Briefs, Phrases, and Legal Terminology From Boston Legal Season 1, Episode 2
on the= ONT
minutes= MINS
mental= MENL
hospital= HOPT
about= B-
tomorrow= TOM
how much= HOUFP
I can= IK
I don’t need= YOFRN
board= BAORD
will= L-
question= KWE
entirely= SBAOIRL
possible= POB
provoke= PROEFK
contrition= KAUN/TRIGS
to see= TOZ
I am= IM
ashamed= SHAEMD
Perhaps= PRAPS
sanity= SANT
punitive damages= P-DZ
Compensatory= KPENS/TO*ER
puny= PAOUN/YI
punitive= PAOUFNT
bifurcate= BAOIFRKT
compensatory= KPERNT
juries= JIRS
liability= LAOIBLT
damages= DAJS
deposition= DEPGS
commitment= KMIMT
proceeding= PRAOEG
hearing= HAERG
release= RAOES
wait a second= WAIKD
busy= B-Z
forgive me= FRIFM
psychiatric= SKAOERKT
treatment= TRAOEMT
crazy= KRAEZ
excuse me= SKAOUFM
concur= KRUR
intermittent= INT/MINT
disorder= DORD
protocol= PROELT
pharmacological= FARM/KOE/L-L
indeed= N-D
actually= TWAEL
obviously= OEFLS
I’m sure= AOIMZ
essentially= SERBL
institution= SNAOUGS
maybe= MAEB
New York= NORK
graduate= GRAUT
attorney= TOEN
intelligent= TEJ
each and every= AOEFR
each and every time= AOEFRT
milligrams= MIL/GRA*MS
antipsychotic= AOINT/SKOKT
thoroughly= THROL
medication= MEGS
scenario= SNAR
surgeon= SURN
transcript= TRIPT
corporation= KORPGS
conduct= KUKT
angioplasty= ANG/YOE/PLAEFT
allegation= AELGS
outcome= OUK
cardiac arrest= KAURKT
devastated= DWAEFTD
at this time= TIT
patient= PAIRBT
he had= ED
forty= FOURT
objection= OX
form of the question= FOFRMGS
more or less= MORLS
physical= FIS
condition= K-N
regularly= RELG
secretly= SKRELT
persuade= PRAED
progress= PROG
incident= DIN
insults= SMULTS
irrevocable= IR/RAF/KA*BL
isolated= SOELTD
repeat= RAOEPT
guardian= GAURND
affidavit= AFD
psychiatrist= SKRIFT
bias= BAOIZ
parole= PROEL
prison= PRIS
as you say= SUS
distance= SDANS
provided= PROID
legal= LAOEL
pathology= THOLG
reference= REFRNS
motion= MOEGS
sanctions= SANGSZ
control= KROEL
aspire= SPIR
intimidate= SBIMT
deteriorating= DRAEGT
service= SEFS
as much as= S-FPS
conversation= KFRGS
argue= GAOU
prevent= PREFNT
adamant= DMANT
early= ERL
goodbye= GAOIB
airport= AIRPT
forgiving= FRIFG
attacked= TW-KD
partnership= POIP
canceled= KAELS
lunch= LUFP
bar= BAR
complaint= KPLAINT
consortium= KON/SORT/Y*UM
mitigating= MIT/GA*IGT
factor= FAOK
legitimate= JIT
conducted= KUKTD
privacy= PRAOIFZ
courtroom= KRAOM
I object= IB
I object to= IBT
settlement= ST-MT
considering= K-RG
opponent= PAONT
demean= DMAOEN
profession= PROEFGS
warrant= WARNT
restraining order= STRAENG/ORD
is that= STHA
what you think= WHAUNG
congratulate= GLAIT
recommendation= REMGS
senior= S-R
person= PERN
he wants= EPTS
party= PAERT
tragedy= TRAJD
private= PRAOIFT
photocopy= FOEKT
machine= M-N
adjourn= JAURN
as soon as= SNS
outpatient= TPAIRBT
courthouse= KHOUS
precipitating= PRAOEPGT