March 30 2018

Friday Phrases

Friday Phrases Logo
fair preponderance= FAIRP
fair preponderance of the evidence= FAIRPD
preponderance of= P-FP
preponderance of the= P-FPT
preponderance of evidence= P-PD
preponderance of the evidence= PEPD
preponderance of credible evidence= P-BLD
preponderance of the credible evidence= PEBLD
by a preponderance of the evidence= BEPD

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Category: Briefs | LEAVE A COMMENT
March 28 2018

Briefs And Phrases From Jessica Jones- Season 2, Episode 4

Jessica Jones Season 2 Episode 4palliative= PAL/T*IV
medical school= MAOL
alienate= YENLT
delinquent= DLINT
summer= SMER
destiny= SDAEN
abducted= DAUKD
chocolate= KHOKT
dozen= DOZ
Broadway= BROI
New York City= NORKS
humid= HAOUMD
little= LIL
usual= AOURB
scratch= SKAFP
as I was= SIFS
blouse= BLOUS
blood= BLAOD
blurry= BLUR/YI
punching= PUFPG
and over= SKPOEFR
fifteen= FAOEN
benign= BA/NAO*IN
external= XERNL
action= -X
soothe= SAO*T
strife= STRAOIF
Gary= GA*ER
meth= M*ET
brother= BROER
worst= WO*RS
they go= THEG
stepmom= STEP/MO*M
violent= V-LT
control= KROEL
family= FAEM
car accident= KARX
someone= SWUN
horrific= HOFRK
experiments= XERMTS
maniac= MA*ING
reason= R-N
sorry= SOR
anger= ANG
management= M-BT
support= SPOR
can I recall= KIRL
seriously= SAOERLZ
shoulder= SHOURLD
Kabul= KA/B*UL
stare= STAER
to you= TOU
Malcolm= MAL/KO*M
how long= HOUNG
have you been= VUB
at you= TU
dumping= DUFRPG
human= HAOUM
city= STI
wigs= WIGS
better= BERT
text= TEGT
address= DRAES
what do you want= WHAOUPT
can I see= KIZ
busy= B-Z
superhero= SPR-/HOER
bulletproof= BLAOF
this is= TH-S
exactly= XL-KT
type of= TAOIFP
with you= WU
superpower= SPR-/POUR
married= MAERD
somebody= S-B
pregnant= PREG
alternative= NAEFT
insanity= SNAINT
package= PAJ
listen= L-N
report= RORP
news= NUS
Griffin= GR*IFN
Sinclair= SIN/KLA*IR
girlfriend= GOIF
Evan= EFN
gate= GAET
imbecile= KB/BA/S*IL
wasted= WAEFTD
lawsuit= LAUT
consulting= SKULGT
confident= K-FNT
agree= GRAOE
hiring= HIRG
compete= KPAOET
aberration= AB/RA*IGS
less than= LAEFN
fallout= FAUL/O*UT
cede= SAO*ED
refund= REFND
retainer= TRAERN
good luck= GLUK
privacy= PRAOIFZ
mother= MOER
bench= BEFP
safety= SAIFT
first= FIRS
hello= HO*EL
customers= KMERZ
wow= WO*U
ghost= GHOEFT
showbiz= SHOE/B*IZ
Sal= SA*L/SA*L
Sally= SAL/YI
destroyed= STROID
entitled= SBAOILTD
bratty= BRAT/YI
rehab= RAB
woman= WOM
synthetic= STHEK
alone= LAON
cash= KARB
chemo= KMOE
cancer= KAERN
I imagine= IJ
business= BIS
