April 23
Briefs and Phrases From The Falcon and The Winter Soldier: Season 1 Episode 5
foreign= FOERN
national= NAL
international= SBAL
payroll= PAIRL
what happened to= WHAPTD
platforms= PLAFRMS
bizarrely= BIRLZ
testimony= T-M
exemplary= XLAERM
due respect= DAOURPT
mandate= MANTD
retroactive= ROERKT
I don’t like to= YOBLGTD
right thing= RAOING
salvation= SWALGS
liberty= LIBT
prudent= PRAOUNT
good to me= GAOMTD
letters= LERTS
tetanus= TET/N*US
allegiance= LAOEJS
Vietnamese= VAOEMZ
all the time= A*UMT
it means= T-MS
wrongdoers= WRORNGS
closure= KLAOUR
co-workers= KROERKS
preserve= PREFRB