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Practice Video: Indian Institute Of Technology Lecture On Highway Capacity And Level Of Service
Here is a lecture given by a college professor from the Indian Institute of Technology about highway capacity and level of service.
If you live in a city that is a melting pot like I do, it is wise to continue to become well acquainted with the various accents that you will be hearing throughout the course of court reporting, and/or captioning and CARTing. This professor, being from a school located in India, has an Indian accent.
Here are some briefs from the video:
transportation= TR-PGS
engineering= GERG
capacity= KPAFT
highway= HOI
roadway= ROI
freeway= FROI
facility= FAEFLT
factor= FAOK
traffic= TRAFK
lane= LAEN
surface= SFAS
vehicle= VAOEK
maximum= MAX
hourly= HOURL
prevailing= PRAILG
volume= VAOUM
clearance= KLAOERNS
meter= MAOERT
design= SDAOIN
pavement= PAIFMT
strategy= STRAJ
guideline= GLAOIN
effectiveness= FEFNS
curvature= KUFRBT
horizontal= HORL
essentially= SERBL
presentation= PRENGS
division= DWIGS
traffic control= T*K
service= SEFS
passenger car= PAERK
adjustment= JAUMT
density= D*ENTS
ideal= YAOEL
equivalent= QIF
population= POPGS
recreational= KRAOERLGS
volume= VAOUM
calculate= KLAIT
correction= KREX
access= SKES
commuter= KMAOURT