October 30 2015

Friday Phrases

Friday Phrases Logo
experts in the field= SFAOELDZ
thank you, Judge= THAUJ
primary complaint= PROIRMT
please tell us= PLETS
please tell me= PLEMT
plea hearing= PLAOERG
per diem= PAOERMD
my opinion= MAOIP
my recollection= MAOIRX
interest of the= TR-FT

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Category: Briefs | LEAVE A COMMENT
October 25 2015

Random Briefs

semester= SMEFRT
semesters= SMEFRTS
sync= SY*NG
synced= SY*NGD
syncer= SY*RNG
synchronization= SY*NGS
synchronize= SY*RNGZ
syndrome= SDROEM
syndromes= SDROEMS
synonym= SNIM
synonyms= SNIMS
synonymous= SNOUS

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Category: Briefs | LEAVE A COMMENT
October 23 2015

Friday Phrases: And Phrases Part 8

Friday Phrases Logo
and in= SKP-N
and in the= SKP-NT
and is= SKP-S
and isn’t= SKP-S/-NT
and it= SKPIT or STKP
and it had= STKPD
and it is= STKPS
and it shall= STKP-RB
and it should= STKP-RBD
and it was= STKP-FS
and it wasn’t= STKP-FS/-NT
and it will= STKP-L
and it would= STKP-LD
and it’ll= STKP-L/AE
and its= SKPITS
and just= SKP-JT
and learn= SKPLERN
and learned= SKPLERND
and learns= SKPLERNS
and let= SKPLET
and let me= SKPLEM
and let the= SKPLETD
and listen= SKPL-N
and looked= SKPLAOKD
and made= SKPHAED
and my= SKPHAOI
and now= SKPOU
and of course= SKP-FX

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Category: Briefs | LEAVE A COMMENT
October 22 2015

Theory Thursday: Prefix Briefs Part 1

I Love Steno The Student Edition (Cropped)
The following are briefs for prefixes: (Note: When d-defining, don’t forget to define the briefs with the format symbol for prefixes.)

a= A
after= AFR
angio= JO
ante= AENT
anti= AOINT
be= BAOE or BE
before= BFR
bi= B*I
bio= B*I/O*E or BO
cardio= KARD/YOE
con= KON or KAUN
de= DAOE or DE
dis= DIS or DIZ

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Category: Theory | LEAVE A COMMENT
October 21 2015


“Yogi Bera once said, ‘Strike out just 7 out of 10 times and you are in the Hall of Fame.’ Most people are so security conscious that they live their entire lives avoiding striking out just once.” -From, “Rich Dad’s Guide To Investing”

Love, Speed & Accuracy,

Elsie Villega

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