August 18 2019

Medical Briefs From House: Season 1, Episode 22

House season 1 episode 22
belly= BLAOE
exploratory= SPLORT
operating room= PRAOM
recovery= ROIFR
neurogenic= NAOUR/G*ENG
epilepsy= EPLZ
tremors= TRERMS
peristalsis= PER/STA*LZ
axonal= AX/NA*L
Alzheimer’s= ALZ
protein= PRAOEN
genetic= G*ENGT
encephalitis= EN/S*EFLTS
dementia= DMEN/SHA*
serology= SERLG
health= H*ELT
neurotoxicity= NAOUR/TOX/S*IFT
metabolic= MET/BL*IK
cerebral= KRAOEBL
limbic= LIM/B*IK
paralyzed= PARLDZ
paresthesias= PA/RA/STAI/SAOE/A*S
Coombs= KAO*UMS
agglutination= A/GLAOUT/NA*IGS
Gullian-Barré= GAOE/A*N/BA/RA*I
fatal= FAILT
virus= VAOIRS
reaction= RAOEX
abnormal= BORL
blood work= BLAORK
syndrome= SDROEM
porphyria= POR/FAOER/YA*
hematin= HAOEM/T*IN
synthase= SIN/THA*IZ
embolism= KBLIFM
Ativan= AFNT
catheter= KA*ERT
vasospasm= VAI/SOE/SPA*FM
glucose= GLAOUKS
hematin= HAOEM/T*IN

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August 15 2019

Medical Briefs From House: Season 1, Episode 21

House season 1 episode 21
tumors= TAOURMS
neurological= NAOUR/L-L
varicose= VARKS
pregnant= PREG
narcotics= NARKTS
ankle= A*INLG
osteogenesis= OFT/YOE/G*ENZ
imperfecta= KB-FRT/A*
myeloma= MAOI/LOEM/A*
vascular= VAFBLG
tendinitis= TEND/NAO*ITS
operate= PRAIT
degenerative= DEFGT
nodule= NOD/AO*UL
thyroid= THROID
inflammation= KBLAMGS
tendons= TEND/O*NS
herniated= HERNTD
Demerol= DEM/RO*L
inflammatories= KBLARMTS
biopsy= BAOIPZ
thyroxine= THAOI/ROX/*IN
epinephrine= EP/NEF/R*IN
gender= GERND
autopsy= AUPZ
bladder= BLAERD
urethra= AOU/RAOET/RA*
calcium= KALS
intoxication= SBOX
adenoma= AD/NOEM/A*
ionized= AO*INDZ
differential diagnosis= D*IFRNLGS
kinase= KAOINZ
myoglobin= MAOI/O*E/GLOEB/*IN
osteosarcoma= OFT/YOE/SK*OEM
cancerous= KAERNZ
amputate= AFRPT
saliva= SLAOIF
infarction= IN/FARKS
necrotic= NA/KR*OKT
femur= FAOERM
bypass= BIPS
cytokines= SAOIT/KAO*INS
organ= GORN
organ failure= GORNL
cardiac arrest= KAURKT
suction= S*UX
morphine= MOFRN
amputation= AFRPGS
gluconate= GLAOUK/NA*IT
tachycardia= TAK/YI/KARD/YA*
defibrillator= FRIB
health care= HAERK
reperfusion= RAOE/PER/FAO*UGS
injury= JER
chronic= KRO*NG