killer= K*IRL
metro= MROET
medical bills= M-BLS
hospital records= HORDZ
public= PUB
forty= FOURT
thirty= THIRT
promise= PROM
security= SKAOURT
bluff= BLUF
leverage= LEFRJ
idea= Y-D
probation= PRAIX
Trish= TRIRB
Walker= WA*URK
Tatum= TAIT/*UM
movie= MO*EF
age= AIJ
carpenter= KRARPT
Jessica= JES/KA*
suggest= SUG
recovering= ROFRG
addicts= DIKTS
goodbye= GAOIB
Jones= JOEnS
maybe= MAEB
hero= HOER
dirty= DOIRT
altruism= AL/TRAOUFM
bunch= BUFP
humanity= HAOUMT
father= FA*ER
latest= LAIFT
article= ARL
in return= NRURN
intel= SBEL
homework= HOERK
level= LEFL
proud= PRO*UD
there you go= THRUG
I don’t care= YOK
agent= AGT
plane= PLAEN
deadline= DLAOIN
video= VAO
thousands= THOUS
dollars= DLARS
max= MA*X
nauseating= NAURBGT
boyfriend= BOIF
letters= LERTS
repeat= RAOEPT
confidential= K-FLT
angry= AING
children= KHIRN
nonetheless= NONLS
expense= XENS
accounts= K-TS
partners= PARNS
stupid= STAOUPD
mistakes= MAEKS
safari= SA/FAR/YI
company= K-P
tickets= TIKTS
pro bono= PROE/BOE/NO*E
corporate= KORPT
generosity= JEN/RO*FT
eviction= EFGS
notice= N-TS
weird= WERD
parade= PRA*ED
insurance= SNAOURNS
underestimate= UND/STIMT
special= SPERB
dissertation= DIS/TA*IGS
narcissim= NARS/S*IFM
therapized= THAERPDZ
problem= BLEM
prison= PRIS
months= MOS
ago= AG
radar= RAIRD
focus= FOEKS
custody= KUD
lawyer= LAUR
forgery= FOERJ
actually= TWAEL
ashamed= SHAEMD
Oscar= OS/KA*R
definitely= DAFL
unusual= NAOURB
misanthrope= MIZ/A*N/THRO*P
whoa= WHAO
half an hour= HAUR
whiplash= WLARB
adults= DULTS
normal= NOL
annoying= NOIG
percent= PERS
Marissa= MA/RIS/SA*
Maria= MA/RAOE/A*
Macey= MAIS/YI
meds= M^EDZ
options= OPGS
studies= STOIS
timetable= TAOIM/TA*IBL
decades= DAEDZ
regulations= RELGSZ
Europe= AOURP
painless= PAINLS
guaranteed= GAURNTD
coward= KOURD
drooled= DRAOLD
hideous= HID/Y*US
horrible= HORBL
value= VAL
inside= N-FDZ
and I will= SKPIL
alley= LAEL
dealer= DLER
Amsterdam= AM/STER/DA*M
useless= AOUFLS
messenger= MEFRJ
in person= KBERN
emergency= M-J
applicable= PLIBL
misdemeanor= M-M
citations= KRAOIGSZ
panhandle= PAN/HA*NL
condemned= KEMD
hobo= HOE/BO*E
Inez= AOE/N*EZ
modified= MOIFD
zap= SA*P
taser= TAIRZ
blond+ BLOND
brunette= BRAOUNT
padlock= PAD/LO*K
hospital= HOPT
flush= FLURB
bottom= BOT
stairs= STAIRS
apartment= PARMT
investigate= VEGT
booze= BAOZ
patient= PAIRBT
cabinet= KBINT
twisted= TWIFTD
standards= ST-DZ
Nick= N*IK
target= TARGT
in the= N-T
on the ground= OG
Nicholas= NIK/LA*S
Spence= SP*ENS
silent= SLENT
attorney= TOERN
appointed= POIND

