January 31
Briefs and Phrases From The Blacklist: Season 4, Episode 2
Amarillo= AM/RIL/O*E
Sioux= SAO*U
mayday= MAI/DA*I
pontoons= PON/TAO*NS
liaison= LAOIFN
so be it= SO*BT
oblige= BLAOIJ
notoriously= NOERBLS
first aid= FRA*ED
pistol= STOL
last thing= LAFNG
Facebook= FAIB
what he has= WHAEBS
stereotypes= STERPS
Lakota= LA/KOET/A*
saltwater= SALT/WA*URT
landscape= LAND/SKA*IP
coercion= KOERGS
cottage= KOJT
Novosibirsk= NOE/VOE/SA/B*IRK
footprint= FAOPT
acre= AEK