May 30 2019

Theory Thursday: Suffix Briefs Part 19

I Love Steno The Student Edition (Cropped)
The following are briefs for suffixes: (Note: When d-defining, don’t forget to define the briefs with the format symbol for suffixes.)

{Suffix}stop= STO*P
{Suffix}ta= TA*
{Suffix}tate= TA*IT
{Suffix}tation= TA*IGS
{Suffix}teeism= TAO*EFM
{Suffix}teenth= TAO*ENT
{Suffix}tenths= TAO*ENTS
{Suffix}tem= T*EM
{Suffix}th= *T
{Suffix}tice= T*IS
{Suffix}time= TAO*IM

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May 30 2019


“Discouragement is literally dis-courage-ment- a lack of courage…Wherever we are, the best way to develop courage is to set a goal and achieve it, make a promise and keep it. No matter how small the goal or promise, this one act will begin to build our confidence that we can act with integrity in the moment of choice.” From, “First Things First” By: Stephen Covey

Love, Speed & Accuracy,

Elsie Villega

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May 28 2019

Legal Vocabulary: Spoliation

Spoliation is defined as follows: “(1) Destruction; mutilation; alteration; specifically, the erasure, alteration, mutilation, or destruction of a paper to prevent its being used as evidence. (2) In English canon law, the taking of the fruits of a benefice under a pretended but illegal title, or a writ or suit brought on such grounds. (3) The destruction of a ship’s papers so as to conceal its nationality, the character of its trade, cargo, etc.

Machine Briefs:

OPTION #1: spoliation= SPOE/LAO*EGS
OPTION #2: spoliation= SPOE/LAOE/A*IGS

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May 24 2019

Friday Phrases

Friday Phrases Logo
it became= TBAIM
it became the= TBAIMT
it became it= TBA*IMT
it became this= TBAIMTS
it became it is= TBA*IMTS
it became to= TBAIMTD
it became to the= TBA*IMTD
it became was= TBAIFMS
is to= S-TD
is to the= S*TD
is it to= ST-TD
is it to the= ST*TD

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Category: Briefs | LEAVE A COMMENT
May 17 2019

Friday Phrases

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when he realized= WHERLDZ
what he realized= WHAERLDZ
when I realized= WHIRLDZ
what I realized= WHAIRLDZ
talk the= TAUKT
talk it= TA*UKT
talk this= TAUKTS
talk it is TA*UKTS
blood result= BLAORLT
blood results= BLAORLTS

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Category: Briefs | LEAVE A COMMENT
May 15 2019

Briefs and Phrases From Avengers: Endgame

8 Avengers
practice= PRA
fingers= FIRNGS
and you’ve= SKP*UF
if you find= FUFND
recording= RORGD
social media= SDWRA
existential= STEFNL
tiny= TOIN
sadistic= SDIFKT
at that time= TAT
oxygen= SHEN
no more= NOERM
guilt= G-LT
arrogant= AORNGT
governments= GOFTS
creatures= KRAOEFPTS
portal= PORLT
satellites= SAELTS
planet= PLAENT
Bleecker Street= BLAO*ERK
coordinates= KAORNTS
trumps= TRUFRPS
around the= ARNTD
strategies= STRAJS
Bruce= BRAO*US
sedatives= SDAFTS
territory= TERT
I can tell= IKT
garden= GAERN
is there= STHR-
short-handed= SHAND/-D
I like this= AOIBLGTS
protein= PRAOEN
answer the question= AEGS
universe= AOUFRS
temptation= TEFRPGS
destroy= STROI
inevitable= NEFBL
what did you do= WAOU
salads= SLADZ
dessert= SDERT
try to= TRAOITD
what the= WHAT
African= FRIN
visual= VIRBL
under the= N-RT
ocean= OEGS
haircut= HAIRKT
good point= GAOPT
sideways= SDWAIS
good luck= GLUK
Mexico= M*EX
cartel= KARLT
laundry= LOIRND
trying to= TRAOIGTD
airport= AIRPT
quantum= QAUN/T*UM
realm= REL/*M
microscopic= MAOIRK/SKO*PK
navigate= NAFGT
point in time= PAOIMT
emails= AOEMS
crickets= KR*IKTS
heist= HAO*IFT
tangible= TANL
outcome= OUK
I’m going to= AOIMGTD
future= FAOUT or FAOURT
something else= S-LGS
anything else= NILGS
eggs= EGS
eighteen= AEN
Hulk= H*UBLG
expertise= SPAOERZ
inverted= N-FRTD
will you be= LUB
bring it= BR*INGT
regardless= RARLS
at all= TA*UL
why the= Y-T
Morgan= MO*RNG
kitchen= KIFP
regular= REG
hammers= HAERMS
rocket= ROKT
that bad= THABD
rascal= RAFBLG
password= PAFRD
tequila= TA/KAEOL/A*
why would= Y*LD
Thor= THO*R
wallowing= WLOEG
care less= KA*IRLS
particles= PA*RLS
adventure= DWUR
wrinkle= WR*INLG
infinity= IN/F*INT
history= HIFT
ether= AO*ET/*ER
sludge= SLUJ
grandfather= GRA*ER
elves= *EFLS
breakfast= BREFS
celestial= SA/LEFT/YA*L
rabbit= RABT
Village= V*IL
front door= FRAOR
assignment= SAOIMT
gratuitous= GRA/TAO*URBS
surgery= SURG
ale= AEL
fancy= FAENS
lickety-split= LIK/TAO*E/SPL*IT
nebula= NEB/LA*
dispatching= SDPAFPG
by the way= BAE
take the= TAIKT
occupancy= OUPZ
lobby= LOIB
secretary= SEKT
dysrhythmia= DIS/R*IT/MAOE/A*
medic= MEKD
where did= WR-LGTS
science= SAOINZ
chronologically= KLEL or KLAEL
diagnostics= D-GTS
memory= MEM
network= TWORK
awesome= AUFM
duplicates= DPLIKTS
access= SKES
reflection= REFX
measure= MUR
hero= HOER
sync= SY-NG
quasi= QAEZ
in the= N-T
yes, sir= YES
beatniks= BAOET/N*IKS
flowers= FLOURS
sauerkraut= SOUR/KRA*UT
qualified= Q-FD
successfully= SKL-FL
disgust= SGUFT
useless= AOUFLS
garbage= GARJ
we have to= WEFTD
radiation= YAEGS
stubborn= STBORN
thankful= THAFL
alive= LOIF
avengers= A*FRJS
restored= STROERD
to have to= TOFTD
journey= JOIRN
everything is= EFRGS
rather than= RAERN
majesty= MAJT
leadership= LOIP
alternative= NAEFT
realities= RAELTS
branches= BRAFPS

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May 10 2019

Friday Phrases

Friday Phrases Logo
-hour period= HOURPD
and I have the= SKPIFT
and I have it= SKP*IFT
and I have this= SKPIFTS
and I have to= SKPIFTD
and I have to the= SKP*IFTD
how late is= HOULTS
and can= SKP-K
and can the= SKP-KT
and can it= SKP*KT
and can this= SKP-KTS
and can to= SKP-KTD
and can to the= SKP*KTD

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