Theory Thursday: Suffix Briefs Part 18
The following are briefs for suffixes: (Note: When d-defining, don’t forget to define the briefs with the format symbol for suffixes.)
{Suffix}scopy= SKPAOE or SKOIP
{Suffix}self= S*EFL
{Suffix}selves= S*EFLS
{Suffix}ship= SH-P
{Suffix}ships= SH-PS
{Suffix}side= SAO*ID
{Suffix}sis= S*IS
{Suffix}some= SO*M
{Suffix}st= *S
{Suffix}sters= ST*ERS
Friday Phrases
Medical Briefs From House: Season 1, Episode 13
fever= FAOEFR
sputum= SPAOU/T*UM
congested= KAUJTS
breathing= BRAO*EGT
pneumonia= NAOUM
hilar= HAOI/LA*R
lymph nodes= L*IFRP/NOEDZ
bronchial= BRO*NG/YA*L
cefuroxime= SEF/AOUR/OX/AO*EM
irritation= IRGS
rash= RARB
papular= PAP/LA*R
dermatologist= DERM/TO*LGT
purulent= PAOR/L*ENT
dyspnea= DIZ/NAOE/YA*
rhonchi= RON/KAO*I
bilaterally= B*I/LAERL
legionnaires’ disease= LAOEJ/NA*IRZ/D-Z
urine= AOURN
antigen= ANT/G*EN
fungal= FUN/GA*L
chlamydia= KLA/MID/YA*
rickettsial= RA/KETS/YA*L
pustular= PUFT/LA*R
Lyme disease= LAOIMDZ
biopsy= BAOIPZ chemicals= KHEMS
peribronchial= PER/YI/BRO*NG/YA*L
pleural= PLAOURL
effusions= AOE/FAOUGSZ
mediastinum= DWRA/STAOI/N*UM
Levaquin= LEF/Q*IN
anthrax= AN/THRA*X
bacteria= BAKT
antibiotic= AEBT
leishmaniasis= LAOERB/MA/NAO*IZ
filariasis= FIL/RAO*IZ
inhale= KBHAIL
intubate= IN/TAOUBT
trach= TRAIK
cyanotic= SAOI/NO*KT
allergic= LERJ
rifampin= RA/FAM/P*IN
necrosis= NA/KRO*EZ
nodules= NOD/AO*ULS
sarcoidosis= SAR/KOI/DO*EZ
Methotrexate= M*ET/TREX/A*IT
wrist= WR*IS
carpal tunnel= KARPLT
lesions= LAOEGSZ
septic= SEP/T*IK
dermatitis= DERM/TAO*ITS
autoimmune= AOT/KBAO*UN
neurofibromatosis= NAOUR/FAOI/BROE/MA/TO*EZ
neurological= NAOUR/L-L
rheumatologist= RAOUM/TO*LGT
proctologist= PROK/TO*LGT
rectal= REBLGT
scleroderma= SKLER/DER/MA*
Churg-Strauss= KHURG/STRAUS
steroids= STERDZ
Cytoxan= SAOI/TOX/A*N
eyeballs= Y-BLS
extubated= EX/TAOUBTD
phospholipid= FOS/FOE/L*IPD
lupus= LAOUPZ
radiation= YAEGS
macrobiotic= MAK/ROE/BAO*IKT
Sloan Kettering= SLOEN/K*ERGT
fingers= FIRNGS
paralyzed= PARLDZ
neuropathy= NAOUR/ROP/TH*I
forearm= FO*ERM
painful= PAIFL
symptoms= STOMS
leprosy= LEP/SAO*E
ulnar= UL/NA*R
thalidomide= THA/LID/MAO*ID
Friday Phrases
Court Reporter Spotted: The Young and The Restless
Theory Thursday: Suffix Briefs Part 17
The following are briefs for suffixes: (Note: When d-defining, don’t forget to define the briefs with the format symbol for suffixes.)
{Suffix}pry= PRAO*E
{Suffix}rate= RA*IT
{Suffix}ration= RA*IGS
{Suffix}rd= *RD
{Suffix}ret= R*ET
{Suffix}ries= RAO*ES
{Suffix}rologist= RO*LGT
{Suffix}rooms= RAO*MS
{Suffix}rous= R*US
{Suffix}ry= R*I or RAO*E
Court Reporter Spotted: TurboTax Free Commercial
Medical Briefs From House: Season 1, Episode 12
osteopenia= OFT/YOE/PAOEN/YA*
tumors= TAOURMS
kidney= KAOEND
cancer= KAERN
steroids= STERDZ
urine= AOURN
morphine= MOFRN
opiates= OEP/YA*ITS
oncology= ON/KO*LG
corneas= KORN/YA*S
constipation= SKPAIGS
nitrous= NAOI/TR*US
oxide= XAOID
dentist= D-NTS
proteins= PRAOENS
amyloidosis= AM/LOI/DO*EZ
lymphoma= LIM/FOE/MA*
biopsy= BAOIPZ
abdominal= ABL
biochemists= BAOI/O*E/KH*EMTS
Lupron= LAOU/PRO*N
hypogonadism= HOIP/GOE/NAD/IFM
calcium= KALS/Y*UM
respiratory= RERPT
placebo= PLAEFB
impaired= KBAIRD
testosterone= TES/TOS/T*ERN
arsenic= ARS/N*IK
mercury= MERK/RAO*E
testicle= TEFT/KA*L
Addison= AD/SO*N
Addison’s= AD/SO*N
gallbladders= GAUL/BLA*ERD
muscle= MUFL
forehead= FHED
rectal= REK/TA*L
pregnant= PREG
condition= K-N
abortion= BORGS
terminates= TERMTS
fetus= FAOETS
chest= KHEFT
tachycardia= TAK/YI/KARD/YA*
insulin= SLIN
potassium= POE/TA*FM
crash cart= KRARBT
atropine= AT/TRO/PAO*EM
Kayexalate= KAI/EX/LA*IT
stabilize= STAIBLZ
stable= STAIBL
migraine= MAOIRNG
digitalis= DIJT/*IS
swelling= SWELG
prescription= PRIPGS
hallucinate= HAOULT
hallucination= HAOULGS
suicide= SWAOID
breathing= BRAO*EGT
diapers= DAOIRPS
abort= BORT
healthy= HOILT
cadmium= KAD/MAOE/Y*UM
testes= TES/TAO*ES