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August 14 2019

Medical Briefs From House: Season 1, Episode 20

House season 1 episode 20
examining= X-G
examination= X-GS
wheelchair= WHAOERK
pupil= PAOUPL
teeth= TAO*ET
edema= A/DAOEM/A*
optic= OP/T*IK
nerve= NEFRB
ischemia= SKAOEM/YA*
tissue= TIRB
jawbone= JAUB
angiogram= JO/GRAM
peripheral= PRIFRL or PEFRL
vasculitis= VAFKTS
neuropathy= NAOUR/PA*ET
cardiac= KARKD
emboli= EM/BLAO*I
blood samples= BLAOFRPLS
clinic= KLIN
aphasia= A/FAIZ/YA*
needles= NAOELDZ
pulmonologist= PUL/NO*LGT
acupuncturist= AUKT
homeopathic= HOEM/YOE/PA*KT
chiropractor= KHAOIRT or KHAOIRPT
sensitivity= SNEFT
naturopath= NAT/ROE/PA*T
practitioner= PRAR
bruising= BRAOUGZ
prescription= PRIPGS
muscles= MUFL
measure= MUR
insert= SNERT
painful= PAIFL
toxic= TOX
mitral= MAOI/TRA*L
prolapse= PROE/LA*PS
valve= VAFL
aneurysm= AN/R*IFM
endocarditis= SBOE/KAR/DAO*ITS
carotid= KROTD
angiogram= JORM
medical evidence= MAEFD
vitals= VAO*ILTS
monitors= MORNTS
stethoscope= ST*ET/SKO*EP
blood clots= BLAOKTS
pharmacy= FARMZ
acetaminophen= A/SET/MAOEN/F*IN
treatment= TRAOEMT
surgical= SURL
strangulation= STRAINLGS
strangulations= STRAINLGSZ
coma= KMA
hospital= HOPT
nose= NOEZ
osteomyelitis= OFT/YOE/MAO*ILTS
blood tests= BLAOTS

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August 13 2019

Medical Briefs From House: Season 1, Episode 19

House season 1 episode 19
you feel= UFL
clench= KLEFP
virulent= VIRNLT
bacterial= BABLGT
meningitis= MENGTS
diagnosed= D-GD
exposed= SKPOEFD
diagnostics= D-GTS
quarantine= QARNT
take these= TAIKZ
pus= PUS
spinal= SPAOINL
canal= KANL
epidemic= EPD
lumbar= BLURM
infections= N-FXZ
rifampin= RA/FAM/P*IN
puncture= PURNGT
Novocain= NOEFK
gurney= GOIRN
bleeding= BLAOEGD
antibiotic= AEBT
blood= BLAOD
stomach= STUM
sedative= SDAFT
contagious= TAIJS
Lesions= LAOEGS
digestive tract= D-FJT
intestine= SBEFN
intestines= SBEFNZ
endoscopy= END/SKPAOE
blood pressure= BLAOPS
blood vessel= BLAOFL
Dieulafoy= DAOUL/FO*I
swollen= SWOENL
intussusception= IN/TUS/S*EPGS
intestinal= SBEFNL
abdominal= ABL
sepsis= S*EPZ
meningeal= MEN/JAO*EL
aspiration= SPIRGS
sterile= STERL
Ativan= AFNT
seizure= SHURZ
seizures= SHURSZ
barbiturate= BARBT
hemorrhoid= HEM/RO*ID
radiology= RAOLG
medicine= MED
med= M*ED
ultrasound= URLT/SOUND
neurology= NAOURLG
scrotum= SKROEMT
temporal= TEFRP/RA*L
neurosurgeon= NURN
surgeon= SURN
saline= SLAOEN
operating room= PRAOM
renal= RAOENL
kidney= KAOEND
urine= AOURN
uremia= AOURM
differential= D*IFRNL
allergic= LERJ
rash= RARB
cell= KREL
fragments= FRAGTS
blood cells= BLAOLS
red blood cells= BLAORLS
purpura= PA/PUR/RA*
thrombotic= THROM/BO*KT
thrombocytopenic= THROM/SAOIT/PAO*ENG
menopausal= MEN/PA*UFL
estrogen= STROENG
E. Coli= AOE/KOE/LAO*I (NOTE: Be sure to D-define with the format symbols Uncap Next and Sticky Space.)
pregnancy= PREGZ
biological= BL-L
vessels= VEFLS
clot= KLOT
plasmapheresis= PLA*FM/FA*RZ
antibodies= AEBDZ
abdomen= ABD
surgery= SURG
platelets= PLAILTS

