July 19 2019

Coming Monday: 5 Briefs A Day

Coming 072219 5 Briefs A DayStarting July 22, 2019, Monday through Thursday, as consistently as possible, I will be posting 5 briefs a day. The 5 steno briefs will be briefs that I am personally studying in an attempt to shorten my writing. I will be posting these briefs in the form of a short video that can be repeatedly watched in order to commit the brief forms to memory.

I will be posting the briefs on my website: www.ILoveSteno.com. I will also be posting the videos on You Tube, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. I will post before 7 AM EST to allow for a full day of study. Thereafter, on a weekly or bimonthly basis, I will post a compilation of the briefs in an audio format with practice sentences.

Committing 5 briefs a day to memory is feasible. It is also a small step that can, over time, result in great advances in our writing.

Here’s to solidifying briefs that make us faster and more efficient writers.

Love, Speed & Accuracy,

Elsie Villega

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November 2 2017

Theory Thursday: Elsie Villega’s Audio Practice Briefs & Phrases Part 1

summit= SUMT
garage= GRAJ
garbage= GARJ
accountability= KABLT
accountable= KABL
secondary= SERKD
governance= GOFRNZ
convene= KWAO*EN
convenes= KWAO*ENZ
queen= KWAOEN
queens= KWAOENS
(Note: Queens= KWAO*ENS; as in Queens, New York)
He was accountable for the garbage in the garage.
The queen called a summit for queens that will convene in Brooklyn.
The governance of the secondary school was garbage.
Let’s convene in the garage tomorrow.
he was= EFS
for the= F-RT
that will= THAL
in the = N-T
called= KAULD
tomorrow= TOM

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July 7 2017

Steno Machine Repair: Screen Damage

Stentura Fusion Main Screen

Stentura Fusion Screen

I take very good care of my machine. However, I must have inadvertently hit the screen with something because when I turned my machine on a few days ago, it had the above-pictured damage to the screen. I’m really attached to this machine. It’s the first professional machine that I saw in person. That was one of the reasons that I purchased this model over more popular models that were out at the time that I purchased it.

I called a few repair places to inquire about how much they would charge to fix it. However, I couldn’t get a clear estimate. I refuse to send my machine across several states without getting a proper estimate; that doesn’t sit well with me. It just might be time to get a new machine. I’m doing some research on the available options. If anyone has some information on a great repair place, or reasonably priced machines, let me know. Thanks.

Love, Speed, and Accuracy,

Elsie Villega

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October 13 2016

My New Mission In Life: To Be A BPL Power User

bklyn-librarySo, apparently, there’s a new thing going on at the Brooklyn Public Library where patrons who have more than 4,000 checkouts are awarded the designation of Power User. I WANT THIS TITLE!! Lol. I’m an avid reader, and I love the library!

A librarian whom I queried about the Power User program told me that she only had 1,000 checkouts, and she is also an avid reader. I’m currently a bit over 1,200 checkouts. I’m not sure how many years it will take me to reach 4,000 checkouts, but I’m in it to win it! Lol.

According to the Brooklyn Public Library’s website, Power users have the following privileges: “A silver Power User library card, bragging rights, and some special gifts.” I WANT IT ALL! Hopefully, I can reach the half-way point at least before the decade ends. I’ll keep you posted.

Love, Speed, and Accuracy,

Elsie Villega

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June 2 2016

I Love Steno The Student Edition: How Relaxation Helps Your Memory

When your body feels stress, it releases the hormone cortisol. When your cortisol levels are high, your memory is adversely affected. High stress levels are accompanied by lowered concentration levels, and a lowered ability to retain and recall information. Therefore, take a deep breath and try to be as relaxed as possible while you are testing and practicing. This will help to get your brain working for you instead of against you. Relaxation is key.

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March 13 2016

Steno Perfection

I Love Steno Logo (Cropped)“Perfection is the ultimate addiction.” -Janice Dickinson

I believe that most stenographers are perfectionists. After all, what other type of personality would dedicate so many hours to mastering a skill that requires so much precision.

In our quest for flawless writing, we must remember not to be too hard on ourselves. The fun is in the journey.

Love, Speed, and Accuracy,

Elsie Villega

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September 3 2015

I Love Steno: The Student Edition- Great Practice For Theory Students!

A great way for theory and low-speed students to practice is to write to “Learn to Speak English” audio recordings and videos. This is such a great way to practice because the speakers are usually speaking at a fairly slow and steady pace due to the fact that they are trying to teach someone to speak a new language (just like us learning steno). Also, the speakers are usually using vocabulary that is on the basic or intermediate level- just what you need as a newcomer to steno.

There are also great “Learn English” videos that contain conversations between people. This is a great resource for students who are just becoming acquainted with Q & A.

You Tube is my favorite place to access “Learn English” videos. Here are some channel names and links you can visit:

Learn English Conversation: https://www.youtube.com/user/englishlearnspeak/videos

Learn English Fast 1: https://www.youtube.com/user/LearnEnglishFast1/videos

BBC Learning English: https://www.youtube.com/user/bbclearningenglish/videos

Pod English: https://www.youtube.com/user/podEnglish/videos

Speak English With Mister Duncan: https://www.youtube.com/user/duncaninchina

Simple English Videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/vickihollettvideo/videos

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