February 25 2016

Briefs and Phrases From The Blacklist: Season 1, Episode 5

The Blacklist

Tell me= TL-M
I need= IFRN
of course,= -FX
I don’t get= YOGT
murder= MURD
powerful= POUF
daylight= DAILT
ultrasound= URLT/SOUND
normal= NOL
mistake= MAEK
courier= KOR/Y*ER
intercept= SBEFPT
resources= SRORSZ
Cairo= KAOI/R*OE
committee= KMAOE
occasional= KAEFNL
American= MERN
manuscript= MAN/SKR*IPT
letters= LERTS
earthly= *ERLT
conduct= KIKT
violence= VLS
physical= FIS
embodiment= KBOEMT
transaction= TR-X
success= SK
delivery= DLOIFR
packaging= PAJ/-G
genetically= GLENLGT
hundred= HUN
east side= *EDZ
intersection= SB-X
corner= KRORN
conceivable= SKAOEFBL
obviously= OEFL
painful= PAIFL
congenital= KON/JENLT or KAUN/JENLT
anhidrosis= AN/HAOI/DRO/S*IS or AN/HAOI/DRO*EZ
disorder= DORD
million dollars= ML-DZ
analyst= NALTS
protocols= PROELTS
coerced= KOERS/-D
psychopath= SKO*EPT
Washington= WARB/WARB
absent= ABT
philosopher= FLOFR
ancient= SHET
encounter= KBOURNT
frequently= FREL
kidnapping= KIPG
surveillance= SWAINS
figure= FIG
technological= TOJ
canceled= CAELD
specified= SPEFD
location= LOEX
employed= PLOID
Petersburg= PAOERTS/B*URG
exchange= XAING
marshals= MARBLS
Virginia= VA/VA
objects= OBTS
transport= TR-PT
vehicle= VAOEK
meantime= MAOENT
in the meantime= NAOEMT
suggestion= SUGS
French= FREFP
intelligence= TEJ
release= RAOES
compromised= KPROM
freckle= FR*EBLG
access= SKES
Marrakesh= MA/RA/ K*ERB
other side= OERDZ
ritual= RIFPLT delivery= DLOIFR
networks= TWORKS
adversary= DWAER
circumstances= SIRKS
complex= KPLEX
future= FAOURT
arriving= RAOIFG
sofa= SOEF
I don’t even= YOFN
I don’t even know= YOEFN

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February 19 2016

Friday Phrases

Friday Phrases Logo
staph infection= STA*FGS or STA*FBGS
staph infections= STA*FGSZ or STA*FBGSZ
blood cell count= BLAOLT
waiting room= WAIRM or WAIRMT
waiting rooms= WAIRMS or WAIRMTS
respiration rate= R-RPGTS
post-traumatic stress= PRAUMTS
post-traumatic stress disorder= PRAUMTD
days of the week= DAIFKZ

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Category: Briefs | LEAVE A COMMENT
February 18 2016

