Briefs And Phrases From Stranger Things- Season 3, Episode 8
awake= WOIK
stay awake= STWOIK
cabin= KBIN
hub= H*UB
navigators= NAFRGT
navigate= NAFGT
handcrafted= HAND/KRA*IFTD
from all= FRA*UL
suffocate= SFOEGT
sloppy= SLOIP
lieutenant= LAOUNT
had it= H*T
do I know= DOIN
eagle= AOELG
when I need- WHIFRN
silence= SLENS
silent= SLENT
physics= F*IFKS
latch= LAFP
Miami= MAO*I
junction= JUNGS
thesis= THAOEZ
ask me= SK-M
frequency= FREKZ
standby= STBAOI
equation= QA*IGS
mathematical= MA*BLGT
in here= KBHAOER
out of time= OUFMT
sandals= SANLDZ
happy= HAEP
let’s go= L*EGTS
is to= STO
classics= KLAFKZ
pedestrian= PED
qualities= QALTS
high school= HAOL
Keith= KAO*ET
what you see= WHAUZ
conversation= K-FRGS
distant= SDANT
painful= PAIFL
remember the= RERT
let me go= LEMG