Briefs and Phrases From The Office: Season 2, Episode 7
county= KOINT
golf= GOFL
editor= YIRT
background= BAUGD
fiancé= FAOENS
delegate= DELGT
adios= AD/YO*S
talk about it= TA*UBT
awesome= AUFM
data= DAT
transcript= TRIPT
naval= NAFL
screenplay= SKRAOEN/PLA*I
how long is= HOUNGS
proctologist= PROK/TO*LGT
doing this= DOGTS
warehouse= WROUS
between us= TWUS
babyback= BAEB/BA*K
nonsense= NAUNS
Oklahoma= O*EK
millimeter= MIRMT
United States= UNTS
oops= AOPS
take care of= TAEFRK
complainer= KPLAIRN
it really is= T*RLS
parking lot= PROT
accident report= SDRORP
did you do= SD*ULGTS
thoughtful= THOUF
register= REJ
candlelight= KANLT or KANLTD
Briefs and Phrases From The Blacklist: Season 5, Episode 12
Kyoto= KAOI/O*E/TO*E
ramen= RA/M*EN
devouring= DWOURG
tsukemen= SAOU/KEM/*EN
cormorants= KOR/MOR/A*NTS
katydids= KAIT/YI/D*IDZ
tanuki= TA/NAOU/KAO*E
Jorogumo= JOR/O*E/GAOU/MO*E
irregular= IRG
accelerants= SLERNTS
Tolstoy= TOL/STO*I
Honda= HON/DA*
across the street= KRAO*TS
parole= PROEL
blacklight= BLABLGT
semiotics= SMI/O*KTS
traditum= TRA/DAOE/T*UM
Heathrow= HAO*ET/RO*E
boutique= BAOUKT
avocado= AF/KOD/O*E
Briefs and Phrases From The Office: Season 2, Episode 6
funny= FOIN
punished= P-RBD
warmer= WRARM
discounts= SKOUNTS
back to= BAKTD
last place= LAFPLS
sempai= SEM/PAO*I
sensei= SEN/SA*I
purple= P*URPL
procrastinate= PROE/KRAFNT
cretin= KRAOE/T*IN
overnight= AUFRNT
contact= KAKT
tornado= TORND
arigato= AR/GOT/TO*E
cursive= KUFRS
best friends= BEFRNDZ
dentist= D-NTS
are you sure= RUZ
blood pressure= BLAOPS
obesity= O/BAOEFT
Samurai= SAM/RAO*I
absorbed= SORBD
dojo= DOE/JO*E
carpools= KAR/PAO*LS
I recognize= AOIRKZ
discipline= SPLIN
stomach= STUM
kidney= KAOEND
technique= NAOEK
gentlemen= JE
footage= FAOJ
I don’t care= YOK
probationary= PRAIBGS/NA*ER
Briefs and Phrases From The Blacklist: Season 5, Episode 11
periscope= PER/SKO*EP
Yamashita= YAM/SHAOE/TA*
misfortune= SFORN
Singapore= SING/PO*R
numismatic= NAOU/MIS/MA*KT
treasure= TRERB
to tell you the truth= TLAO*UT
as a result of= SRUFRLT
passcode= PAFKD
rotary= ROIRT
republic= REB
foreclosure= FROERK
aspirin= SPIRN
boiler room= BOIRM
concrete= KRET
cur= K*UR
licentious= LAOI/SEN/SH*US
heir= A*IR
Trieste= TRAOI/EFT
Briefs and Phrases From The Invisible Man
just go= JUFGT
have you been= VUB
step outside= STEPDZ
you’ve been= *UFB
as far as= SFARS
do I know= DOIN
this is not= TH-FNT
justifies= JUFS
birth control= BROEL
plural= PLURL
across the street= KRAO*TS
attorney= TOERN
discretionary= SDRAEFGS
urn= *URN
income tax= N-KT
contestability= KEFBLT
contingent= TIJ
