Q & A Phrases
Here is an excellent video I found on you tube of Q & A phrases. Briefs are given in the video for the phrases. The video also has sentences containing the phrases.
Here’s my hindsight is 20/20 advice: Learn these phrases as soon as you can after theory! If your school hasn’t implemented these phrases into their theory books, make sure that you study them!! These phrases will be extremely helpful when you are doing Q & A!
Here are some more briefs from the video:
to do= TAOD
last time= LAFMT
dirty= DOIRT
day of the week= DAIFK
midnight= MAOID
if I wanted= FIPTD
would you please= WOUP
no matter= NORMT
outcome= OUK
theater= THAOERT
ugly= OIG
awake= WOIK
alarm= LARM
bullet= BULT