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June 18 2019

Medical Briefs From House: Season 1, Episode 18

House Season 1 Episode 18
pregnant= PREG
kidneys= KAOENDZ
preeclampsia= PRAOE/KLAFRPS/YA*
metastasized= MA/TAS/TA/SAO*IDZ
wrist= WRIFT
oxybutynin= OX/YI/BAO*UNT
incontinence= KB-NS
creatinine= KRAOE/AT/N*IN
miscarriages= SKAERJS
pregnancy= PREGZ
physiology= FIZ/OLG
autoimmunity= AOT/KBAO*UNT
vasculitis= VAFK/LAO*ITS
magnesium= MAG/NAOEZ/Y*UM
potassium= POE/TAZ/Y*UM
pneumonia= NAOUM
proteins= PRAOENS
antibiotics= AEBTS
cramps= KRAFRPS
terbutaline= TER/BAOUT/LAO*EN
labor= LAOB
contraction= KRAX
myasthenia= MAOI/AS/THAOEN/YA*
endoscopy= EN/DOS/KPAO*E
eyelids= Y-LDZ
drooping= DRAOPG
esophagus= AOE/SOF/G*US
X-ray= XRAI
granuloma= GRAN/AOU/LOE/MA*
calcification= KALS/FA*IGS
paraneoplastic= PAR/NAOE/O*E/PLA*FKT
Lambert-Eaton= LAM/B*ERT/AOE/TO*N
lungs= LUNGS
chemo= KMOE
radiation= YAEGS
C-section= SKR-X
health care= HAEK
biological= BL-L
oncologist= ON/KO*LGT
abscesses= AB/S*ESZ
clinical trial= KLINLT
clinical trials= KLINLTS
hemorrhoids= HEM/RO*IDZ
research= REFP
patient= PAIRBT
angiogenesis= ANG/YOE/GE*NZ
blood vessels= BLAOFLS
remission= RAOEMGS
neonatal= NAOE/O*E/NA*ILT
infantile= FANLT
incubator= *ING/BA*IRT
fetal= FAOELT
drug trial= DRURLGT
pulmonary= PUL/NA*ER
edema= A/DAOEM/A*
embolus= KBLUS
embolism= KBLIFM
lung cancer= LAERN
unconscious= KOUNS
streptokinase= STREP/TOE/KAOI/NA*IZ
hemodynamically= HAOEM/O*E/DLAO*ING
systolic= SIS/TL*IK
septic= SEP/T*IK
abdomen= ABD
intubate= SBAOUBT
thymus= THAOI/M*US
DiGeorge= DA/JO*RJ
genetic= GENGT
gland= GLAND

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June 17 2019

Medical Briefs From House: Season 1, Episode 17

House Season 1 Episode 17
nausea= NAUZ
headaches= HAEKS
diagnose= D-G
cardiology= KARD/OLG or KARLG
inhibitor= KBHIRBT
medication= MEGS
tongue= TOUNG
lumbar= LUM/BA*R
puncture= PURNGT
infection= N-FX
Broca’s= BROE/KA*S
lesion= LAOEFGS
neurological= NAOUR/L-L
ischemic= IS/KHAOEM/*IK
biopsy= BAOIPZ
bacterial= BABLGT
toxoplasmosis= TOX/O*E/PLAZ/MO*EZ
fungus= FUNGZ
immune system= KBAOUFMT
cancers= KAERNS
antiretrovirals= AOINT/ROERT/VAO*IRLS
fungi= FUN/GAO*I
petechial= PA/TEK/YA*L
leukemia= LAOU/KAOEM/YA*
bruising= BRAOUFG
positive= POF
nurse= NURS
disease= D-Z
immunoglobulin= KBAOUN/GLOB/L*IN
deficiency= DPIRBZ
idiopathic= ID/PA*KT
rash= RARB
lymphoma= L*IFRP/FOE/MA*
comatose= KOEM/TO*ES or KMA/TO*ES
antacid= ANT/SD*ID
Vicodin= VAOIK/D*IN
sepsis= SEP/S*IS
pneumocystis= NAOUM/O*E/SIS/T*IS
pneumonia= NAOUM
carinii= KARN/YI/AO*I
respiratory= RERPT
cell= KREL
viruses= VAO
somnambulism= SOM/NAM/BL*IFM
Epstein-Barr= EP/STAOEN/BA*R
epileptic= EP/LEP/T*IK
seizure= SHURZ
phenytoin= FEN/TO*IN
epilepsy= EPLZ
immunodeficiency= KBAOUN/DP*IRBZ
antibodies= AOINT/BO*EDZ
blood results= BLAORLTS
Addison’s= AD/SO*NS
polio= POEL/YO*E
Surgeon General= SURNG
limp= LIFRP
heart disease= HARDZ