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March 28 2018

Dictionary Builder: Stultify

Stultify is defined as follows: (1) To cause to appear or be stupid, foolish, or absurdly illogical. (2a) To impair, invalidate, or make ineffective. Negate. (2b) To have a dull or inhibiting effect on

OPTION #1: stultify= STUL/TA/FAOI
OPTION #2: stultify= STUL/TA/FAO*I
OPTION #3: stultify= STULT/A/FAOI
OPTION #4: stultify= STULT/A/FAO*I
OPTION #5: stultify= STULT/TA/FAOI
OPTION #6: stultify= STULT/TA/FAO*I
OPTION #7: stultify= STULT/FAOI
OPTION #8: stultify= STULT/FAO*I

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March 21 2018

Briefs And Phrases From Jessica Jones- Season 2, Episode 3

Jessica Jones Season 2 Episode 3
Alfredo= AL/FRAID/O*E
Marilyn= MA/RA/L*In
Cambodia= KAM/BOED/YA*
Greenwich= GREN/*IFP
empanadas= EM/PA/NA/DA*S
groceries= GROIRS
Leslie= LES/LI
Malbec= MAL/B*EK
Hansen= HAN/S*EN
Griffin= GR*IFN
Eugene= AOU/GAO*EN
medical school= MAOL
discretion= SKREGS
Chinese= KHAOINZ
devoid= DWOID
siphoned= SAOIFND
legitimate= JIT
passport= PAFRPT
felony= FLOIN
forgery= FOERJ
Franklin= FRA*ING/LIN
Damascus= DA/MAS/K*US
do you think= DOUNG
I didn’t mean= YIM
would remember= WORM
food= FAOD
pieces= PAOESZ
piece= PAOES
peace= PAES
idiot= ID/YO*T
drumroll= DRUM/RO*L
superintendent= SPR-NT
cruiser= KRAOURZ
visit= VIFT
nineties= NAOINTS
doctor= DR-
inexperienced= IN/XERNS/-D
radio= RAO
all this= AULTS
addiction= DIX
protection= PROEX
decedent= SDAOENT
New York City= NORKS
reputation= R-PGS
slumlord= SLUM/LO*RD
complaint= KPLAINT
hello= HO*EL
legal= LAOEL
sentimental= SENT/M*ENL
elevator= L-FRT
basement= BAIFMT
nephew= NEF/AO*U
herself= HERZ
neighbors= NAEBS
evict= EFKT
eviction= EFGS
how should= HOURBD
I know= AOIN
Malcolm= MAL/KO*M
evidence= AEFD
illegal= ILG
video= VAO
human= HAOUM
experimentation= XERMGS
market= MARKT
do you think= DOUNG
discuss= SKUS
settle= SELT
unfortunately= UFRNLT
alias= AILZ
investigation= VEGS
reasonable= R-NL
stellar= SYTEL/*AR
obviously= OEFLS
trek= TREK
biased= BAOIDZ
at least= TLAOEFT
bucket= BUKT
minute= MIN
executive= SKAOUFT
chef= SHEF
lifestyle= LAOIFLT
dismemberment= DIZ/MEB/-MT
orchard= OR/KHA*RD
trickiest= TRIK/YEFT
contract= KR-T
contractual= KR-LT
unidentified= UN/AOIFD
