August 18 2019

Briefs and Phrases From The Blacklist: Season 1, Episode 22

Blacklist Season 1 Episode 22 part 2
cockpit= KOK/P*IT
Brylcreem= BIRL/KRAO*EM
after this= AFRTS
restraints= STRAENTS
Bogotá= BOEG/TA*
radar= RAIRD
radios= RAOS
cuffed= K*UFD
retrofitted= ROERT/F*ITD
originated= AURJTD
altimeter= AL/TIM/T*ER
traffic control= T*K
airspace= AIR/SPA*IS
apprehended= PRAEND
Chechen= KHEFP/*EN
citywide= STI/WAO*ID
gunfire= GAOIFR
adversary= DWAER
spectacle= SPEBLGT
take care= TAERK
this time= TH-MT
for the record= FRORD
he made= EMD
asked me= SK-MD
casualty= KARBLT
distort= SDORT
let me ask you= SKLOU
Venezuela= VENZ/WA*IL
ambassador= SDOR
fugitive= FAOUJT
freestone= FRAOE/STO*EN
clingstone= KLING/STO*EN
ideal= YAOEL
consumption= SKUMGS
on the other hand= OERND
for the first time= F-FRT
they know= TH*EN
circulate= SL-T
colonel= K*ERNL
off the record= OFRTD
eyewitness= Y-NS
fiancée= FAOENZ
ginger= JIRNG
because of me= BAUFM
Yawalapiti= YA/WAL/PAOE/TAO*E
Kuluene= KA/WAIN/YI
bartender= BRERND
butcher= BUFRPT
all of this= AUFLTS
Beirut= BAI/RAO*UT
simplifies= S-FS
between us= TWUS
Campolongo= KOFRP/LON/GO*E
course of= KOUFRS
and we’ll= SKPWAO*EL

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August 15 2019

Theory Thursday: Prefix Briefs Part 4

I Love Steno The Student Edition (Cropped)
The following are briefs for prefixes: (Note: When d-defining, don’t forget to define the briefs with the format symbol for prefixes.)
{Prefix}micro= MAOIRK
{Prefix}mis= MIZ
{Prefix}neuro= NAOUR
{Prefix}non= NAUN
{Prefix}0= O
{Prefix}off= AUF or AOF
{Prefix}on= AON
{Prefix}or= AUR
{Prefix}out= AOUT
{Prefix}over= AUFR

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August 8 2019

Theory Thursday: Prefix Briefs Part 3

I Love Steno The Student Edition (Cropped)
The following are briefs for prefixes: (Note: When d-defining, don’t forget to define the briefs with the format symbol for prefixes.)
{Prefix}for= FAUR
{Prefix}gastric= SGRIK
{Prefix}gastro= SGROE
{Prefix}hydro= HAOIRD
{Prefix}hyper= HAOIRP
{Prefix}hypo= HOIP
{Prefix}im= KB-
{Prefix}inter= INT
{Prefix}intra= SBRA
{Prefix}iso= OIS
{Prefix}Mc= M*K
{Prefix}mega= MAEG

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August 1 2019

Theory Thursday: Prefix Briefs Part 2

I Love Steno The Student Edition (Cropped)
The following are briefs for prefixes: (Note: When d-defining, don’t forget to define the briefs with the format symbol for prefixes.)
{Prefix}cardio= CARD/YOE
{Prefix}con= KAUN
{Prefix}cor= CROR
{Prefix}de= DAOE
{Prefix}dis= DIS or DIZ
{Prefix}electro= TROE
{Prefix}endo= SBOE
{Prefix}enter= ENT
{Prefix}cardio= CARD/YOE
{Prefix}fore= FOER

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July 25 2019

Theory Thursday: Prefix Briefs Part 1

I Love Steno The Student Edition (Cropped)
The following are briefs for prefixes: (Note: When d-defining, don’t forget to define the briefs with the format symbol for prefixes.)

{Prefix}a= A
{Prefix}ab= AB
{Prefix}after= AFR
{Prefix}angio= JO
{Prefix}ante= AENT
{Prefix}anti= AOINT
{Prefix}be= BE or BAOE
{Prefix}before= B-FR
{Prefix}bi= B*I
{Prefix}bio= B*I/O*E or BO

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July 4 2019

Theory Thursday: Suffix Briefs Part 21

I Love Steno The Student Edition (Cropped)
The following are briefs for suffixes: (Note: When d-defining, don’t forget to define the briefs with the format symbol for suffixes.)

{Suffix}ure= AOUR
{Suffix}urn= *URN
{Suffix}vate= VA*IT
{Suffix}vation= VA*IGS
{Suffix}ward= WA*RD
{Suffix}water= WA*URT
{Suffix}while= WHAO*IL
{Suffix}wise= WAO*IZ
{Suffix}work= WO*RK
{Suffix}y= YI
{Suffix}yo= YOE
{Suffix}Z= *Z
{Suffix}zation= SA*IGS

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June 20 2019

Theory Thursday: Suffix Briefs Part 20

I Love Steno The Student Edition (Cropped)
The following are briefs for suffixes: (Note: When d-defining, don’t forget to define the briefs with the format symbol for suffixes.)

{Suffix}tive= T*IF
{Suffix}tomy= TO*EM
{Suffix}ton= TO*N
{Suffix}tons= TO*NS
{Suffix}tor= TO*R
{Suffix}try= TR*I or TRAO*E
{Suffix}tum= T*UM
{Suffix}ty= T*I or TAO*E
{Suffix}uate= AO*UT
{Suffix}uation= AO*UGS
{Suffix}under= *UND
{Suffix}up= JUP

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May 30 2019

Theory Thursday: Suffix Briefs Part 19

I Love Steno The Student Edition (Cropped)
The following are briefs for suffixes: (Note: When d-defining, don’t forget to define the briefs with the format symbol for suffixes.)

{Suffix}stop= STO*P
{Suffix}ta= TA*
{Suffix}tate= TA*IT
{Suffix}tation= TA*IGS
{Suffix}teeism= TAO*EFM
{Suffix}teenth= TAO*ENT
{Suffix}tenths= TAO*ENTS
{Suffix}tem= T*EM
{Suffix}th= *T
{Suffix}tice= T*IS
{Suffix}time= TAO*IM

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