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June 16 2019

Medical Briefs From House: Season 1, Episode 16

House Season 1 Episode 16
I don’t feel good= YOFLGD
heart attack= HAURK
apadravya= AP/DRAF/YA*
gauze= GAUZ
Band-Aid= BAID
overdose= AUFRDZ
pediatricians= PAOED/TRI*GSZ
muscle= MUFL
depression= DPREFGS
nutritionist= NAOUGS/IFT
psychologist= SKOLGT
metabolic= BLOKT
insulin= SLIM
syndrome= SDROEM
symptoms= STOMS
hyperinsulinemic= HAOIRP/SLIN/NAOEM/*IK
euglycemic= AOU/GLAOI/SAOEM/*IK
clamp= KLAFRP
diabetic= DAOIKT
abnormalities= BORLTS
diagnosis= D-GS
stethoscope= ST*ET/SKO*EP
vasectomy= VA/SEK/TO*EM
blood= BLAOD
glucose= GLAOUKS
blood sugar= BLAORG
hyperglycemic= HAOIRP/GLAOI/SAOEM/*IK
hyperglycemia= HAOIRP/GLAOI/SAOEM/YA*
psychosis= SKOEZ
monitoring= MORNGT
blood clot= BLAOKT
hypocoagulable= HOIP/KOE/AG/LA*BL
stroke= STROEK
amygdala= A/MIG/DA/LA*
obesity= OEBT
obese= OEBS
embolus= KBLUS
liposuction= LAOIP/S*UX
plastic surgeon= PLURM
medical records= MORDZ
diet= DAO*IT
heparin= HEP/R*IN
over-the-counter= VAOURNT
warfarin= WAR/FA*RN or WAFRN
ultrasound= URLT/SOUND
biopsy= BAOIPZ
tumor= TAOURM
cosmetic surgery= KMURG
insomnia= IN/SOM/YA*
pharmaceutical= FARL
necrosis= NA/KRO*EZ
staph= STA*F
unfractionated= UN/FRAK/NA*ITD
subcutaneous= SUB/KAOU/TAIN/Y*US
stat= STAT
sedatives= SDAFTS
induced= SBAO*UFD
pregnant= PREG
abdominal= ABL
surgery= SURG
amputation= AFRPGS
mastectomy= MAS/TEK/TO*EM
Freudian= FROID/YA*N
surgical= SURL
condition- K-N
ulcers= URLSZ
vasculitis= VAFK/LAO*ITS
pyoderma= PAOI/O*E/DER/MA*
gangrenosum= GANG/RA/NOE/S*UM
sores= SOERS
hypothyroidism= HOIP/THROID/IFM
blood pressure= BLAOPS
Cushing’s= K*URBGZ
hypercalcemia= HAOIRP/KAL/SAOEM/YA*
cortisol= KORT/SO*L
hypercortisolism= HAOIRP/KORT/SOL/IFM
adrenals= DRAOENLS
pituitary= PA/TAOU/TA*ER
hormone= HOERM
nerves= NEFRBS
arteries= AERTS
sinuses= SAO*INSZ
transsphenoidally= TRANZ/FA/NOID/LY
gland= GLAND
incision= KB-FGS
microscope= MAOIRK/SKO*EP