crispy= KRIFP/YI
do you= DOU
critic= KRIT
objectify= OB/FAO*I
objectification= OB/FA*IGS
boy= BOI
heavy= HEF
month= MO
school= SKAOL
downstairs= DOUNTS
do you have= DOUF
America= MERK
glued= GLAOUD
magnet= MANGT
bedtime= BED/TAO*IM
phone call= FOENG
parole= PROEL
liquor= LIR
agreed= GRAOED
rephrase= RAOEFRZ
spine= SPAOIN
ear= AOER
and you were= SKPURP
orphan= OFRN
candidate= KAND
torture= TAPURT
publicist= PUFBT
cloak= KLOEK
sexist= SEX/IFT
assignment= SOIMT
you said= UDZ
unstable= UN/STAIBL
worried= WOIRD
last night= LAFNT
could be= KOB
journalist= JURNLT
vapid= VAP/*ID or VA*PD
tabloid= TAB/LO*ID
it has= T-BS
how about= HOUB
proposal= PROEPL
discriminate= SDRIMT
let me= LEM
invoke= KBOEK
cramp= KRAFRP
ironic= AO*IRNG
humor= HAOURM
island= AOILD
rum= RUM
contemplate= KPLAIT
future= FAOURT
estranged= ES/STRAINGD
respect= R-PT
colleagues= KLAOEGS
can I have= KIF
breath= BR*ET
mouth= MO*UT
nose= NOEZ
alcohol= KHOL
survived= SWAOIFD
involve= VOF
options= OPGSZ
memories= MEMS
defense= D-FNS
arsenal= ARS/NA*L
neurodegenerative= NAOUR/D-FNGT
genetic= JENGT
editing= Y*IGT
technology= T-J
ungrateful= UN/GRAEF
miracle= MIRBLG
reason= R-N
stars= STARS
paparazzi= POP/RAZ/YI
freedom= FRAOEM
pigeon= PIJ/O*N
bigoted= BIGTD
pillow= PIL/O*E
resist= RAOEFT
investment= VEFMT
achieve= KHAEF
shrink= SR*ING
landlord= L-LD
expand= XAND
tenants= TANTS
exhale= XHAIL
imagine= MAJ
resume= RAOUM
peaceful= PAEF
lenses= LENSZ
calming= KAUMG
picture= PIR
legacy= LEGZ
stretch= STREFP
heinous= HAIN/*US
beach= BAEFP
questions= QES
relax= RAEK
creature= KRAOEFPT
meat= MAET
invented= KB-FNTD
innovative= NAOEFT/*IF
willing= L-G
penny= PEN/YI
to remember= TORM
trauma= TRAUM
blows= BLOS
station= STAIGS
abide= BOID
relationships= ROIPS
conference= K-FRNS
transfer= TR-FR
herself= HERZ
prejudice= PREJ
limit= LIMT
partners= PARNS
medical= MEL
disclosure= SKLAOUR
clause= KLAUS
performance= P-FNS
thirty= THIRT
generous= JERNS
package= PAJ
morality= MO*RLT
update= PAIT
no matter= NORMT
liability= LAOIBLT
backup= BUP
fiduciary= FAOURB
dangerous= DAIJS
duty= DAOUT
to be= TOB
negotiate= GOERBT
steel= STAOEL
severance= SWEFRNS
medicine= MED
commercial= KMERBL
residential= REFNLT
email= AOEM
fax= FAX
zone= SO*EN
property= PRORT
super= SAOURP
handle= HANL
fist= FIFT