Briefs and Phrases From The Blacklist: Season 1, Episode 4

The Blacklist
badge= BAJ
system= ST-M
wonder= WUND
classified= KLAFD
homicide= HOM
what really= WHA*RL
supervisor= SPR-FR
courthouse= KHOUS
interested= TR-D
I don’t know= YON
appointment= POIMT
suspicion= SPIGS
arrest= AR
indictment= DAOIMT
impressive= KBREFS
sideways= SDWAIS
vicious= VIRBS
transportation= TR-PGS
out of the= OUFT
identity= AOID
passport= PAFRPT
bank account= BA*INGT
credit cards= KRERKDZ
witness= W-NS
testifying= TEFG
at all= TA*UL
parking lot= PROT
movie= MO*EF
goodbye= GAOIB
can you please= KUP
tragic= TRAJ
paramedics= PARMDZ
bailiff= BIF
courtroom= KRAOM
defendant= D-FT
juror= JAOR
alternate= NAET
heart attack= HAURK
chemically= KHEM/LI
poisoned= POIFND
specs= SP*EKS
consistent= KAONT
urgent= URGT
criminal= KRINL
services= SEFSZ
Haiti= HAIT/YI
Chardonnay= SHARD/NA*I
besides= BESZ
especially= EP
oozing= AOGZ
memories= MEMS
Boston= BOFNT
weekend= WEND
interview= SBOUF
last time= LAFMT
out of= OUF
we need= WEFRN
do I really= DO*IRL
abandoned= BAUND
forensics= FRENS
adhesive= DHAOEFS
crime scene= KROEN
chemicals= KEMS
plumber= PLURM
fellow= FLEL
disposal= SDPOEFL
expert= SPERT
victims= VIMS
nome de guerre= NOEM/DA/GER
corporeal= KOR/POR/RAO*EL
disappear= SPAER
proficiency= PROE/FIRBZ
trophy= TROEF
collector= KLERKT
regimes= RA/JAO*EMS
notoriously= NOERBLS
government= GOFT
corporation= CORPGS
mysterious= STRAOERBS
mystery= STRAOE
entities= SB-TS
terrorist= TRIFT
organizations= ORGSZ
dangerous= DAIJS
agents= AGTS
survivor= SVAOIFR
Port au Prince= PORT/A/PRINS
disrupted= DRUPTD
profiles= PROILS
footage= FAOJ
kidnap= KIP
contract= KR-T
equivalent= KWIFNLT
Christmas= KMAS
jeopardy= JEP
bargaining= BARNG/-G
confronting= K-FRNGT
equations= KWAIGSZ
surveillance= SWAINS
breviloquent= BRA/VIL/KW*ENT
Federal Bureau of Investigation= TBI/TBI
Corsican= KORS/KA*N
highway= HOI
Venezuela= VENS/WAI/LA*
Assistance= SIFNS
business= BIS
fingerprints= F-PS
law enforcement officer= LAUFRMT
rental= RENLT
Maryland= MAERLD
Kitzmiller= K*ITS/M*IL/*ER
alias= A*ILZ
Elizabeth= AO*ELZ
dogs= DAUGS
panic= PA*NG
cell phone= SLOEN
politics= PLIKS
device= DWAOIS
decency= DAOENT
dissolve= DOFL
nature= NAUR
transference= TR-FRNS
energy= N-RJ
transformed= TR-FRMD
transform= TR-FRM
family= FAEM
father= FA*ER
married= MAERD
cluster= KLUFRT
nerve= NEFRB
dentist= D-NTS
do you think= DOUNG
cabin= KBIN
chopper= KHORP
sedative= SDAFT
paralysis= PARLS
sensitivity= SNEFT
evolution= EFLGS
farmer= FRAFM
slaughtered= SLAURTD
children= KHIRN
imagine= MAJ
despair= SDPAIR
knotted= NO*TD
complicated= KPLIKTD
wreckage= WREJ
damaged= DAJD
repair= R-P
incident= DIN
medic= MEKD
horrifying= HOIFG
weird= WERD
restaurant= STRAUNT
might be= MAOIB
tarp= TARP

