May 9 2024

Legal Vocabulary: Jackson Affidavit

A Jackson affidavit is a term that is named after the 1992 case Jackson vs. New York. The term is often used in New York courts to describe a situation in which a document that is requested in discovery is confirmed to have been searched for and not found. The confirmation is done via an affidavit.

A Jackson affidavit should contain information that states where the requested documents are kept, who maintains the documents, a description of the documents, and the measures taken to locate the documents.

Steno Briefs:
Jackson = JAFN
affidavit= AFD

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May 24 2021

Legal Vocabulary: Sponsion

Sponsion is defined as follows: “(1) The act of becoming surety or sponsor for another. (2) In international law, an undertaking on behalf of his state by a public officer not specifically empowered to enter into it.”


OPTION #1: sponsion= SPO*NGS
OPTION #2: sponsion= SPON/SH*UN

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March 26 2020

Legal Vocabulary: Appurtenant

Appurtenant is defined as follows: “Pertaining to something that attaches. In real property law this describes any right or restriction which goes with that property, such as an easement to gain access across the neighbor’s parcel, or a covenant (agreement) against blocking the neighbor’s view.”


OPTION #1: appurtenant= A/PURT/NA*NT
OPTION #2: appurtenant= A/PERT/NA*NT
OPTION #3: appurtenant= A/PURNT
OPTION #4: appurtenant= A/PERNT
OPTION #5: appurtenant= A/PUR/TA/NA*NT
OPTION #6: appurtenant= A/PER/TA/NA*NT

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May 28 2019

Legal Vocabulary: Spoliation

Spoliation is defined as follows: “(1) Destruction; mutilation; alteration; specifically, the erasure, alteration, mutilation, or destruction of a paper to prevent its being used as evidence. (2) In English canon law, the taking of the fruits of a benefice under a pretended but illegal title, or a writ or suit brought on such grounds. (3) The destruction of a ship’s papers so as to conceal its nationality, the character of its trade, cargo, etc.

Machine Briefs:

OPTION #1: spoliation= SPOE/LAO*EGS
OPTION #2: spoliation= SPOE/LAOE/A*IGS

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April 19 2019

Legal Vocabulary: Replevin

Replevin is defined as follows: “(1) An action to regain possession of personal property unlawfully retained, on giving security to try the title and respond to the judgement; recovery of property by such action. (2) The judicial writ of process by which such proceedings are instituted.”


OPTION #1: replevin= RA/PLEF/*IN
OPTION #2: replevin= RA/PLEF/V*IN
OPTION #3: replevin= RA/PLEFN
OPTION #4: replevin= RA/PL*EFN
OPTION #5: replevin= RAOE/PLEF/*IN
OPTION #6: replevin= RAOE/PLEF/V*IN
OPTION #7: replevin= RAOE/PLEFN
OPTION #8: replevin= RAOE/PL*EFN

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August 8 2018

Legal Vocabulary: Proviso

Proviso is defined as follows: “A conditional stipulation; a clause, as in a contract or statute, limiting, modifying, or rendering conditional its operation.”


OPTION #1: proviso= PROE/VAOI/SO*E
OPTION #3: proviso= PROE/VAOIZ/O*E

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