July 22 2021

Theory Thursday: Learn English: “Absolutely” Sample Sentences

absolutely= SLUL
starving= STAFRBG
positive= POF
it was= T-FS
she is= SHES
devoted= DWOETD
knives= NAOIFS
lethal= LAO*ELT
pouring= PORG
husband= HUS
adores= DORS
I feel= IFL
certain= SERN
roasting= ROEFGT
in this= NIS
she was= SHAOEFS
furious= FURBS
with him= WH-M
this is= TH-S
doctor= DR-
riveted= RIFTD
by the= B*IT
story= STOIR
hotel= HOELT
filthy= FLOIT
quiet= KWAET
perfect= P-FRT
it’s= -TS

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March 18 2021

Theory Thursday: Easy English Cooking Verbs

pouring= PORG
tea= TAE
cup= K*UP
sipping= SIPG
toast= TOEFT
toaster= TOEFRT
butter= BURT
in the morning= NORNG
squeezing= SKWAOEGZ
lemon/ LEM/*ON
eggs= EGS
weigh= WAE
flour= = FLO*UR
measure= MUR
measuring= MURG
batter= BAERT
smooth= SMAOT
stove= STOEF
layer= LAIR
ketchup= KEFP
garlic= GLIK
taco= TA/KO*E
sprinkle= SPR*INLG
dish= DIRB
decorate= DRAIT
microwave= MAOIFRK
soup= SOUP
refrigerate= FRIRT
fresh= FRERB
vegetables= VEJS
freeze= FRAOEZ
maintain= MAINT
quality= KWALT
blender= BLERND
consistency= KAONZ
oven= O*FN
few minutes= FAOUMTS
roast= ROEFT
turkey= TURK/YI
sharpening= SHAERNG
seasoning= S-NG
flavor= FLAIFR
fish= FIRB
chef= SHEF
sifting= SIFGT
pizza= PIZ
grating= GRAIGT
cheese= KHAOEZ
delicious= DLIRBS
ingredients= GRAOENTS
carve= KAFRB
meat= MAET
mash= MARB
barbecue= BARB/KAO*U
Sauté= SAU/TA*I
boiling= BOILG
ladle= LAILD
taste= TAIFT
tastes= TAIFTS
remove= MAOF
steam= STAOEM
whisk= WH*IFK
pasta= PAS/TA*
champagne= SHAM/PA*IN
serve= SEFRB
restaurant= STRAUNT

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July 19 2019

Coming Monday: 5 Briefs A Day

Coming 072219 5 Briefs A DayStarting July 22, 2019, Monday through Thursday, as consistently as possible, I will be posting 5 briefs a day. The 5 steno briefs will be briefs that I am personally studying in an attempt to shorten my writing. I will be posting these briefs in the form of a short video that can be repeatedly watched in order to commit the brief forms to memory.

I will be posting the briefs on my website: www.ILoveSteno.com. I will also be posting the videos on You Tube, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. I will post before 7 AM EST to allow for a full day of study. Thereafter, on a weekly or bimonthly basis, I will post a compilation of the briefs in an audio format with practice sentences.

Committing 5 briefs a day to memory is feasible. It is also a small step that can, over time, result in great advances in our writing.

Here’s to solidifying briefs that make us faster and more efficient writers.

Love, Speed & Accuracy,

Elsie Villega

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October 10 2018

Is There Really Such A Thing As Muscle Memory?

Why We Sleep
In our quest for steno perfection, we spend countless hours practicing. After all, “practice makes permanent.” It’s been oft said that multiple hours of practice creates “muscle memory”; making our writing automatic.

While reading the book, “Why We Sleep: Unlocking The Power Of Sleep And Dreams” By: Matthew Walker, I came across the following interesting passage that explains why the term “muscle memory” is a misnomer:

“The term ‘muscle memory’ is a misnomer. Muscles themselves have no such memory: a muscle that is not connected to a brain cannot perform any skilled actions, nor does a muscle store skilled routines. Muscle memory is, in fact brain memory. Training and strengthening muscles can help you better execute a skilled memory routine. But the routine itself- the memory program- resides firmly and exclusively within the brain.”

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April 18 2018

Is Gradualness The Secret To Speedbuilding?

I Love Steno Logo (Cropped)“Weight-lifters start with weights they can lift and gradually increase the weights over a period of time. Good fight managers start a new boxer off with easy opponents and gradually pit him against more experienced fighters. We can apply the same general principles in almost any field of endeavor. The principle is merely to start with an ‘opponent’ over which you can succeed, and gradually take on more and more difficult tasks.

Pavlov, on his death-bed, was asked to give one last bit of advice to his students on how to succeed. His answer was, ‘Passion and gradualness.’

Even in those areas where we have already developed a high degree of skill, it sometimes helps to ‘drop back,’ lower our sights a bit, and practice with a feeling of ease. This is especially true when one reaches a ‘sticking point’ in progress, where effort for additional progress is unavailing. Continually straining to go beyond the ‘sticking point’ is likely to develop undesirable ‘feeling habits’ of strain, difficulty, effort. Under such conditions weight-lifters reduce the amount of weight on the bar, and practice ‘easy lifting’ for awhile. A boxer, who shows signs of going stale, is pitted against a number of easier opponents. Albert Tangora, for many years the World Champion Speed Typist, used to practice ‘typing slow’- at half normal speed- whenever he reached a plateau, where further increase in speed seemed impossible.” -From, “Psycho-Cybernetics” By: Maxwell Maltz

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