June 28 2013

Friday Phrases: Officer Phrases

court officer= KOIFR
law enforcement officer= LAUFRMT
law enforcement officers= LAUFRMTS
law officer= LOIFR
law officers= LOIFRS
officer of the law= OIFRL
officers of the law= OIFRLS
parole officer= PROIFR
patrol officer= TROIFR
peace officer= POIFR
police officer= PLOIFR
probation officer= PRAIFR
undercover officer= NOIFR

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Category: Briefs | LEAVE A COMMENT
June 25 2013

Week 24: 13,000 Words in 2013 Dictionary Challenge

Week 24: 1288
Week 23: 401
Week 22: 266
Week 21: 249
Week 20: 679
Week 19: 746
Week 18: 261
Week 17: 255
Week 16: 272
Week 15: 507
Week 14: 280
Week 13: 264
Week 12: 265
Week 11: 680
Week 10: 307
Week 9: 266
Week 8: 248
Week 7: 292
Week 6: 390
Week 5: 578
Week 4: 258
Week 3: 252
Week 2: 274
Week 1: 470 Entries
Total Tally: 9748 Entries

Happy dictionary building!

Love, Speed & Accuracy,

Elsie Villega

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June 24 2013

Medical Monday: Ileum vs. Ilium

The ileum is the last and longest section of the small intestines. It is between the jejunum and the large intestines.

The ilium is the “largest of the three principal bones composing either half of the pelvis.”

Machine Briefs:
Option #1: ileum= IL/YUM
Option #2: ileum= IL/Y*UM
Option #3: ileum= IL/YI/*UM

Option #1: ilium= IL/LI/*UM
Option #2: ilium= IL/LI/YUM

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June 21 2013

Friday Phrases

jury was duly sworn= JIRN
jury was duly sworn and impaneled= JIRNLD
licensed to practice= LPD
licensed to practice medicine= LMD
Long Island= LAOILD
Staten Island= STAENLD
make a finding= MAFG
mandatory minimum= MAMD
not to answer= NAONS
not to answer the question= NAONGS
note my objection= NAOIB

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Category: Briefs | LEAVE A COMMENT
June 18 2013

Week 23: 13,000 Words in 2013 Dictionary Challenge

Week 23: 401
Week 22: 266
Week 21: 249
Week 20: 679
Week 19: 746
Week 18: 261
Week 17: 255
Week 16: 272
Week 15: 507
Week 14: 280
Week 13: 264
Week 12: 265
Week 11: 680
Week 10: 307
Week 9: 266
Week 8: 248
Week 7: 292
Week 6: 390
Week 5: 578
Week 4: 258
Week 3: 252
Week 2: 274
Week 1: 470 Entries
Total Tally: 8460 Entries

Happy dictionary building!

Love, Speed & Accuracy,

Elsie Villega

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June 17 2013

Medical Monday: Hyperplasia

Hyperplasia is increased cell production of normal tissues or organs. Hyperplasia may be a sign of abnormal or precancerous changes. However, it can also be the growth of normal cells.

Machine Briefs:
Option #1: hyperplasia: HAOIP/*ER/PLAIZ/KWRA*
Option #2: hyperplasia: HAOIRP/PLAS/KWRA*
Option #3: hyperplasia: HAOIRP/PLAI/SAO*E/KWRA*
Option #4: hyperplasia: HAOIRP/PLAI/SAO*E/A*
Option #5: hyperplasia: HAOIRP/PLAIZ/KWRA*
Option #6: hyperplasia: HAOIRP/PLAIS/KWRA*
Option #7: hyperplasia: HAOIRP/PLAZ/KWRA*

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