May 28 2021

Friday Phrases

Friday Phrases Logo
good to me= GAOMTD
I didn’t forget= YIFRGT
may be late= MAIBLT
maybe late= MAEBLT
may be later= MAIRBLT
maybe later= MAERBLT
time to go= TAOIMGTD
time to go to the= TAO*IMGTD
on the matter= OERMT

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Category: Briefs | LEAVE A COMMENT
May 25 2021


“If you’d like to stay a champion, accept the fact that discomfort is here to stay. Embrace it as a teacher that will strengthen you and help you achieve ever greater feats, not as an annoying part of th`e process that you’d like to put behind as quickly as possible.” -From, “365 Days With Self-Discipline”

Love, Speed & Accuracy,

Elsie Villega

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May 24 2021

Legal Vocabulary: Sponsion

Sponsion is defined as follows: “(1) The act of becoming surety or sponsor for another. (2) In international law, an undertaking on behalf of his state by a public officer not specifically empowered to enter into it.”


OPTION #1: sponsion= SPO*NGS
OPTION #2: sponsion= SPON/SH*UN

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May 21 2021

Friday Phrases

Friday Phrases Logo
step outside= STEPDZ
step aside= ST*EPDZ
they work for= THEFRK
they worked for= THEFRKD
we’re good= WAO*ERGD
we’re bad= WAO*ERBD
took care of= TAOFRK
took care of the= TAOFRKT
took care of it= TAO*FRKT
took care of this= TAOFRKTS
took care of it is= TAO*FRKTS
took care to= TAORKTD
took care to the= TAO*RKTD

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Category: Briefs | LEAVE A COMMENT
May 19 2021

Briefs and Phrases From The Ballot Or The Bullet

Malcolm X
bullet= BULT
ballot= BA*LT
clarify= KLOIF
Muslim= MUFMZ
Islam= IFMZ
Christian= KR*IFNT
religion= R-J
what I know= WHAIN
what I am= WHA*IM
minister= MIFRNT
ministers= MIFRNTS
Harlem= HAR/L*EM
New York City= NORKS
Abyssinian= AB/SIN/YA*N
Atlanta= TLAN
Atlanta, Georgia= TLANG
civil rights= SIFRLTS
segregated= SGRAITED
Brooklyn= BLIN
all of these= AUFLZ
freedom= FRAOEM
fighter= FAOIRT
philosophy= FLOEF
morals= MO*RLS
they believe= THEBL
never get= NEFRGT
economic= KMIK
economy= KME
all of us= AUFLS
politicians= POLGSZ
politics= PLIKS
political= PLIL
as soon as= SAONS
conscious= KONS
mature= MAURT
community= KMAOUNT
integrate= SBRAET
employment= PLOIMT
whether you are a= WHRA*UR
oppression= O/PREFGS
exploitation= XLOIGS
overcome= VUM
champion= KHAON
liberals= LIRBLS
too late= TAOLT
self-help= SFHEP
pattern= PAERN
attitude= TAOUD
Africa= FRIK
Asia= AEZ
independence= N-PS
England= ENLD
citizenship= SOIP
colonization= KOLGS
citizen= SIZ
century= SEN
back and forth= BO*RT
dissatisfied= SDAEFD
history= HIFT
patriot= PROIT
liberty= LIBT
republican= REN
democrat= DMAT
democracy= DMOK
White House= WHOUS
Washington, D.C.= WARBDZ
legislation= LAEGS
senatorial= SNORL
congressional= KO*NL
southern= SORN
Texas= T*X
Mississippi= M*S
constitution= STAOUGS
Johnson= JOFN
best friend= BEFRND
or the= ORT
revolution= R-FLGS
useless= AOUFLS
senators= SNORS
genocide= JENDZ
daylight= DAILT

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May 19 2021

Steno Fitness: Stretching

Stretch“The benefits of stretching are enormous. Stretching can increase your strength by 10%. It is a lot. The man explains that ‘when you lift a weight your muscles contract. And after the workout the muscles remain contracted for some time. The following restoration of the muscles’ length is what recovery is. Until the muscle has restored its length, it has not recovered. Hence he who does not stretch his muscles slows down the recuperation process and retards his gains.’ Besides tension and relaxation are two sides of the same coin, ‘if the muscle forgets how to lengthen, it will contract more poorly. And that is stagnation of strength.’” -Pavel Tsatsouline (From, “365 Days With Self-Discipline”)

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May 18 2021

Briefs and Phrases From The Mandalorian: Season 1, Episode 4

The Mandalorian Season 1 Episode 4
industrial= STRIL
population= POPGS
density= D*ENTS
too long= TAONG
travelers= TRAFRLS
broth= BRO*T
porringer= PORNG/J*ER or PORNG/*ER
I can’t say= YAS
thank you, sir= THAUNGS
delegates= DELGTS
suppressing= SPREFG
riots= ROITS
armor= AORM
harvest= HAFRT
excuse me= SKAOUFM
excuse me, sir= SKAOUFMS
where do you live= WROUF
blankets= BLANGTS
visitors= VIFRTS
when I go= WHIG
thoughtful= THOUF
took care of= TAOFRK
branches= BRAFPS
veteran= VERT
carefully= KAIFL
barricades= BAERKDZ
maybe later= MAERBLT
I don’t belong= YO*BLG

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May 18 2021

Briefs and Phrases From The Mandalorian: Season 1, Episode 3

The Mandalorian Season 1 Episode 3
transmission= TR-MGS
wonderful= WUF
antsy= ANTS/YI
healthy= HOILT
reputation= R-PGS
did you give= SDUFG
cuirass= KWAOER/A*S
imperial= KBAOERL
secrecy= SKREZ
shadows= SHAODZ
empire= KBAOIR
coward= KOURD
battle= BALT
forgo= FOERG
as it should= ST*RBD
legend= LEJD
parsec= PAR/S*EK
they work for= THEFRK
check the= KHEKT
perimeter= PRIRMT
step aside= ST*EPDZ
one of those= WUFNS

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