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March 16 2018

Friday Phrases

Friday Phrases Logo
one of them= WUFMT
take care= TAERK
child care= KHAERK
degree of care= DREFK
health care= HAERK
due care= DAOUK
intensive care= SBEFK
medical care= MAERK
ordinary care= OERK
reasonable care= RAERK
primary care= PROIRK
standard of care= STOFK

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Category: Briefs | LEAVE A COMMENT
March 13 2018

Briefs And Phrases From Jessica Jones- Season 2, Episode 2

Jessica Jones Season 2 Episode 2whiskey= WHIS/KAO*E
wheelchair= WHAOERK
minyan= MIN/YA*N
one of them= WUFMT
police report= PLORP
voicemail= VOIFM
Greenpoint= GRAOEN/PO*INT
Brooklyn= BLIN
tonight= TONT
to remember= TORM
trash= TRARB
until= N-L
with a= WA
better= BERT
she just= SHEJT
worried= WOIRD
if you want= FUPT
it can= T-K
good night= GAOIT
did you say= SDUS
you just= UJT
lease= LAOES
building= BL-G
clinic= KLIN
Trish= TRIRB
file= FAOIL
address= DRAES
we’ll= WAO*EL
trouble= TRUBL
addict= DIKT
text= TEGT
complaints= KLPAINTS
are you= RU
sorry= SOR
patient= PAIRBT
grateful= GRAEF
will be= L-B
okay= OK
did he= SDE
ask= SK-
going= G-G
forward= FAORD
freak= FRAOEK
accident= SD-
normal= NOL
person= PERN
tissue= TIRB
before= B-F
unit= AOUNT
afterwards= AFRDZ
colonel= KOL
patriot= PROIT
too much= TAOFP
caffeine= KAFN
riot= ROIT
python= PAOI/THO*N
adorable= DORBL
couple= KUPL
gorgeous= GORJS
treat= TRAOET
actually= TWAEL
hi= HI
daughter= DAUR
what about= WHAB
French= FREFP
film= FIM
and I think= SKPING
apartment= PARMT
drooling= DRAOLG
appreciating= PRAOERBGT
next= NEGT
level= LEFL
I didn’t= YI
current= KURNT
phone number= FUB
Maximilian= MAX/A/MIL/YO*N
assume= SAOUM
clients= KLAOINTS
segment= SEGT
radio= RAO
hospital= HOPT
business= BIS
and all= SKPAUL
major= MAIJ
donor= DPHOR
metro= MROET
general= JEN
access= SKES
confidential= K-FL
information= N-FGS
desperation= DPRAIGS
desperate= DPRAT
fad= FAD
fade= FAID
princess= PRIN/S*ES
Griffin= GR*IFN
supports= SPORS
story= STOER
mushy= MURB/YI
mouth= MO*UT
without= WOUT
rely= RAOI
bloody= BLOID
Mary= MA*ER
extra= XRA
strong= STRONG
all right= L-RT
do you mind= DOUMD
straying= STRAIG
path= PA*T
wolves= WOFLS
bears= BAERS
ants= ANTS
flexible= FLEBL
metaphor= MET/F*OR
hear= HAER
cop= KOP
party= PAERT
yeah= YAI
Simpson= SIFRP/SO*N
you were= URP
I can’t believe= YABL
give me= GIFM
experiment= XERMT
agree= GRAOE
beasties= BAOEFT/YIS
animal= ANL
wasn’t= WAENT
traitor= TRAIRT
amped= AFRPD
alive= LOIF
rehab= RAB
disappears= SPAERS
tortured= TAOURTD
defenseless= D-FNS/-LS
sicko= SIK/O*E
sadist= SAID/IFT
touch= TOUFP
doesn’t= DOENT
goodbye= GAOIB
mother= MOER
what is= WHAS
connection= KEX
never= NEFR
Jessica= JES/KA*
Jones= JOENS
I don’t remember= YORM
detective= DEFKT
help= HEP
Sunday= SUND
occurred= KURD
last night= LAFNT
Robert= ROBT
Coleman= KOEL/MA*N
hire= HIR
corner= KRORN
from you= FRU
I had= ID
to do= TAOD
claiming= KLAIMG
evidence= AEFD
suggests= SUGZ
