June 29 2016

Rules Of Grammar: Auger vs. Augur

Rules Of Grammar LogoAn auger is a tool that has a bit in the shape of a helix. This tool is used to bore holes in wood.

An augur is a soothsayer; a person who foretells events by omens. It is also a word used todecribe an official diviner of ancient Rome.

Machine Briefs:

OPTION #1: auger= AURG
OPTION #2: auger= AU/G*ER
OPTION #3: auger= AUG/*ER

OPTION #1: augur= A*URG
OPTION #2: auger= AU/G*UR
OPTION #3: auger= AUG/*UR

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June 29 2016

Dictionary Builder: Quixotic

Quixotic has the following definitions: Exceedingly idealistic; unrealistic and impractical. Foolishly impractical especially in the pursuit of ideals. Especially marked by rash lofty romantic ideas or extravagantly chivalrous action. Capricious, unpredictable.

Machine briefs:

OPTION #1: quixotic= QIX/OT/*IK
OPTION #2: quixotic= QIX/O*T/*IK
OPTION #3: quixotic= QIX/OT/T*IK
OPTION #4: quixotic= QIX/O*T/T*IK
OPTION #5: quixotic= QIX/O*KT
OPTION #6: quixotic= QIK/SOT/*IK
OPTION #7: quixotic= QIK/SOT/T*IK
OPTION #8: quixotic= QIX/SOT/*IK
OPTION #9: quixotic= QIX/SOT/T*IK

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June 24 2016

Friday Phrases

Friday Phrases Logo
power of attorney= POURN
bill of sale= BLAEL
in the hospital= NOPT
isn’t it a fact= SNIFT
great deal= GRAEL
four-wheel= FWHAOEL
rear end= RAOERND
rear ends= RAOERNDZ
income tax= N-KT
income tax return= N-RKT
income tax returns= N-RKTS
tax return= TRURN
tax returns= TRURNS

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Category: Briefs | LEAVE A COMMENT
June 20 2016

Medical Monday: Dysemia

Dysemia is “any abnormal condition or disease of the blood.”

Machine Briefs:

OPTION #1: dysemia= DIS/MAOE/YA
OPTION #2: dysemia= DIZ/MAOE/YA
OPTION #3: dysemia= DIS/YI/MA*E
OPTION #4: dysemia= DIZ/YI/MA*E
OPTION #5: dysemia= DIS/YI/MAOE/YA*
OPTION #6: dysemia= DIZ/YI/MAOE/YA*

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June 16 2016

Theory Thursday: Suffix Briefs Part 1

I Love Steno The Student Edition (Cropped)
The following are briefs for suffixes: (Note: When d-defining, don’t forget to define the briefs with the format symbol for suffixes.)

{Suffix}a= A*
{Suffix}abilities= -BLTS
{Suffix}ability= -BLT
{Suffix}able= -BL
{Suffix}abled= -BLD
{Suffix}ables= -BLS
{Suffix}ably= BLI
{Suffix}ack= A*K
{Suffix}after= A*FR
{Suffix}age= AJ or A*J
{Suffix}ages= A*JS

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