Practice Video: Commonly Used Words with “L”
This video is great practice for theory students.
Here are some briefs from some of the words spoken in the video:
little= LIL
along= LAONG
below= BLOE
children= KHIRN
almost= L-M
example= KP-M
himself= HIMZ
usually= AOURBL
early= ERL
leter= LERT
English= GLIRB
built= BILT
special= SPERB
already= L-R
longer= LORNG
carefully= KAIFL
although= AOL
simple= SIM
suddenly= SULD
itself= T-Z
language= LANG
listen= L-N
lost= LO*S
travel= TRAFL
yourself= YOURZ
yellow= YOEL
Friday Phrases
Invest, Investigate, and Inspect Word Drill
Here’s another word drill from Steno Thing’s podcast. This drill is great for working out any confusion that may emerge when writing words in the “invest, investigate, and inspect” word family.
Here are some briefs from the drill:
invest= VEF
investor= VEFR
inspect= SPEKT
inspector= SPERKT
investigate= VEGT
investigator= VERGT