New Word: Slofie
New Word: Wordie
I Love Steno Tuesday Trivia: How Often Are New Words Added To The Dictionary?
QUESTION: How Often Are New Words Added To The Dictionary?
ANSWER: According to Grammarly, a new word is added into the dictionary every two hours. The grammar source states that, “During the course of the year, almost 4,000 new words are added.”
WOW! How’s that for dictionary building? Who can keep up with that?
New Word: Seussian
New Word: Whovian
New Word: Poutine
Poutine is the name of a Canadian dish that was reportedly created in Quebec. It is said that this dish got its name from the Quebecois slang word “poutine,” which means “mess.”
Poutine is created with three main ingredients: French fries, topped with cheese curd and gravy. The word “poutine” was officially added to Websters Dictionary in 2014.
Machine Briefs:
OPTION #1: poutine= PAO/TAO*EN
OPTION #2: poutine= PAOU/TAO*EN
New Word: Airbnb
New Word: Returnship
New Words: FLOTUS, SCOTUS, E-Cigarette, Texta and More
The following words are among the words that have been added to the Oxford Dictionary in June 2015: FLOTUS, SCOTUS, autotune, crowdfund, e-cigarette, vape, twitterati, Yooper, webisode, and texta. The definitions and briefs for the aforementioned words are below.
FLOTUS= First Lady of the United States
SCOTUS= Supreme Court of the United States
autotune= “A device or facility for tuning something automatically, especially a piece of computer software that enables the correction of an out-of-tune vocal performance.”
crowdfund= “The practice of funding a project or venture by raising monetary contributions from a large number of people, typically via the internet.”
e-cigarette= “Another term for electronic cigarette.”
Twitterati= “Avid or frequent users of the social media website Twitter.”
vape= “(1) An electronic cigarette or similar device. (2) Inhale and exhale the vapor produced by an electronic cigarette or similar device.”
texta= A felt-tip pen, often colored and usually wide-tipped for use by children.
Yooper= “A native or inhabitant of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.”
webisode= “An original episode derived from a television series, made for online viewing.”
Machine Briefs:
autotune= AOT/TAO*UN
crowdfund= KROUD/F*UND
e-cigarette= AOE/SGRET
vape= VAIP
Twitterati= TW*IRT/RAT/YI
texta= TEGT/A* or TEGT/TA*
webisode= WEB/A/SO*ED