July 7 2015

I Love Steno The Student Edition: Practice Your Read Back From A Tablet, Smart Phone, etc.

With computer-aided transcription, gone are the days when court reporters have to read back from paper notes. When I first started court reporting school, I used an Stentura Protégé. In transit, I would read back from my paper notes for practice. More than a couple of times I dropped my accordion-like arrangements of notes. I won’t even get into the horrors of seeing my notes flying in the wind. LOL.

I still incorporate steno read back into my daily practice routine. However, I’ve found an easier way to carry my notes with me for my quick, in-transit study sessions.

I now save my steno notes as PDF files on my tablet for easier transport and manageability. If you save your files as PDFs you can drop them into any one of your devices that contain an PDF file reader.

Below are instructions for converting your steno files into PDFs.

Happy practicing.

How To Convert Steno Notes To PDF:
1. From the Manage Notes function, press Ctrl + p (or, the Print icon). The Print dialog box displays.

2. In the Printer Name field, select Stenograph PDF Printer.

3. Check the box Print to file. NOTE: If you don’t check this box, an error message will appear when you attempt to print the file.

4. Press Enter. The Print to File dialog box will display.

5. Select the location to where you want to save the PDF file. Then type a file name.

6. Press Enter (Save).

Love, Speed & Accuracy,

Elsie Villega

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July 31 2014

I Love Steno: The Student Edition: Things To Do Before Working: Read & Edit Your Dictionary

When attempting to master any language, the most basic and wisest course of action is reading the dictionary for that language. I would argue that the same can be said for steno.

You should periodically read and edit your dictionary. I would especially advise reading and editing your dictionary at the point when you notice a drastic change in your writing style. Studying your dictionary at this pivotal period will reinforce the modifications that you have made to your writing, as well as encourage you to make mental notes of what you have chosen to “throw away” and what you have chosen to “keep.”

Personally, I have read and edited my dictionary in its entirety twice thus far. The first time was when I reached 180 WPM writing speed and realized that it would greatly benefit me to implement phrasing into my writing. The second time was after earning my AOD degree in court reporting. I want to bridge the gap between being a student and a working reporter.

As a student, your focus is often on gaining speed so that you can complete your school’s course of study within their allotted time parameters. Therefore, sometimes, there is neglect to methods of study that don’t focus on speedbuilding. I felt that in order to be a proficient working reporter, reading and editing my dictionary (among other things) was something I should concentrate on. Therefore, I dedicated a chunk of my time to this exhaustive endeavor.

At first, I was concerned that using a large percentage of my daily study time to once again become well acquainted with my dictionary would negatively affect my speed. However, I found that just the opposite occurred.

After completely reading and editing my dictionary, I had markedly less hesitation. I also felt a lot closer to being realtime ready. I felt very pleased and accomplished for building a strong realtime foundation (although I’m not totally doing realtime yet). I even got extremely nice compliments from reporters I sat in with who observed my screen while I was writing. (SIDEBAR: I have a small theater size laptop screen. They couldn’t miss it. Lol.)

Be sure in your quest for speed you don’t neglect your dictionary. You may not have the time to read your dictionary from beginning to end, but you can pace yourself. Even perusing a page full of definitions every few days can help your writing immensely.

Remember, dictionary study doesn’t solely include adding words to it. It also means having a working knowledge of what words, briefs, and phrases your dictionary contains; eliminating conflicts; coming up with a consistent writing pattern; and “taking out the junk.”

Love, Speed & Accuracy,

Elsie Villega

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July 23 2014

I Love Steno: The Student Edition- Working On Speed & Accuracy? Get Your Emotions In Check

Going through court reporting school can evoke a cornucopia of feelings and emotions. It’s important to enjoy the ride and put anything that may be causing you stress into a perspective that makes it manageable for you. Remember, everyday is progress! Everyday you commit to bettering your skill is a step forward, no matter what the present results may be.

