Briefs and Phrases From The Blacklist: Season 1, Episode 5
Tell me= TL-M
I need= IFRN
of course,= -FX
I don’t get= YOGT
murder= MURD
powerful= POUF
daylight= DAILT
ultrasound= URLT/SOUND
normal= NOL
mistake= MAEK
courier= KOR/Y*ER
intercept= SBEFPT
resources= SRORSZ
Cairo= KAOI/R*OE
committee= KMAOE
occasional= KAEFNL
American= MERN
manuscript= MAN/SKR*IPT
letters= LERTS
earthly= *ERLT
conduct= KIKT
violence= VLS
physical= FIS
embodiment= KBOEMT
transaction= TR-X
success= SK
delivery= DLOIFR
packaging= PAJ/-G
genetically= GLENLGT
hundred= HUN
east side= *EDZ
intersection= SB-X
corner= KRORN
conceivable= SKAOEFBL
obviously= OEFL
painful= PAIFL
congenital= KON/JENLT or KAUN/JENLT
anhidrosis= AN/HAOI/DRO/S*IS or AN/HAOI/DRO*EZ
disorder= DORD
million dollars= ML-DZ
analyst= NALTS
protocols= PROELTS
coerced= KOERS/-D
psychopath= SKO*EPT
Washington= WARB/WARB
absent= ABT
philosopher= FLOFR
ancient= SHET
encounter= KBOURNT
frequently= FREL
kidnapping= KIPG
surveillance= SWAINS
figure= FIG
technological= TOJ
canceled= CAELD
specified= SPEFD
location= LOEX
employed= PLOID
Petersburg= PAOERTS/B*URG
exchange= XAING
marshals= MARBLS
Virginia= VA/VA
objects= OBTS
transport= TR-PT
vehicle= VAOEK
meantime= MAOENT
in the meantime= NAOEMT
suggestion= SUGS
French= FREFP
intelligence= TEJ
release= RAOES
compromised= KPROM
freckle= FR*EBLG
access= SKES
Marrakesh= MA/RA/ K*ERB
other side= OERDZ
ritual= RIFPLT delivery= DLOIFR
networks= TWORKS
adversary= DWAER
circumstances= SIRKS
complex= KPLEX
future= FAOURT
arriving= RAOIFG
sofa= SOEF
I don’t even= YOFN
I don’t even know= YOEFN