July 31 2013

Week 29: 13,000 Words in 2013 Dictionary Challenge

Week 29: 247
Week 28: 177
Week 27: 551
Week 26: 764
Week 25: 367
Week 24: 1288
Week 23: 401
Week 22: 266
Week 21: 249
Week 20: 679
Week 19: 746
Week 18: 261
Week 17: 255
Week 16: 272
Week 15: 507
Week 14: 280
Week 13: 264
Week 12: 265
Week 11: 680
Week 10: 307
Week 9: 266
Week 8: 248
Week 7: 292
Week 6: 390
Week 5: 578
Week 4: 258
Week 3: 252
Week 2: 274
Week 1: 470 Entries
Total Tally: 11,854 Entries

Happy dictionary building!

Love, Speed & Accuracy,

Elsie Villega

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July 31 2013

The Perfect Accessory For Long Practices

Quite a while ago, I discovered that using a back brace made my extensive steno practice sessions quite comfortable. It also helps when I have to lug my heavy equipment around the city.

If you’ve used a back brace, or will use a back brace, during long hours of writing on your steno machine, let me know how it worked out for you. Leave a comment. Did you feel more comfortable using the brace, or not using one?

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July 31 2013


“Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.” -Norman Vincent Peale

Love, Speed & Accuracy,

Elsie Villega

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July 29 2013

Medical Monday: Dysplasia

Dysplasia is “the enlargement of an organ or tissue by the proliferation of cells of an abnormal type, as a developmental disorder or an early stage in the development of cancer.”

Machine Briefs:
Option #1: dysplasia= DIZ/PLAZ/YA*
Option #2: dysplasia= DIZ/PLAS/YA*
Option #3: dysplasia= DIZ/PLAIZ/YI/A*
Option #4: dysplasia= DIS/PLAZ/YA*
Option #5: dysplasia= DIZ/PLAIZ/YA*
Option #6: dysplasia= DIS/PLAS/YA*
Option #7: dysplasia= DIS/PLAIZ/YI/A*
Option #8: dysplasia= DIS/PLAIZ/YA*

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July 27 2013

Video: Case CAT Edit Commands

Here’s a video showing some of the edit features of Case CAT.

This video shows how to keep names that begin with the title of Mr., Dr., etc., together with the person’s actual name on the same line of a transcript. The sticky space feature is explained.

The video also shows how to create a new paragraph. In my dictionary, I personally have PRAF/PRAF defined as a new paragraph, and PAR/PAR defined as a new line. There is also a demonstration of how to all cap a phrase, or to uncap a phrase (highlight it, then press Ctrl + F5).

[NOTE: During the video, the reveal codes is on (Ctrl + Shift + R).]

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July 26 2013

Swearing In An Interpreter

In the course of interning, I’ve sat in on quite a few legal proceedings that involved an interpreter.

Like witnesses, interpreters must be sworn in.

Hear are some standard oaths that can be used to swear in interpreters:

“Do you solemnly swear or affirm that the interpretation you will give in this deposition will be from English to Spanish and from Spanish to English to the best of your ability?”

“Do you solemnly swear or affirm that you will interpret accurately, completely and impartially, follow all official guidelines established by this court for legal interpreting or translating, and discharge all of the duties and obligations of legal interpretation and translation?”

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Category: Information | 2 Comments
July 26 2013

Friday Phrases

x-ray examination= XRAIGS
x-ray film= XRAIFM
x-ray machine= XRAIM
x-ray picture= XRAIP
x-ray plate= XRAIPLT
x-ray room= XRAIRM
x-ray was= XRAIFS
against the law= GLAU
against the law of= GLAUF
against the law of the= GLAUFT
against the law of the state= GLAUFTS

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