Briefs and Phrases From Without Remorse
hostage= HOFJ
Syrian= SY-RN
I don’t see= YOZ
military= MILT
sweetheart= SWHART
water= WAURT
sugar= SHURG
tea= TAE
fancy= FAENS
retiring= RIR
combat= KBAT
twister= TWIFRT
you remember this= URMTS
24 hours= 24OURS
custody= KUD
scenario= SNAR
dirty= DOIRT
when I got= WH*IGT
give me= GIFM
Mr. Secretary= MREKT
talk to= TAUKTD
operative= PRAIFT
in your opinion= NURP
thank you, sir= THAUNGS
second floor= S*FL
proxy= PROIX
any further investigation= N*IFRGS
punctured= PURNGTD
on the matter= OERMT
think about it= TH*IBT
where I’m going= WRAOIMG
motorcade= MOERKD
classified= KLAFD
ideology= YOLG
lineup= LAOIP
sincerely= SNAOERL
state of mind= STAIFMD
penitentiary= P-NT
felon= FLON
modified= MOIFD
cargo= KARG
Germany= GAERM
Aleppo= A/LEP/O*E
can you repeat= KURPT
clearance= KLAOERNS
we’re good= WAO*ERGD
isn’t that right= SNART
airlines= AIRLS
aircraft= AIRK
Finland= FINLD
bodyguards= BOERGDZ
patriots= PROITS
12 o’clock= 12-K
police officers= PLOIFRS
it looks like= TLAOLS
time to= TAOIMTD
time to go= TAOIMGTD
lobby= LOIB
last week= LAEFK
Court Reporter Spotted: The Case Of The People vs. Superman
Briefs and Phrases From The Falcon and The Winter Soldier: Season 1 Episode 6
Manhattan= MANT
in effect= NEFKT
excuse me= SKAOUFM
therapist= THAERPT
misdirect= SDREKT
wrong side= WRONGDZ
nightmares= NAOIRMTS
trust me= TRUFM
rendezvous= ROFND
rescue= SKWU
diversion= DWERGS
I didn’t mean to= YOMTD
underground= N-RGD
is that you= STHAU
drop it= DRO*PT
muscle= MUFL
blackmail= BLAIL
manipulate= MIP
stay down= STAUN
sincerely= SNAOERL
settlements= ST-MTS
good thing= GAONG
think about= THIB
senator= SNOR
is that I believe= STHAIBL
texting= T*EGT
I didn’t forget= YIFRGT
transporting= TR-PGT
them to the= TH*EMTD
suspects= S-PTS
overall= AUFRL
paperwork= PAIRK
agent= AGT