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February 16 2016

Medical Briefs From House: Season 1, Episode 3

House MD
cough= KAUF
symptom= STOM
fever= FAOEFR
contagious= TAIJS
rash= RARB
blood pressure= BLAOPS
fluids= FLAOUDZ
abdominal= ABL
diagnosis= D-GS
testicular= TES/TIK/LA*R or TES/TIK/AOU/LA*R
Yersinia= YER/SIN/YA*
infection= N-FX
arthritis= THRAOITS
vasculitis= VAFK/LAO*ITS
nerve= NEFRB
allergy= LAOERJ
carcinoid= KARS/NO*ID or KAR/SA/NO*ID
Absidia= AB/SID/YA*
symptoms= STOMS
sepsis= SEP/S*IS
antibiotics= AEBTS
Cort stim= KORT/ST*IM
echocardiogram= EK/O*E/KARD/GRA*M or EK/O*E/KARD/YOE/GRA*M
pituitary= PA/PAOU/TA*ER
glands= GLANDZ
clinic= KLIN
diagnostician= D-FGS
nephrology= NEF/FRO*LG
infectious= N-FKT/SH*US
Vicodin= VAOIK/D*IN
emergency room= MAOM
exam room= X-RM or XRAOM
mucus= MAOUKS
paramedics= PARMDZ
glasses= GLASZ
teeth= TAO*ET
health insurance= HURNS
viral= VAOIRL
titers= TAO*IRTS
lungs= LUNGS
creatinine= KRAOE/AT/N*IN
kidneys= KAOENDZ
intestines= SBEFNTS
cardiac= KARD/YA*K or KARKD
hypothyroidism= HOIP/THROID/IFM
parasites= PAR/SAO*IS
sinus= SAO*INS
Occam’s razor= OK/KA*MS/RA*ERZ or OK/KAMS/RA*ERZ
Unasyn= UN/A/S*IN or UN/S*IN
intravenous= SBRAFNS
recovery room= ROIFRM
theory= THAOER
treatment= TRAOEMT
doctors= DR-S
Stockholm= STOK/HO*EM
Syndrome= SDROEM
Coxsackie= KOX/SAK/YI
Negative= NEF
throat= THROET
hurts= HURTS
prescribe= PRAOIB
lozenge= LOZ/*ENG
parvovirus= PAR/VOE/ VAO*IRS
illness= *IL/-NS
urine= AOURN
interstitial= INT/STIRBL
nephritis= NA/FRAO*ITS
immune system= KBAOUMT
health= H*ELT
blood count= BLAOK
respiration= R-RPGS
secretion= SKRAOEGS
spasm= SPAFM
marrow= MA/RO*E
anesthetic= AN/STH*EKT
biopsy= BAOIPZ
needle= NAOELD
blood cells= BLAOLS
muscle= MUFL
physician= F-GS
gout= GOUT
uric= AOURK
acid= SDID
joints= JOINTS
swelling= SWELG
redness= RED/-NS
stiffness= STIFNS
cells= KRELS
medicine= MED
mitosis= MAOI/TO*EZ or MAOI/TOE/S*IS
prescription= PRIPGS
pharmacy= FARMZ
pharmacist= FARMT
deteriorate= DRAET
lymphoma= LIM/FOE/MA*
adenopathy= AD/NOP/TH*I or AD/NOP/THAO*E or AD/NOP/PA*ET
laparotomy= LAP/ROT/T*OEM
exploratory= XLORT
pulmonary= PUL/MA/NA*ER
arteries= AERTS
numb= NUM
atrium= A/TRAOE/Y*UM
ectopy= EK/TOE/P*I or EK/TOE/PAO*E
arrhythmia= A/R*IT/MAOE/YA*
pressure= PRERB
tricuspid= TRAOI/K*US/P*ID
catheter= KA*ERT
pulse= PULS
surgery= SURG
medically= MEL/LI or MREL
blood cell= BLAOL
blood cell count= BLAOLT
organs= GORNZ
neuropathy= NAOUR/PA*ET
fingers= FIRNGS
toes= TOES
ingested= IN/JEFTD
fragments= FRAGTS
Tylenol= TAOINL
antibodies= AOINT/BOEDZ
temperature= TEM

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February 10 2016

Rules Of Grammar: Flair vs. Flare

Rules Of Grammar LogoFlair is defined as follows: “(1) A natural ability to do something. (2) An unusual and appealing quality or style.”

Flare is defined as follows: “(1) A light that shines brightly and briefly. (2) A very bright light that is used to give a signal, to light something, or to attract attention. Also, a device that produces such a light. (3) A sudden expression of anger.”

Machine Briefs:

flair= FLAIR
flare= FLAER

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