October 16 2018

Medical Briefs & Phrases From, “Life Is Not An Accident” By: Jay Williams (Part 1)

Life Is Not An Accident
atrophy= TRAOEF or TROF
nerve= NEFRB
hip= HIP
therapy= THAERP
physical therapy= FAERP
physical therapist= FAERPT
tendon= TEN/DO*N
tendons= TEN/DO*NS
armpits= ARM/P*ITS
forearms= FROERMS
left foot= L*FT
right foot= R*FT
scope= SKOEP
range of motion= ROM
artery= AERT
knee= NAOE
kneecap= NAOE/KA*P
left knee= LAOE
recovery= ROIFR
femoral= FEM/RA*L
hospital= HOPT
doctors= DR-S
medication= MEGS
injury= JER
healthy= HOILT
joint= JOINT
arthritis= THRAOITS
sacrum= SKRUM

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December 30 2017

2017 Dictionary Challenge- Finished In The Nick Of Time

2017 Dictionary 1

2017 Dictionary 2

2017 Dictionary 3

With about 48 hours to spare, I finished my dictionary goal for 2017. Yesterday, after three years, I was able to finally complete entering all of the words from, “The New International Webster’s Comprehensive Dictionary of The English Language” A-Na Volume. This book is the first volume of a two-volume set.

After lugging my dictionary around for three years, it looks like the pictures above. The dictionary has been my daily companion for three years, and it definitely shows. Lol.

Tomorrow, or the day after, I will post my dictionary goal for 2018. I’m looking forward to finishing up this two-volume set, and moving on to my specialty dictionaries.

Love, Speed, and Accuracy,

Elsie Villega

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November 3 2017

The Dictaphone vs. The Stenographer

I Love Stenography Logo (Cropped)In Napoleon Hill’s, “The Law of Success,” he recounts a tale of a salesman attempting to sell him a Dictaphone machine while simultaneously demonstrating that a stenographer is a better option. While the stenographer in Mr. Hill’s story is a shorthand writer, I think the story is apropos to machine writers as well. The story is as follows:

“Once I went into one of the offices of the Dictaphone Company to look at a Dictaphone (dictating machine). The salesman in charge presented a logical argument as to the machine’s merits, while the stenographer at his side was transcribing letters from a shorthand notebook. His arguments in favor of a dictating machine, as compared with the old method of dictating to a stenographer, did not impress me, because his actions were not in harmony with his words.” -From, “The Law of Success” By: Napoleon Hill

[SIDEBAR: The stenographer has been winning since way back.]

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October 13 2016

My New Mission In Life: To Be A BPL Power User

bklyn-librarySo, apparently, there’s a new thing going on at the Brooklyn Public Library where patrons who have more than 4,000 checkouts are awarded the designation of Power User. I WANT THIS TITLE!! Lol. I’m an avid reader, and I love the library!

A librarian whom I queried about the Power User program told me that she only had 1,000 checkouts, and she is also an avid reader. I’m currently a bit over 1,200 checkouts. I’m not sure how many years it will take me to reach 4,000 checkouts, but I’m in it to win it! Lol.

According to the Brooklyn Public Library’s website, Power users have the following privileges: “A silver Power User library card, bragging rights, and some special gifts.” I WANT IT ALL! Hopefully, I can reach the half-way point at least before the decade ends. I’ll keep you posted.

Love, Speed, and Accuracy,

Elsie Villega

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