assaulted= SAULTD
probation= PRAX
anger= ANG
management= M-GT
do you mind= DOUMD
Oscar= OS/KA*R
superintendent= SPR-NT
incident= DIN
boy= BOI
what about= WHAB
did you see= SDUZ
ma’am= MAM
perhaps= PRAPS
mistaken= MAENG
I didn’t see= YIZ
bothered= BOERD
station= STAIGS
becomes= B-KS
hello= HO*EL
Malcolm= MAL/KO*M
investigation= VEGS
I didn’t know= YIN
who else= WHOELS
regale= RAOE/GA*IL
mongoose= MON/GAO*S
to us= TOUS
respond= SPON
how much= HOUFP
I have= IF
birthday= B*IRTD
roof= RAOF
pool= PAOL
in the hospital= NOPT
mental= MENL
we have= WEF
to tell= TOLT
too late= TAOLT
inside= N-DZ
New Orleans= NU/ORNLS
reverend= REFRND
disguise= SGAOIZ
Gene= GAO*EN
nothing= NOG
lost= LO*S
wishing= WIRBG
when the= WH-T
morning= MORNG
realized= RAELDZ
what I had= WHAID
you got= *UGT
baby= BAEB
bump= BUFRP
do you believe= DOUBL
karma= KAR/MA*
what do you think= WHAOUNG
really= R-L
production= PROUX
assistant= SIFNT
movie= MO*EF
ignored= GORD
pretty= PRIT
much= -FP
video= VAO
camera= KMRA
today= TOD
self-restraint= SEF/STRAENT
physically= F*IFL
dangerous= DAIJS
reassuring= RAOE/SHURG
gangster= GARNGT
Tricia= TRIRB/A*
happy= HAEP
surprise= SPRAOIS
private= PRAOIFT
trailer= TRAIRL
do you feel= DOUFL
do you know= DAOUN
involved= VOFD
ugly= OIG
fridge= FRIJ
masculinity= SKLINT
custody= KUD
battle= BALT
trouble= TRUBL
problem= BLEM
away= WA*I
illness= INLS
who was= WHOFS
alien= AIL/Y*EN
conspiracy= SPIRZ
comic= KM*IC
international= SBAL
what you said= WHAUDZ
accepting= SEPG
also= L-S
message= MEFJ
sorry= SOR
little= LIL
vodka= VOD/KA*
diet= DAO*IT
fantastic= FAN/TA*FKT
borrow= BROE
clout= KLOUT
woman= WOM
medical record= MORD
during that time= DRAT
cancer= KAERN
ratings= RAIGTS
public= PUN
what happened= WHAPD
forty= FOURT
fifteen= FAOEN
pimped= PIFRPD
crappy= KRAP/YI
you wanted= UPTD
more than= MORN
twisted= TWIFTD
memory= MEM
lane= LAEN
blackmail= BLAK/MA*IL
radio= RAO
personality= PERNLT
resort= REFRT
dirty= DOIRT
pretend= PREND
security= SKAOURT
difference= DIFRNS
exactly= XL-KT
utterly= UT/*ERL
ordinary= OERD
have you= VU
brunch= BRUFP
Dorothy= DO*RT/YI
I didn’t know= YIN
have you been= VUB
research= REFP
figure= FIG
where the= WH-T
encouraged= NURJD
practically= PRAEL
medication= MEGS
instincts= KBINGTS
first thing= FIRG
toxic= TOX
waste= WAEFT
present= PRENT
wallet= WLET
I don’t want= YOPT
nose= NOEZ
relationship= ROIP
listen= L-N
did she= SDHAOE
Tatum= TAIT/*UM
contact= KAKT
directing= DREKT/-G
pizza= PIZ
kind of= KAOIF
office= OFS
do you want= DOUPT
tomorrow= TOM
today= TOD
haven’t= V-NT
with you= WU
you were= URP
plastered= PLAFRTD
starving= STAFRBG
we’re= W*ER
is this= STH-
control= KROEL
following= FOL
you should= URBD
shooting= SHAOGT
herself= HERZ
Kozlov= KOZ/LO*F
bullet= BULT
performance= P-FNS
enhancer= KBHARNS
apparently= PAERNLT
Isaiah= AOI/SA*I/A*
no idea= NY-D
someone else= SWUNLS
whoever= WHOFR
issue= IRB
atrocities= A/TROFTS
committed= KMITD
in my= NAOI
for the first time= F-FRT
monster= MOFRNT

