Friday Phrases
Dictionary Builder: Jejune
Court Reporter Spotted: The Grinder
Medical Monday: Grume
Friday Phrases
Court Reporter Spotted: Scream Queens- Season 1, Episode 13
In The court scene, in season’s one final episode of Scream Queens, you can see a court reporter. It looks like she may be using a Stentura. I’ve never seen a court reporter write like this in real life, with their machine with an attached paper tray sitting slanted on top of a desk…I still love seeing court reporters depicted on film though.
Check out the scene below:
I love the fashion on this show. I also love that, in this scene, Billie Lourd replaced her ubiquitous earmuffs with a hairstyle that pays homage to her mom. This show reminds me of Popular. Did anyone else watch that show growing up?
The Jazz Musician’s Quote That Is Apropos To Steno
Theory Thursday: Suffix Briefs Part 10
The following are briefs for suffixes: (Note: When d-defining, don’t forget to define the briefs with the format symbol for suffixes.)
{Suffix}ing= -G
{Suffix}ings= -GS
{Suffix}iologist= YO*LGT
{Suffix}iologists= YO*LGTS
{Suffix}ior= YO*R
{Suffix}ious= SH*US
{Suffix}ips= *IPS
{Suffix}ire= *IR
{Suffix}ish= *IRB
{Suffix}ism= IFM
{Suffix}ism= IFMS
{Suffix}ist= IFT
{Suffix}ists= IFTS
{Suffix}istic= ST-K or ST*IK
Suffix}istics= ST-KS or ST*IKS
Briefs, Phrases, and Legal Terminology From Boston Legal Season 1, Episode 6
neurologist= NAOURLGT
issues= IRBS
rheumatoid= RAOUM/TO*ID or RAOM/TO*ID
arthritis= THRAOITS
adrenaline= DRENL
denied= D-ND
bail= BAIL
Yale= YAIL
recommend= REM
matrimonial= MAT/MO*ENL
umbilical= UM/BIL/KA*L
blood= BLAOD
cancer= KAERN
delivery room= DLOIFRM
gesture= JEFRT
myeloma= MAOI/LOE/MA*
diagnosed= D-GD
chemo= KMOE
bone= BOEN
marrow= MA/RO*E
transplant= TRANLT
freezer= FRAOERZ
maybe= MAEB
lawsuit= LAUT
volunteering= VOE/-G
volunteer= VOE
deposition= DEPGS
manipulated= MIPD
second degree= S-D
calendar= KALD
breakfast= BREFS
cognitive= KOFNGT
impairment= KBAIRMT
tobacco= TBAK
colliding= KLAOIGD
brain= BRAIN
stimulator= STLAIRT
foreign= FOERN
expensive= XEFNS
citation= KRAOIGS or SAOI/TA*IGS
commercial= KMERBL
false= FALS
accusations= KAOUGSZ
speech= SPAOEFP
political= PLIL
analogy= NAOLG
injunction= NUNGS or KBUNGS
injunctive= NUFNGT or KB*UFNGT
relief= RAOEFL
government= GOFT
department= DEPT
slander= SLARND
gentleman= JA
defending= D-FG
judicial= JURBL
excruciating= SKRAOURBGT
victory= VOIKT
discouraging= DURJ/-G
dominate= DOMT
superior= SYOR
coffee= KO*EF
urgency= URGZ
and I understand= SKPINDZ
transfusion= TR-FGS
biological= BL-L
literature= LIRT
representation= REPGS
instructions= STRUXZ
explicit+ XLIFT
memory= MEM
election= LEX
lobby= LOIB
machine= M-N
anticipate= PAET
contingency= TIJZ
weekend= WEND
especially= EP
attorney= TOERN
obligation= BLIGS
hazard= HAZ
media= DWRA
consultant= SKUNLT
downstairs= DOUNTS
cell phone= SLOEN
humiliated= HULTD
interview= SBAOUF
for a moment= FROMT
favorite= FAIFRT
movie= MO*EF
memorandum= MUMD
signature= SIGT
divorce= DWORS
transaction= TR-X
currency= KURNZ
forensic= FRENS
accountants= K-NTS
bottom= BOT
law school= LAOL
central= STRAL
ethics= TH*EX
committee= KMAOE
regardless= RARLS
sorry= SOR
notice= N-TS
inflammatory= KBLARMT
appellate= AEPT
I don’t understand= YONDZ
refrigerated= FRIRTD
oncology= AON/KOLG
candidate= KAND