July 14 2015

New Words: FLOTUS, SCOTUS, E-Cigarette, Texta and More

Steno New Word Logo CroppedThe following words are among the words that have been added to the Oxford Dictionary in June 2015: FLOTUS, SCOTUS, autotune, crowdfund, e-cigarette, vape, twitterati, Yooper, webisode, and texta. The definitions and briefs for the aforementioned words are below.

FLOTUS= First Lady of the United States
SCOTUS= Supreme Court of the United States
autotune= “A device or facility for tuning something automatically, especially a piece of computer software that enables the correction of an out-of-tune vocal performance.”
crowdfund= “The practice of funding a project or venture by raising monetary contributions from a large number of people, typically via the internet.”
e-cigarette= “Another term for electronic cigarette.”
Twitterati= “Avid or frequent users of the social media website Twitter.”
vape= “(1) An electronic cigarette or similar device. (2) Inhale and exhale the vapor produced by an electronic cigarette or similar device.”
texta= A felt-tip pen, often colored and usually wide-tipped for use by children.
Yooper= “A native or inhabitant of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.”
webisode= “An original episode derived from a television series, made for online viewing.”

Machine Briefs:

autotune= AOT/TAO*UN
crowdfund= KROUD/F*UND
e-cigarette= AOE/SGRET
vape= VAIP
Twitterati= TW*IRT/RAT/YI
texta= TEGT/A* or TEGT/TA*
webisode= WEB/A/SO*ED

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Posted July 14, 2015 by Elsie Villega in category "Briefs", "Vocabulary

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