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March 9 2018

Friday Phrases

Friday Phrases Logo
last night= LAFNT
one of those= WUFNS
one of these= WUFNZ
go home= GHOEM
care of= KAIFR
care of the= KAIFRT
care of this= KAIFRTS
I don’t have time= YOFMT
given the= GIFNT
given this= GIFNTS
is this about= STH-B
is this about the= STH-BT
is this about this= STH-BTS

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Category: Briefs | LEAVE A COMMENT
March 8 2018

Briefs And Phrases From Jessica Jones- Season 2, Episode 1

Jessica Jones Logoyou can= UK
anything= NIG
delivered= DLIFRD
anyone= NIN
New York City= NORKS
careful= KAIF
what you= WHAU
eventually= VAENL
particularly= PLARL
I should= IRBD
manager= M-G
humiliated= HULTD
blank= BLA*ING
friend= FREND
hungry= HOORNG
starving= STAFRBG
I want= IPT
vigilante= VIJ/LANT/YI
superhero= SPR-/HOER
T-shirts= TWIRT/-S
triple= TR*IPL
alley= LAEL
to do= TAOD
soliciting= SLIFGT
murderer= MRURD
Mavis= MA*IF/*IS or MA*I/V*IS
stronger= STRORNG
when you just= WHUJT
Patsy= PA*TS/YI
amazing= MAEGS
Christmas= KMAS
encore= AON/KOER or ON/KO*ER
toys= TOIS
crazy= KRAEZ
hospital= HOPT
confidential= K-FL
steal= STAEL
exceed= XAOED
secret= SKRET
with the= W-T
performance= P-FNS
daughter= DAUR
violation= VAOILGS
criminal= KRINL
married= MAERD
copied= KPAO*ED
holy= HOIL
swear= SWAIR
movie= MO*EF
Friday= FRI
except= XEPT
Boca= BOE/KA
serious= SAOERZ
did this= SD-TS
dinner= DIRN
early= ERL
did you= SDU
client= KLAOINT
lately= LAILT
something= S-G
for this= F-RTS
first= FIRS
second= SEKD
Kyle= KAO*IL
finally= FLAOINL
news= NUS
champion= KHAON
tolerance= TLANS
misery= MIZ/RAO*E
blackouts= BLAK/O*UTS
seventeen= SFAOEN
years ago= YAOERGS
between= TWAOEN
remember= RER
powers= POURS
experiments= XERMTS
Simpson= SIFRP/SO*N
busy= B-Z
about it= B*T
did you get= SDUGT
security guard= SGAURD
birthday= B*IRTD
party= PAERT
ghost= GHOEFT
recovering= ROFRG
meaningless= MAOENG/-LS
expose= SKPOES
starting= STARGT
connected= KEKTD
drink= DR*ING
open= OEP
alone= LAON
I don’t know= YON
all right= L-RT
chug= KHUG
at the= TE
beginning= GING
I want= IPT
adopted= DOPTD
lizards= LIZ/A*RDZ
threatened= THRENTD
whistle= WHIS/*L
proof= PRAOF
dinosaur= DAOIN/SO*R
wizard= WIZ/A*RD
afford= FAURD
personal= PERNL
pro bono= PROE/BOE/NO*E
objectivity= OEFBT
writing= WRAOIGT
pithy= P*IT/YI
lesson= LEFN
build= BL-
with you= WU
clarity= KLAIRT
o’clock= KL-K
Chang= KHANG
consulting= SKULGT
punctuality= P*UNG/WA*LT
management= M-GT
city= STI
pretentious= PRAOE/TEN/SH*US
issue= IRB
can I= KI
resources= SRORSZ
support= SPOR
suite= SWAO*ET
employee= PLOE
benefits= BEFS
hire= HIR
absorb= SORB
alias= AILZ
investigations= VEGSZ
autonomy= AU/TON/MAO*E
expensive= XEFNS
excellent= XLENT
branch= BRAFP
competitive= KPEFT
meaningful= MAOENG/-FL
eliminate= L*IM
competition= KPEGS
siphon= SAOIFN
idiot= ID/YO*T
I wouldn’t= YAO
is that= STHA
what you think= WHAUNG
option= OPGS
problems= BLEMS
punch= PUFP
unconscious= KOUNS
yourself= YOURZ
money= MUN
gigs= GIGS
Oscar= OS/KA*R
apartment= PARMT
hurry= HUR
of course,= -FX
Mario= MAR/YO*E
Jorge= HOR/HA*I
pretty= PRIT
successful= SK-FL
female= FAEL
attorney= TOERN
today= TOD
sisterhood= ST-R/HAO*D
founding= FOUNGD
partners= PARNS
mentors= MERNTS
generation= JAIGS
women= WIM
like this= LAOIKTS
we see= WEZ
thank you= THAUNG
honor= HOM
so much= SOFP
offer= OFR
lawsuit= LAUT
settle= SELT
assistant= SIFNT
jail= JAIL
legitimate= JIT
stupid= STAOUPD
consenting= SK*ENGT
scandal= SKANLD
donation= DPHAIGS
essentially= SERBL
continue= T-N
illusion= LAOUGS
rubber= R*URB
chicken= KHIK/*EN
deeper= DAOERP
effects= FEKTS
trauma= TRAUM
hypnotherapist= HIP/NO*E/THA*ERPT
memories= MEMS
buried= BUR/Y*ID
we should= WERBD
cheerlead= KHAOER/LAO*ED
