September 27 2013

Friday Phrases

24-hour= 24OUR
24-hour period= 24OURPD
2-door= 2AOR
4-door= 4AOR
tractor trailer= T*T
where do you live= WROUF
where do you work= WROURK
where do you reside= WROURD
have you ever been convicted= VUFRK
have you ever been involved= VUFRBD
social security number= SBS
on the job= OEJ
on the floor= OFL
on the ground= OG
on the grounds= OGS

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Category: Briefs | LEAVE A COMMENT
September 26 2013

Week 37: 13,000 Words in 2013 Dictionary Challenge *Goal Reached!*

Week 37: 162
Week 36: 120
Week 35: 400
Week 34: 62
Week 33: 161
Week 32: 65
Week 31: 177
Week 30: 109
Week 29: 247
Week 28: 177
Week 27: 551
Week 26: 764
Week 25: 367
Week 24: 1288
Week 23: 401
Week 22: 266
Week 21: 249
Week 20: 679
Week 19: 746
Week 18: 261
Week 17: 255
Week 16: 272
Week 15: 507
Week 14: 280
Week 13: 264
Week 12: 265
Week 11: 680
Week 10: 307
Week 9: 266
Week 8: 248
Week 7: 292
Week 6: 390
Week 5: 578
Week 4: 258
Week 3: 252
Week 2: 274
Week 1: 470 Entries
Total Tally: 13,110 Entries

Happy dictionary building!

Love, Speed & Accuracy,

Elsie Villega

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September 19 2013

Week 36: 13,000 Words in 2013 Dictionary Challenge

Week 36: 120
Week 35: 400
Week 34: 62
Week 33: 161
Week 32: 65
Week 31: 177
Week 30: 109
Week 29: 247
Week 28: 177
Week 27: 551
Week 26: 764
Week 25: 367
Week 24: 1288
Week 23: 401
Week 22: 266
Week 21: 249
Week 20: 679
Week 19: 746
Week 18: 261
Week 17: 255
Week 16: 272
Week 15: 507
Week 14: 280
Week 13: 264
Week 12: 265
Week 11: 680
Week 10: 307
Week 9: 266
Week 8: 248
Week 7: 292
Week 6: 390
Week 5: 578
Week 4: 258
Week 3: 252
Week 2: 274
Week 1: 470 Entries
Total Tally: 12,948 Entries

Happy dictionary building!

Love, Speed & Accuracy,

Elsie Villega

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September 16 2013

Medical Monday: Bursitis

Accordimg to the website Web MD, “Bursitis is the inflammation or irritation of the bursa. The bursa is a sac filled with lubricating fluid, located between tissues such as bone, muscle, tendons, and skin, that decreases rubbing, friction, and irritation.

Bursitis is most often caused by repetitive, minor impact on the area, or from a sudden, more serious injury. Age also plays a role. As tendons age they are able to tolerate stress less, are less elastic, and are easier to tear.

Overuse or injury to the joint at work or play can also increase a person’s risk of bursitis. Examples of high-risk activities include gardening, raking, carpentry, shoveling, painting, scrubbing, tennis, golf, skiing, throwing, and pitching. Incorrect posture at work or home and poor stretching or conditioning before exercise can also lead to bursitis.

An abnormal or poorly placed bone or joint (such as length differences in your legs or arthritis in a joint) can put added stress on a bursa sac, causing bursitis. Stress or inflammation from other conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis, gout, psoriatic arthritis, thyroid disorders, or unusual medication reactions may also increase a person’s risk. In addition, an infection can occasionally lead to inflammation of a bursa.”

Machine Briefs:
Option #1: bursitis= BUR/SAOI/TIS
Option #2: bursitis= BUR/SAOITS

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September 14 2013

Practice Video: Bill Gates Deposition Part 1 (1998)

Here are some briefs and phrases from the video:
chairman= KHAIRM
computer= KPAOURT
dictionary= DRAIRB
edition= YIGS
concept= SKEPT
software= SWA*ER
softball= SBAUL
so many= SOM
effective= FEF
device= DWAOIS
definition= DPINGS
inventory= VEN
accurate= KRAK
inaccurate= NAEK
browser= BROURS
technology= TJ
navigation= NAFGS
internet= SBET
context= KEGT
e-mail= AOEM
memorandum= MUMD
paragraph= PRAF
I don’t think= YONG
I don’t think so= YONGS
with respect= WR-PT
in or about= NOERB
architecture= AERK
do you understand= DOUNDZ
contradict= KRIKT

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