Briefs and Phrases From The Blacklist: Season 4, Episode 2
Amarillo= AM/RIL/O*E
Sioux= SAO*U
mayday= MAI/DA*I
pontoons= PON/TAO*NS
liaison= LAOIFN
so be it= SO*BT
oblige= BLAOIJ
notoriously= NOERBLS
first aid= FRA*ED
pistol= STOL
last thing= LAFNG
Facebook= FAIB
what he has= WHAEBS
stereotypes= STERPS
Lakota= LA/KOET/A*
saltwater= SALT/WA*URT
landscape= LAND/SKA*IP
coercion= KOERGS
cottage= KOJT
Novosibirsk= NOE/VOE/SA/B*IRK
footprint= FAOPT
acre= AEK
Friday Phrases
5 Briefs A Day Review (9/9/19)
Briefs and Phrases From The Blacklist: Season 4, Episode 1
your side= YOURDZ
strategist= STRAJT
designated= DEFNGTD
what you said= WHAUDZ
that to= THATD
assemble= SBLE
spiteful= SPAOIFLT
zombie= SO*M/BAO*E
apocalypse= A/POK/L*IPS
Havana= HA/VAN/A*
did you hear me= SDHAIRM
acoustical= A/KAOUFBLGT
why would I= Y*ILD
sooner or later= SAORNL
lamppost= LAFRP/PO*EFT
excruciating= SKRAOURBGT
stevedore= STAOEF/DO*R
oscillator= OFK/LA*IRT
I Love Steno Trivia Tuesday: Bones
5 Briefs A Day Review (9/5/19)
5 Briefs A Day Review (9/4/19)
5 Briefs A Day Review (9/3/19)
Briefs and Phrases From Power: Season 6, Episode 14
Tennessee= TEN/TEN or T*N
Nashville= NARBL
Detroit= DROIT
congressional= KO*NL
Michigan= MIFP/MIFP
entrepreneur= SBRAOUR
constituents= STWENTS
exoneration= XONGS
let me get= LEMGT
no more= NOERM
femur= FAOERM
retiree= RIR/YI
ego= AOEG
presidential= P-LT
last thing= LAFNG
black man= BLAN
you made= UMD
comeback= KBAK
black people= BLAP
broadcast= BROKT
nomination= NOMGS
invitation= VAOIGS
selfies= SEFL/YIS
reform= REFRM
proposal= PROEPL
subordinate= SBORN
concede= SKAOED
crossfire= KRAOIFR
councilman= KMA*N
wrong number= WRUB
sooner or later= SAORNL
wallet= WLET
maybe it= MA*IBT
we need to= WEFRNTD
what do you want= WHAOUPT
digit= DIJ
you’re going= YO*URG
random= RAOND
City Hall= STHA*UL
restrictive= RIFKT
fatality= FAELT
taxpayer= TAERP
pension= PENGS
victory= VOIRKT
is there something= STHR-FG
one more time= WUMT
State of New York= STAIFK
reversal= RAOEFRL
cardio= KARD/YO*E
lottery= LOERT
crystal= KRIFLT
expedient= XAOENT
Uber= AO*URB