ratings= RAIGTS
Ian= AOE/A*N
segment= SEGT
sliding= SLAOIGD
you got= *UGT
medical= MEL
experiment= XERMT
shadow= SHAOD
corp= KO*RP
exist= XIFT
corroborate= KROB
sister= ST-R
exposure= SKPAOUR
respect= R-PT
family= FAEM
heroics= HOER/*IKS
private= PRAOIFT
obvious= OEFS
lifestyle= LAOIFLT
format= FORMT
celebrity= SBRIT
hairstylists= HAIR/STAO*ILTS
otherwise= OERZ
difference= DIFRNS
together= TOGT
high school= HAOL
marine= MRAOEN
quarterback= QAERT/BA*K
I need= IFRN
leash= LAOERB
that he= THAE
habitat= HAB/TA*T
humanity= HAOUMT
building= BL-G
when I was= WHIFS
what I= WHAI
smug= SMUG
pumped= PUFRPD
blow-hard= BLO/HA*RD
storage= STORJ
unit= AOUNT
dramatic= DRAUMT
lowest= LOEFT
ashes= ARBS
Jessica= JES/KA*
missing= M*IGS
scatter= SKART
let me= LEM
this time= TH-MT
tomorrow= TOM
we have= WEF
continuing= T-NG
honor= HON
stardom= STARMD
I don’t have= YOF
blessings= BLEGSZ
month= MO
next= NEGT
gaping= GAIPG
what was= WHAFS
whether or not= WHRORN
records= RORDZ
you remember= URM
do remember= DORM
I remember= IRM
forgot= FORGT
cut= K*UT
good morning= GORNG
this morning= THORNG
canceled= KAELD
totally= TLOELT
messenger= MEFRJ
air conditioner= RAIRN
challenged= KHALD
I really= *IRL
you got= *UGT
story= STOER
tax returns= TRURNS
college= KLEJ
transcripts= TRIPTS
leveraged= LEFRJD
against= GENS
search= SEFP
tell me= TL-M
when I= WHI
boyfriend= BOIF
breaking and entering= BRAERKT
better= BERT
woman= WOM
monumental= MAOUMT/A*L
retainer= TRAERN
bro= BRO*E
I think= AOING
I can’t= YA
serious= SAOERZ
reputation= R-PGS
interesting= TR-G
hapless= HAP/-LS
British= BRIRB
clown= KLOUN
murder= MURD
away= WA*I
bomb= BOM
dare= DAIR
accident= SD-
human being= HAOUB
behind= HIND
probation= PRAIBGS
hospital bills= H-BLS
bruises= BRAOUSZ
dislocated= SDLOEKTD
shoulder= SHOURLD
could be= KOB
he could= EKD
facing= FAIGS
pop= PO*P
Trish= TRIRB
easy= AOEZ
killer= K*IRL
ergo= ER/GO*E
maybe= MAEB
it is= T-S
understand= NAND
tangle= TANLG
Griffin= GR*IFN
judgments= JUMTS
too bad= TAOBD
charity= KHAIRT
event= AOENT
bunch= BUFP
illiterate= IL/LIT/RA*IT
arrested= ARD
literacy= LIT/RA*Z
I don’t really= YOERL
stupid= STAOUPD
Sinclair= SIN/KLA*IR
incredible= KBREBL
you need= UFRN
Walker= WA*URK
damage= DAJ
relate= RAOELT
mortality= MOR/TA*LT
potentially= POERBL
separate= SPRAIT
I don’t want= YOPT
likewise= LAOIKZ
reschedule= RAOE/SKELD
appointment= POIMT
favor= FAIFR
doctor= DR-
e-mailed= AOEMD
remind= RAOIMD
he would= ELD
I see= IZ
surprised= SPRAOIFD
proposal= PROEPL
funny= FOIN
volatile= VOL/TAO*IL
homicidal= HOMDZ/A*L
distance= SDANS
regardless= RARLS
assignment= SOIMT
idea= Y-D
instead= STAED
profits= PROFTS
seriously= SAOERLZ
guilty= GELT
assault= SAULT
charge= KHARJ
business= BIS
out of= OUF
competition= KPEGS
in the first place= FR-PLS
description= SDRIPGS
injuries= JERS
what the= WHAT
do you want= DOUPT
protect= PROEKT
listen= L-N
Jesus= JAOEZ
meds= M*EDZ
did you go= SDUG
normal= NOL
schizophrenic= SKITS/FR*ENG
monster= MOFRNT
I don’t remember= YORM
I think= AOING
calm= KAUM
I don’t want to= YOPTD
I believe= AOIBL
I’m sorry= AOIMS
perfectly= P-FRLT
healthy= HOILT
muscle= MUFL
cramp= KRAFRP
afraid= FRAID
what happened= WHAPD
take care= TAERK
mongoose= MON/GAO*S
that was= THAFS
construction= KRUX
when I= WHI
he said= EDZ
coincidence= KWOINS
scaffolding= SKAFLGD
they made= THEMD
clozapine= KLOEZ/PAO*EN
antipsychotic= AOINT/SKOKT
I guess= IGS
milligrams= MIL/GRA*MS
testament= TEFMT
who made= WHOMD
prescribing= PRAOIBG
pharmacy= FARMZ
manufacturer= M-FR
distributor= DR-RBT
industrial= STRIL
garment= GARMT
handling= HANLG
must be= MUB
killing= KILG
skippy= SKIP/YI
doors= DAORS
we were= WERP
something else= S-LGS
whatever= WHAFR

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