There is a direct correlation between how you “feel” about being in school and about learning your new skill, and how effectively you learn. There have been many studies on this topic. According to, “How The Brain Learns,” “How a person ‘feels’ about a learning situation determines the amount of attention devoted to it. Emotions interact with reason to support or inhibit learning.” Scientists have also proven that stress can affect your ability to retain information and learn. “How The Brain Learns” also states, “The hippocampus is susceptible to stress hormones that can inhibit cognitive functioning and long-term memory.”

Trying to pass that speed test or master your theory? Relax!!!! Go enjoy your favorite activity. Exhale!!!! Don’t look at the learning process as a burden. Don’t look at it as something you can’t wait to be done with. Enjoy it, and revel in all of its twists and turns! Practice, practice, practice; then, treat yourself to a fun activity or outing.

Love, Speed & Accuracy,

Elsie Villega

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July 18 2014

I Love Steno: The Student Edition- Students, Know Your Rights

The starting point for any skill or career is learning the fundamentals. It is important that the enthusiasm of a novice drawn to learn a skill is complemented with a warm, proficient, and welcoming educational environment. This is especially true when it comes to a skill like stenography, which requires an immense amount of concentration and time to achieve mastery.

It is an unfortunate reality of society that there exists “educational institutions” that do not have the educational advancement of their students as their foremost goal. Some schools are primarily profit-seeking entities that expend a minimum amount of resources catering to the basic learning needs of their students.

A student should always be aware of their rights and various options of recourse should their rights be violated and their educational standards be left unmet.

Be sure to request that your school provides you with a written/published copy of their grievance policies. Also, be certain to get all other important school guidelines in writing. If a school is refusing to cooperate with your request to get their policies in writing, get their refusal in writing.

It is beneficial to communicate with school administrators in a manner that will document any promises or declarations that are made to you. For this reason, favor written communications over verbal communications.

Schools that are certified by the National Court Reporting Association (NCRA) must adhere to the “General Requirements and Minimum Standards (GRMS)” that are set by the NCRA’s Council on Approved Student Education (CASE).

The NCRA allows for the filing of complaints against member schools. However, they require you to accompany their complaint form with the “final written decision of the institution.” You must also cite the specific GRMS rule number that the court reporting program has allegedly violated. Be aware that filing a complaint via the NCRA also requires that the student signs a form stating that they “have received a copy of the complaint procedures,” and “agree to abide by them.” The complaint form also asks the student to agree to “disclose the contents of [the] complaint to the approved court reporting program complained against, the members of the Council on Approved Student Education Association directors, officers, and appropriate staff.” It should be noted that, “The NCRA Council on Approved Student Education will not consider and monetary disputes.”

The aforementioned courses of action are not your only options. If necessary, you may want to reach out to an education attorney. There are great legal sites, such as www.Justia.com, that will list attorneys in your geographical area. This site also provides information for pro bono attorneys.

Also, be mindful that, according to www.Justia.com, “The United States Department of Education monitors the distribution of federal financial aid for education, focuses national attention on key educational issues and ensures that students are given equal access to school programs.

Love, Speed & Accuracy,

Elsie Villega

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June 23 2014

I Love Steno: The Tour- The Gallery Of Shorthand

Last week, I had the pleasure of visiting The Gallery of Shorthand. The gallery is located at the Federal Courthouse in Central Islip, Long Island (New York) (Eastern District).
Federal Courthouse (Central Islip)
The Gallery Of Shorthand (Full Shot)

The gallery exhibit is a comprehensive timeline of recorded words. It is organized in epochs, starting with the first epoch that depicts the ancient scribes of Egypt.
Epoch 1
The timeline ends with Epoch X, modern day CART and closed-captioning.

There is a very cool display of the various steno machines that have been invented throughout time. Amongst the machines are steno notes (on paper), and a variety of stenography educational tools (past and present).
Steno Maxhines At The Gallery Of Shorthand

The Gallery of Shorthand also displays speed contest medals.
Speed Contest (The Gallery Of Shorthand)

There is also a section of the gallery dedicated to “Legends of Shorthand.”
Legends Of Shorthand

I loved perusing all of the exhibits at The Gallery of Shorthand! I look forward to visiting the gallery again. Kudos to the gallery’s owner and director, Dominick M. Tursi.