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April 17 2019

Medical Briefs From House: Season 1, Episode 15

House Season 1 Episode 15
dizzy= DOIZ
leprosy= LEP/SAO*E
examine= X-
coma= KMA
metabolic= MET/BL*IK
poisoning= POIFNG
Glasgow= GLAS/GO*E
diabetes= DAOIBTS
placebos= PLA/SAO*EBS
malpractice= M-P
subdural= SUB/D*URL
hematoma= HAOEM/TOE/MA*
pseudomembranes= SAOUD/O*E/BRA*ENS
neurologist= NAOURLGT
evacuate= AOEF
hepatitis= HEPTS
serologies= SERLGS
autoimmune= AOT/KBAO*UN
meningitis= MENGTS
abdominal= ABL
comatose= KOEM/TO*ES
proximate cause= PRAUZ
chronic= KRO*NG
albumin= AL/BAO*UM
estrogen= STROENG
biopsy= BAOIPZ
transplant= TRAPLT
blood test= BLAOT
bodily fluids= BOLDZ
crisis= KRAOIZ
pressure= PRERB
systolic= SIS/TL*IK or STLIK
septic= SEP/T*IK
varices= VAR/SAO*ES
lymphocytic= L*IFRPT
fibrosis= FAOIBZ
emphysema= EFRP/SAO*EM
blood count= BLAONT
interferon= INT/F*ERN
genetics= GENGTS
allosteric= AL/O*E/ST*ERK
inhibitor= KBHIRBT
medicine= MED
nose= NOEZ
toxic= TOX
allergy= LAOERJ
ornithine= ORN/THAO*EN
transcarbamylase= TRANZ/KAR/BAM/LA*IZ
protein= PRAOEN
herbal= HERBL
clinic= KLIN

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April 8 2019

Medical Briefs From House: Season 1, Episode 14

House Season 1 Episode 14
drug store= DRUGT
paralysis= PARLS
herniation= HERNGS
herniated= HERNTD
angiogram= ANG/YOE/GRA*M
Alzheimer’s= ALZ
cancer= KAERN
X-ray machine= XRAIM
healthy= HOILT
vocal cord= VOERBLGD
clinical= KLINL
morphine= MOFRN
biopsy= BAOIPZ
neurogenic= NAOUR/G*ENG or NAOUR/J*ENG
myopathic= MAOI/O*E/PA*KT
trichinosis= TRIK/NO*EZ
pain scale= SKPAIL
abnormalities= BORLTS
toxoplasmosis= TOX/O*E/PLAZ/MO*EZ
polyarteritis= POIL/ART/RAO*ITS
nodosa= NOE/DOE/SA*
sedimentation= SDMENGS
inflammation= KBLAMGS
immunologic= KBAOUN/L*J
angio= ANG/YO*E
temperature= TEM
oncologist= OM/KO*LGT
malpractice= M-P
medical= MEL
orthopedics= O*RT/PAO*EKDZ
hypotensive= HOIP/T*EFNS
cortical= KORT/KA*L
Wernicke’s= W*ERNGS
symptoms= STOMS
ophthalmology= OF/THA/MO*LG
colon= KLON
colonoscopy- KLON/SKPAO*E
strep throat= STREPT
inflammatory= KBLARMT
lesions= LAOEGSZ
blood clot= BLAOKT
injected= KB-JTD
respiratory= RERPT
thoracentesis= THOR/SEN/TAO*EZ
transudate= TRAN/SAOU/DA*IT
transplant= TRAPLT
diagnostic= D-GT
breast cancer= BRAERN
antidepressants= AOINT/DPREFNTS
bulimic= BAOU/LAOEM/*IK
bulimia= BAOU/LAOEM/YA*
ipecac= IP/KA*K
aspirin= SPRIN
deteriorated= DRAETD
vasodilators= VAI/SOE/DLA*IRTS
pulmonary= PUL/NA*ER
ratio= RAIRB
catheterization= THERGS
arteries= AERTS
cardiomyopathy= KARD/YOE/MAOI/OP/THAO*E
CAT scan= SKA*T
vascular= VAFRBLG
atherosclerotic= A*T/ROE/SKL*ERKT
pneumonia= NAOUM
substance abuse= SBUS or SBAO*US
psychiatric= SKAOERKT
organ= GORN
intubated= IN/TAO*UBTD
spastic= SPAFKT
dysphonia= DIZ/FOEN/YA*
Botox= BOE/TO*X
tongue= TOUNG

