September 3 2015

I Love Steno: The Student Edition- Great Practice For Theory Students!

A great way for theory and low-speed students to practice is to write to “Learn to Speak English” audio recordings and videos. This is such a great way to practice because the speakers are usually speaking at a fairly slow and steady pace due to the fact that they are trying to teach someone to speak a new language (just like us learning steno). Also, the speakers are usually using vocabulary that is on the basic or intermediate level- just what you need as a newcomer to steno.

There are also great “Learn English” videos that contain conversations between people. This is a great resource for students who are just becoming acquainted with Q & A.

You Tube is my favorite place to access “Learn English” videos. Here are some channel names and links you can visit:

Learn English Conversation:

Learn English Fast 1:

BBC Learning English:

Pod English:

Speak English With Mister Duncan:

Simple English Videos:

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Posted September 3, 2015 by Elsie Villega in category "Practice Material", "Some Words From Elsie", "Theory

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