Briefs and Phrases From The Blacklist: Season 6, Episode 10
pacemaker= PAIFRK
seedling= SAOELGD
Hippocrates= HA/POK/RA/TAO*ES
trafficker= TRAFRK
Bitcoin= BIT/KO*IN
malware= MAL/WA*ER
symphony= SIFRP/NAO*E
defibrillator= FRIB
recalibrate= RAOE/KAL/BRA*IT
closing arguments= KLAOUMTS
safari= SAEFR
pronghorn= PRONG/HO*RN
species= SPAOES
antelope= ANT/LO*EP
prairie= PRAIR/YI
observant= OFRBT
foreperson= FOERP
Briefs and Phrases From The Office: Season 3, Episode 5
5 Briefs A Day (4/29/20)
Briefs and Phrases From The Blacklist: Season 6, Episode 9
male= MAEL
rehab= RAB
sooner or later= SAORNL
Alaska= AK/AK
engine= N-J
and what about you= SKPWHA*UB
Cheerios= KHAOER/YO*ES
medevac= MED/VA*K
wreckage= WREJ
shards= SHARDZ
inhaling= KBAILG
frozen= FROEFN
hunker= H*URNG
nowhere= NO*R
any of this= NIFTS
bizarre= BIRZ
off and on= FAON
Kleenex= KLAO*ENGS
one of these= WUFNZ
Briefs and Phrases From The Office: Season 3, Episode 4
pencil= PEFNL
yes, I am= Y*IM
circle= SL
did you hear= SDHAEUR
supervisor= SPR-FR
pieces= PAOESZ
goodbye= GAOIB
extension= STENGS
west side= WEFDZ
hear about= HAERB
hear about it= HA*ERBT
denying= D-NG
angry= AING
boiling= BOILG
bucket= BUKT
frozen= FROEFN
tissue= TIRB
paralyzed= PARLDZ
Africa= FRIK
weekend= WEND
alive= LOIF
veterinarian= VET/NA*IRN
parking lot= PROT
funeral= FAOURNL
honor= HON
beak= BAOEK
confining= KWAOING
where’d= WR*D
manufacturer= M-FR
distributor= DR-RBT
wow= WO*U
broom= BRAOM
5 Briefs A Day (4/28/20)
Briefs and Phrases From The Blacklist: Season 6, Episode 8
Briefs and Phrases From The Office: Season 3, Episode 3
varsity= VAFRT
defect= DPEKT
patience= PAIRBS
loyalty= LOILT
blouses= BLOUSZ
dentist= D-NTS
branch= BRAFP
earrings= AOERNGS
better than= BERN
at the= TE
soda= SAOD
tiger= TAO*IRG
employ= PLOI
what will you= WHA*UL
naive= NAOEF
concentrate= SKRAENT
psychopath= SKO*EPT
mileage= MAOIJ
convertible= KWERBLT
laundry= LOIRND