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March 18 2019

Medical Briefs From House: Season 1, Episode 13

House Season 1 Episode 13
fever= FAOEFR
sputum= SPAOU/T*UM
congested= KAUJTS
breathing= BRAO*EGT
pneumonia= NAOUM
hilar= HAOI/LA*R
lymph nodes= L*IFRP/NOEDZ
bronchial= BRO*NG/YA*L
cefuroxime= SEF/AOUR/OX/AO*EM
irritation= IRGS
rash= RARB
papular= PAP/LA*R
dermatologist= DERM/TO*LGT
purulent= PAOR/L*ENT
dyspnea= DIZ/NAOE/YA*
rhonchi= RON/KAO*I
bilaterally= B*I/LAERL
legionnaires’ disease= LAOEJ/NA*IRZ/D-Z
urine= AOURN
antigen= ANT/G*EN
fungal= FUN/GA*L
chlamydia= KLA/MID/YA*
rickettsial= RA/KETS/YA*L
pustular= PUFT/LA*R
Lyme disease= LAOIMDZ
biopsy= BAOIPZ chemicals= KHEMS
peribronchial= PER/YI/BRO*NG/YA*L
pleural= PLAOURL
effusions= AOE/FAOUGSZ
mediastinum= DWRA/STAOI/N*UM
Levaquin= LEF/Q*IN
anthrax= AN/THRA*X
bacteria= BAKT
antibiotic= AEBT
leishmaniasis= LAOERB/MA/NAO*IZ
filariasis= FIL/RAO*IZ
inhale= KBHAIL
intubate= IN/TAOUBT
trach= TRAIK
cyanotic= SAOI/NO*KT
allergic= LERJ
rifampin= RA/FAM/P*IN
necrosis= NA/KRO*EZ
nodules= NOD/AO*ULS
sarcoidosis= SAR/KOI/DO*EZ
Methotrexate= M*ET/TREX/A*IT
wrist= WR*IS
carpal tunnel= KARPLT
lesions= LAOEGSZ
septic= SEP/T*IK
dermatitis= DERM/TAO*ITS
autoimmune= AOT/KBAO*UN
neurofibromatosis= NAOUR/FAOI/BROE/MA/TO*EZ
neurological= NAOUR/L-L
rheumatologist= RAOUM/TO*LGT
proctologist= PROK/TO*LGT
rectal= REBLGT
scleroderma= SKLER/DER/MA*
Churg-Strauss= KHURG/STRAUS
steroids= STERDZ
Cytoxan= SAOI/TOX/A*N
eyeballs= Y-BLS
extubated= EX/TAOUBTD
phospholipid= FOS/FOE/L*IPD
lupus= LAOUPZ
radiation= YAEGS
macrobiotic= MAK/ROE/BAO*IKT
Sloan Kettering= SLOEN/K*ERGT
fingers= FIRNGS
paralyzed= PARLDZ
neuropathy= NAOUR/ROP/TH*I
forearm= FO*ERM
painful= PAIFL
symptoms= STOMS
leprosy= LEP/SAO*E
ulnar= UL/NA*R
thalidomide= THA/LID/MAO*ID

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