I just= WHAIJT
how do you know this= HAOUNTS
Korean= KRAEN
skirmish= SKIRM/*IRB
metal= MAELT
decades= DAEDZ
do you know= DAOUN
who this= WHOTS
I didn’t tell= Y*ILT
couples= KUPLS
miracle= MIRBLG
ironic= AO*IRNG
aggravate= GRAIFT
squash= SKWARB
vacations= VAIGSZ
gentlemen= JE
civilians= SIFNLS
matter of time= MAERMT

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March 26 2021

Friday Phrases

Friday Phrases Logo
very busy= VEBZ
spinal injury= SPAOIJ
spinal injuries= SPAOIJS
secret service= SKREFS
great friend= GRAEFRND
great friends= GRAEFRNDZ
coroner’s report= KROERP
coroner’s reports= KROERPS

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Category: Briefs | LEAVE A COMMENT
March 25 2021

Briefs and Phrases From The Mandalorian: Season 1, Episode 1

Mandalorian S1 Ep 1
heartfelt= HAFRLT
gratitude= GRAOUD
bounty= BOUNT
is that= STHA
planet= PLAENT
hatch= HAFP
what are you doing= WHA*URGD
where are you going= WR*URG
am I right= MIRT
is it true= STRAOU
thorax= THRAX
evacuated= AOEFKTD
solstice= SOL/ST*IS
theatrics= THAOERKTS
smuggler= SMURLG
very busy= VEBZ
commission= KMIGS
face-to-face= FAIFTD
I didn’t mean to= YIMTD
discretion= SKREFGS
I like those= AOIBLGS
I like these= AOIBLGZ
digits= D-JS
data= DAT
pauldron= PAUL/DRO*N
signet= SIG/N*ET
ancestors= AN/S*EFRTS
quarry= KWA*ER
territory= TERT
destruction= DRUBGS
subparagraph= SPRAF
protocol= PROELT
self-destruct= SDRUKT
diagnostic= D-GT
is that good= STHAGD

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March 22 2021


“The most important thing in life is not to capitalize on your gains. Any fool can do that. The really important thing is to profit from your losses. That requires intelligence; and it makes the difference between a man of sense and a fool.” -William Bolitho

Love, Speed & Accuracy,

Elsie Villega

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March 19 2021

Friday Phrases

Friday Phrases Logo
is it procedure= STPRAOER
is the procedure= STPRAO*ER
know about= NOEB
know about the= NOEBT
know about it= NO*EBT
know about this= NOEBTS
know about it is= NO*EBTS
know about to= NOEBTD
know about to the= NO*EBTD
security camera= SKMRA
security cameras= SKMRAS
key card= KAOERKD
key cards= KAOERKDZ

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Category: Briefs | LEAVE A COMMENT
March 19 2021

Briefs and Phrases From The Falcon and The Winter Soldier: Season 1 Episode 1

The Falcon and The Winter Soldier S1 Ep1
someone else’s= SW*UNLS
someone else= SWUNLS
subtle= SULT
intel= SBEL
did you see= SDUZ
windshield= WIRBLD
call it= KA*ULT
glitchy= GLOIFP
Arabic= AR/B*IK
online= AONL
Washington= WARB/WARB
courageous= KURJS
righteous= RAOIRBS
stoically= STOIBLG
mantle= MANLT
alliance= LAOINZ
half hour= HAUF
nightmares= NAOIRMTS
did something= SD-FNG
condition= K-N
notebook= NOEKT
illegal= ILG
convict= VIKT
remember me= RERM
amends= AMDZ
give me= GIFM
nurture= NAOURT
absurd= AURBD
adventurous= DWURZ
pinochle= PAOE/N*UBLG
consulting= SKULGT
talk to= TAUKTD
consolidate= SKLOD
circulation= SL-GS
siblings= SIBLGS
widower= DWOR
widow= DWO
orphan= OFRN
recipes= SKPAOEZ
video games= VAOGS
under arrest= NARZ
avenger= A*FRJ
financials= F-NLS
indict= DAOIT
orbital= ORBLT

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