January 18 2022

Briefs and Phrases From Spiderman No Way Home

Spiderman No Way Home
technology= T-J
casualties= KARBLTS
conclusive= KL*UFS
superhero= SPROER
villain= VINL
subway= SBAI
murderer= MRURD
New York= NORK
federal agents= FRALGTS
vigilante= VIJT
accomplice= KPLIS
endangerment= SBAIJT
spider= SPAO*IRD
Spiderman= SPAO*IRMD
hallway= WLAI
backup= BUP
technicality= TEKT
equalizer= KWARLZ
catastrophic= STROFK
call me= KA*UM
listen to me= L-NLTD
monster= MOFRNT
talk about this= TAUBTS
condominium= KMIM
electricity= LEFK
organisms= GOFMS
can you feel it= K*UFLT
talk to me= TA*UMTD
displacement= DPLAIFMT or SDPLAIFMT
stop it= STO*PT
yes it is= Y*EFTS
we’re good= WAO*ERGD
random= RAOND
Peter= PAO*ERT
Parker= PRA*RK
yes, sir= YES
skip it= SK*IPT
remember me= RERM
I don’t want to= YOPTD
hero= HOER
tell us= TLUS
who he really= WHO*ERL
good friend= GREND
take care of= TAEFRK
take care= TAERK

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July 14 2021

Briefs and Phrases From Loki Episode 6

Loki Episode 6
nothing to say= NOTS
at the end of= TEFN
lifetime= LAOIFMT
destiny= SDAEN or SDAEFNT
sugars= SHURGS
listen to me= L*MT
and I have the= SKPIFT
it needs= T-FRNT
friendship= FROIP
deceptive= SDEFPT or SDAOEFPT
et cetera= ETS
version= VERGS
same thing= SAIMG
one thing= WUNG
realities= RAELTS
erupted= AOERPTD
variant= VAIRNT
annihilate= NAOILT
weaponized= WEPDZ
innocent= N-NT
hungry= HOIRNG
workforce= WOFRKS
threshold= THREFLD
freedom= FRAOEM
pickle= PIBLG
ask me= SK-M

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July 9 2021

Briefs And Phrases From Black Widow

Black Widow
bump= BUFRP
chemical= KHEM
bioluminescence= BAOI/O*E/LAOUM/N*EFNS
that you see= THAUZ
vegetables= VEJS
lampyridae= LAM/PA*R/DAO*E
triumphant= TRAOIMT
undercover= NOFR
vantage point= VAPT
bypass= BIPS or BAOIPS
converge= KAUFJ
passports= PARFPTS
driver’s licenses= DL-NSZ
minefield= MAOIFLD
arrows= ROERS
superhero= SPROER
as that= STHA*
seat belt= SBELT
cozy= KO*EZ
building= BL-G
ibuprofen= PROEFN
pain and suffering= PAIFRG
part time= POIM
is that right= STHART
so I guess= SOIGS
face-to-face= FAIFTD
blueprint= BLUPT
basal ganglia= BAIFL/GANG/LA*E
uterus= AOURTS
oxygen= SHEN
genetic= GENGT
bargain= BARNG
Christmas= KMAS
Thanksgiving= THAFG
Easter= AO*EFRT
just for a second= JUFRKD
frostbite= FROFBT
widowed= DWOD

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July 7 2021

Briefs and Phrases From Loki Episode 5

Loki Episode 5
if I said= FIDZ
same thing= SAIMG
top of this= TOFPTS
pruned= PRAOUND
alligator= AL/GA*IRT
when I need to= WHIFRNTD
signal= SNAL
monster= MOFRNT
one thing= WUNG
whatever happens= WHAFRPS
conceivably= SKLAOEFBL
sooner or later= SAORNL
projection= PROJS
believed it= BLEFTD
nightmare= NAIRMT
army= AERM
coward= KOURD
backup= BUP
confident= K-FNT
uncomfortable= N-FRBL
about our= BOUR

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July 7 2021

Briefs and Phrases From Loki Episode 4

Loki Episode 4
swoops= SWAOPS
palace= PLAS
arrest= AR
protocol= PROELT
chaos= KHAOS
mischief= SKHIF
threshold= THREFLD
massacre= MAEFRK
amazing= MAEGS
sabotage= SBAUJ
superior= SYOR
good riddance= GRINDZ
existence= XIFNS
friendship= FROIP
trophy= TROEF
do you care= DOUK
do you deserve= DOUFRB
wait for me= WAIFRM
elevator= L-FRT
as promised= SPRO*MD
gracious= GRAIRBS