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May 18 2014

I Love Steno: The Student Edition- The Different Types Of Q & A

Q & A testing can be a very varied experience. The test can be a variety of short answers, long answers, multi-syllabic words, short words, medical terminology, etc. To be prepared you should practice a variety of different Q & A formats. I compare it to being a runner who can marathon, sprint, and hurdle jump.

Below is a list of different types of Q & A formats. From experience, I think that you should have practice takes that include, or represent, all of the following formats that are contained in the list. This is something that I have learned through creating my own study curriculum to help me advance through my steno goals. Hopefully, this will also help other students.

Love, Speed, and Accuracy,

Elsie Villega

Types Of Q & A Formats:

1) Short questions with long answers, or long questions with short answers. With this type of Q & A, be prepared that the writing of the designations will not be as rhythmic as it is in popcorn Q & A (see below). Be sure not to drop the short part of the exchange if you happen to be trailing the speaker on the long part of the exchange.

2) Long questions with long answers. These can be comparable to a literary take sometimes.

3) Literary like Q & A. This can contain long questions and/or answers that are chock full of multi-syllabic words. You might find your mind wandering to question to yourself, “Is this a Q & A or a lit?” Lol. Fight the urge to wonder, and just write!

4) Popcorn Q & A. A succession of short questions with short answers. This format is pretty rhythmic in its back and forth exchange. However, it can also feel a lot speedier due to the fact that designations have to be rapidly made. If there’s anytime for laser-like focus, it’s during popcorn Q & A.

5) Technical/Expert Testimony. You’ll hear a bunch of multi-syllabic words that are familiar only to people who are well acquainted with a certain industry or profession.

6) Medical. Hopefully, you’ve gotten yourself a medical dictionary or medical textbook. I have a textbook that came with a CD that contains the proper pronunciation of medical terms. However, keep in mind that due to the high syllabic nature of a lot of medical terms, you may hear a term pronounced a number of different ways. Don’t let this throw you off. Write what you hear. It will be highly likely that you will be able to transcribe the term correctly if you get most of the syllables down. This is a plus for multi-syllabic words. The exception is if there are word derivatives and you don’t write the proper ending. That’s always a downer! All those strokes for nothing. Smh. Lol.

7) Date repeating Q & A. There are question and answer exchanges in which the date of the incident comes up a million times. I learned this trick from one of the awesome reporters that I interned with: Write the date out a couple of times, and then have a one-stroke designation that you use every time the date comes up after that. Brilliant! I also have added on to that great advice by creating a designation for the date when it recurs sans the year. For example, you may hear, “On the event that occurred on, February 3, 2014…” and, you may also subsequently hear, “At the time of the incident on, February 3,…” Have a designation to denote both dates, one with the year and one without.

8) Q & A where a list of items is constantly repeated.

9) Repetition of clichéd phrases. For example, you may hear, “At the time of the accident…” numerous times throughout the Q & A. As a matter of fact, a majority of the questions may be prefaced with the statement. These Q & As are great if you have a brief for the phrase cemented in your memory bank, and not so great if you don’t.

10) Choppy Q & A. Q & A where the answers make no sense, or the questioner keeps interrupting themselves to rephrase the question. Arghh!! Don’t fret, just be ready to hit your dash designation. There’s nothing more confusing than trying to transcribe this random collection of words without your dashes.

11) Q & A with frequent interruptions. Speaking of dashes, be dash-ready for this type of Q & A. If you’re not dash-ready in this type of situation, you may erroneously think you dropped chunks of dictation when you in fact got everything down perfectly. Nothing tests you faith more with your writing than when you leave out a dash and you’re trying to decide whether you dropped, or left out a dash.

12) Include- heavy Q & A. Mark this, fill in that, or take a break here, etc. Be sure to be well acquainted with your include designations for this type of Q & A.

13) Colloquy ridden Q & A. You don’t have to worry about this with 2-voice, but 3-voice and up, be sure to have you multi-speaker designations well practiced.

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