mature= MAUR
James= JAIMS
footprints= FAOPTS
what happened= WHAPD
Paris= PARZ
in particular= KBLAR
architecture= AERK
machinery= M-RN
blood test= BLAOT
diazepam= DAOI/AZ/PA*M
very good= VEGD
how to= HOUTD
optics= OPKTS
torture= TAOURT
invisible= KB-FBL
suffocating= S*UFKT
doing this= DOGTS
medication= MEGS
enough= NUF
isolate= SOELT
Sidney= SID/NAO*E
suburban= SBURN
to believe= TOBL
stalking= STAUBLG
listen to= L-NTD
I can’t tell you= YA*ULT
sister= ST-R
incompetent= IP
bank account= BANGT
narcissist= NARS/S*IFT
sociopath= SO*ERPBT
litigate= LIG
forfeit= FOFRT
phone call= FOENG
umbrella= BREL
atmospheric= SFAERK
rainfall= RAIFL
tactical= TABLGT
basement= BAIFMT
victim= VIM
corroborating= KRO*BG
as long as= SLONGS
Briefs and Phrases From The Office: Season 2, Episode 5
Halloween= HAL/WAO*EN
as soon as possible= SNOP
papier-mâché= PAIRP/MA/SHA*I
catalog= KALGT
cobwebs= KO*B/W*EBS
soccer= SKER
budget= BUJT
sabotage= SBAUJ
walnuts= WAL/N*UTS
exceed= XAOED
supplement= SPLEMT
loyalty= LOILT
incompetence= IPS
let me know= LEN
Maryland= MAERLD
torturing= TAOURGT
budgetary= BUJT/TA*ER
shovel= SHOFL
Janet= JANT
Jackson= JAFN
last year= LAFR
Briefs and Phrases From The Blacklist: Season 5, Episode 10
Newark= NAOURK
saucier= SAUS/Y*ER
syndicate= SIND/KA*IT
matsutake= MAT/SAOU/TA/KAO*E
domestic= DMEFKT
Toronto= TORNT/O*E
ignoring the= GORGT
absinth= AB/S*INT
liquor= LIR
accessory= SKOIR
vulnerabilities= VUBLTS
fetters= FERTS
suprasternal= SPRA/STERNL
Yosemite= YOE/SEM/TAO*E
and you will be= SKP*UBL
disobeyed= SDBOEBD or SBOEBD
Texarkana= TEX/A*R/KAN/A*
ostrich= OS/TR*IFP
preoccupied= PROUP
right thing= RAOING
I know it is= AO*INTS
blackmail= BLAIL
Damascus= DMAFKS
Briefs and Phrases From The Office: Season 2, Episode 4
brunch= BRUFP
extension= STENGS
Howard= HOURD
evaluated= VAELT
ambitious= BIRBS
proficiency= PROEFNZ
your side= YOURDZ
lawsuit= LAUT
adapt= DAPT
where is he= WR*ES
stooges= STAOJS
psychologically= SKLEL
iodine= AOIND
protein= PRAOEN
tablets= TABLTS
Andre= AON/DRA*I
Agassi= AG/SAO*E
pyramid= PIRMD
business school= BAOL
high school= HAOL
volunteer= VOE
what you should= WHARBD
announcement= NOUMT
pita= PAOE/TA*
absent= ABT
Korea= KRAE
Briefs and Phrases From The Blacklist: Season 5, Episode 9
male= MAEL
rehab= RAB
sooner or later= SAORNL
Alaska= AK/AK
engine= N-J
and what about you= SKPWHA*UB
Cheerios= KHAOER/YO*ES
medevac= MED/VA*K
wreckage= WREJ
shards= SHARDZ
inhaling= KBAILG
frozen= FROEFN
hunker= H*URNG
nowhere= NO*R
any of this= NIFTS
bizarre= BIRZ
off and on= FAON
Kleenex= KLAO*ENGS
one of these= WUFNZ