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June 26 2021

Briefs and Phrases From Loki Episode 3

Loki Episode 3
buffalo= BAOFL
health department= H*EPLT
memories= MEMS
too long= TAONG
have you really= V*URL
goodbye= GAOIB
brochure= BRUR
slaughter= SLAURT
ultimate= ULT
gravity= GRA*EFT
massive= MAFS
diplomacy= DPLOEMZ
evacuation= AOEFGS
train station= TRAINGS or TRAIGS
wealthy= WOILT
tickets= TIKTS
headquarters= HAERTS
adopted= DOPTD
at this point= THIPT
fireworks= FAO*IRKS
whatever it is= WHA*FRTS
to the end of the= TOFNT
bear in mind= BAERMD
paranoid= POID
yes, of course= YEFX
ideal= YAOEL
hedonistic= HED/N*IFKT
subconscious= SKONS
enhancement= KBHAMT
and you can= SKPUK

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June 21 2021

Briefs and Phrases From Loki Episode 2

Loki Episode 2
some of= SM-F
energy= N-RJ
castle= KAFLT
Hercules= HERBLGS
ambush= KBURB
alike= LOIK
holographic= HOL/GRA*FK
do I get= DOIGT
audience= YENS
signature= SIGT
let me ask you this= SKLOUTS
vicinity= VINT
some of them= SM-FMT
devour= DWOUR
analyst= NALTS
trophies= TROEFS
cubicle= KAOUBLG
botched= BOFPD
controversial= TROEFLZ
arrogant= AORNGT
stupidly= STAOUPLD
adorable= DORBL
manipulate= MIP
manipulation= MIPGS
catch this= KAFPTS
sympathy= STHI
idiot= YOIT
chaotic= KHAOKT
palace= PLAS
disturbances= DURNSZ
whooshing= WHAORBG
simplification= SOIFGS
crime scene= KRAOEN
candy= KAEND
Krakatoa= KRA/KA/TOE/A*
tornadoes= TORNDZ
deployment= DPLOIMT
footstep= FAOFPT
azaleas= A/SA*IL/YA*S
cowardly= KOURLD
are you going to= RUGTD
face-to-face= FAIFTD
undercover= NOFR
call me= KA*UM
vulnerable= VUBL

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June 10 2021

Briefs and Phrases From Loki Episode 1

Loki Episode 1
coordinate= KAORNT
occupancy= OUPZ
glorious= GLOIRZ
variant= VAIRNT
identified= AOIFD
organic= GO*RNG
temporal= TREFRPL
pencils= PEFNLS
supremacy= SPREMZ
hesitate= HEZ
stab wounds= STWOUNDZ
pantomime= PANT/MAO*IM
bureaucrats= BRAOURKS
trillions= TR-LS
behest= BHEFT
circus= S*IRKS
and I remember= SKPIRM
solace= SLAS
eyeballs= Y-BLS
mischievous= SKHIFZ
soda= SAOD
good part= GAORPT
psychobabble= SKOEBL
precisely= PRAOIFL
irrelevance= IRLS
I don’t believe you= YO*UBL
some of= SM-F
some of the= SM-FT
some of them= SM-FMT

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May 11 2021

Briefs and Phrases From The Falcon and The Winter Soldier: Season 1 Episode 6

Falcon and The Winter Soldier Episode 6
Manhattan= MANT
in effect= NEFKT
excuse me= SKAOUFM
therapist= THAERPT
misdirect= SDREKT
wrong side= WRONGDZ
nightmares= NAOIRMTS
trust me= TRUFM
rendezvous= ROFND
rescue= SKWU
diversion= DWERGS
I didn’t mean to= YOMTD
underground= N-RGD
is that you= STHAU
drop it= DRO*PT
muscle= MUFL
blackmail= BLAIL
manipulate= MIP
stay down= STAUN
sincerely= SNAOERL
settlements= ST-MTS
good thing= GAONG
think about= THIB
senator= SNOR
is that I believe= STHAIBL
texting= T*EGT
I didn’t forget= YIFRGT
transporting= TR-PGT
them to the= TH*EMTD
suspects= S-PTS
overall= AUFRL
paperwork= PAIRK
agent= AGT

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April 23 2021

Briefs and Phrases From The Falcon and The Winter Soldier: Season 1 Episode 5

Falcon and The Winter Soldier Episode 5
foreign= FOERN
national= NAL
international= SBAL
payroll= PAIRL
what happened to= WHAPTD
platforms= PLAFRMS
bizarrely= BIRLZ
testimony= T-M
exemplary= XLAERM
due respect= DAOURPT
mandate= MANTD
retroactive= ROERKT
I don’t like to= YOBLGTD
right thing= RAOING
salvation= SWALGS
liberty= LIBT
prudent= PRAOUNT
good to me= GAOMTD
letters= LERTS
tetanus= TET/N*US
allegiance= LAOEJS
Vietnamese= VAOEMZ
all the time= A*UMT
it means= T-MS
wrongdoers= WRORNGS
closure= KLAOUR
co-workers= KROERKS
preserve= PREFRB

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