May 11 2021

Briefs and Phrases From The Falcon and The Winter Soldier: Season 1 Episode 6

Falcon and The Winter Soldier Episode 6
Manhattan= MANT
in effect= NEFKT
excuse me= SKAOUFM
therapist= THAERPT
misdirect= SDREKT
wrong side= WRONGDZ
nightmares= NAOIRMTS
trust me= TRUFM
rendezvous= ROFND
rescue= SKWU
diversion= DWERGS
I didn’t mean to= YOMTD
underground= N-RGD
is that you= STHAU
drop it= DRO*PT
muscle= MUFL
blackmail= BLAIL
manipulate= MIP
stay down= STAUN
sincerely= SNAOERL
settlements= ST-MTS
good thing= GAONG
think about= THIB
senator= SNOR
is that I believe= STHAIBL
texting= T*EGT
I didn’t forget= YIFRGT
transporting= TR-PGT
them to the= TH*EMTD
suspects= S-PTS
overall= AUFRL
paperwork= PAIRK
agent= AGT

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April 23 2021

Briefs and Phrases From The Falcon and The Winter Soldier: Season 1 Episode 5

Falcon and The Winter Soldier Episode 5
foreign= FOERN
national= NAL
international= SBAL
payroll= PAIRL
what happened to= WHAPTD
platforms= PLAFRMS
bizarrely= BIRLZ
testimony= T-M
exemplary= XLAERM
due respect= DAOURPT
mandate= MANTD
retroactive= ROERKT
I don’t like to= YOBLGTD
right thing= RAOING
salvation= SWALGS
liberty= LIBT
prudent= PRAOUNT
good to me= GAOMTD
letters= LERTS
tetanus= TET/N*US
allegiance= LAOEJS
Vietnamese= VAOEMZ
all the time= A*UMT
it means= T-MS
wrongdoers= WRORNGS
closure= KLAOUR
co-workers= KROERKS
preserve= PREFRB

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April 23 2021

Briefs and Phrases From The Falcon and The Winter Soldier: Season 1 Episode 4

Falcon and The Winter Soldier Episode 4
litigate= LIG
have happened= VPD
supremacist= SPREFMT
supremacy= SPREMZ
ceremony= SMOEN
normalcy= NOL/SAO*E
upstairs= UPTS
can you spell= K*UFP
outsider= OURDZ
delight= DLAOIT
do you see= DOUZ
what do you mean= WHAOUM
same things= SAIMGZ
leverage= LEFRJ
extort= STORT
go ahead= GHAED
grandfather= GRA*ER
memorial= MAERL
we have to= WEFTD
accordingly= KWORLG
believe me= BLEFM
robots= ROEBTS
revolutionary= R-FRLGS
power broker= POURK
power brokers= POURKS
terrorist= TRIFT
mascot= MAFKT
one thing= WUNG
coordinates= KAORNTS
why me= Y-M

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April 2 2021

Briefs and Phrases From The Falcon and The Winter Soldier: Season 1 Episode 3

Falcoln and The Winter Soldier Episode 3
criminal= KRINL
translator= TRARLT
she go= SHEG
and I don’t care= SKPWROK
blanks= BLA*INGS
corridor= KROERD
conscious= KONS
rhetorical= WROL
hypothetical= H-PT
Machiavelli= MAK/VEL/YI
left and right = L*EFRT
hallway= WLAI
fire alarm= FLARM
recruit= KRAOUT
army= AERM
haircut= HAIRKT
Marvin= MAFRN
pirate= PAOIRT
lawless= LAULS
acid= SDID
error= ROR
tiger= TAO*IRG
talk to me= TAUMTD
Van Gogh= VAN/GO*E
Monet= MOE/NA*I
Louvre= LOUFR
Sharon= SHA*RN
extradition= XRAGS
psychopath= SKO*EPT
serum= SERM
haggling= HA*LG
tuberculosis= T-BLS
is there any= STHRA*EN
there any= THRA*EN
barricade= BAIRKD

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March 26 2021

Briefs and Phrases From The Falcon and The Winter Soldier: Season 1 Episode 2

The Falcon and The winter soldier s1 ep 2
glory= GLOIR
nervous= NEFS
drama= DRAUM
all of it is= A*UFLTS
high school= HAOL
so much= SOFP
eagles= AOELGS
resumé= REFM
endurance= SBAOURNS
ounce= OUNS
Steve= STAO*EF
Rogers= ROJS
Hobbit= HOBT
wizard= WIRDZ
fifteen= FAOEN
chute= KHAOUT
panther= PA*RNT
doable= DOBL
hostage= HOFJ
medicine= MED
vaccine= VAOEFN
you’re welcome= YOURM
serum= SERM
cyborg= SAOIRBG
soldiers= SOERJS
chaotic= KHAOKT
citizenship= SOIP
social security = S-S
health care= HAERK
resources= SRORSZ
stop the= STOPT
famished= FAM/*IRBD
hungry= HOIRNG
freedom= FRAOEM
alias= AILZ
do you remember= DOURM
what I just= WHAIJT
how do you know this= HAOUNTS
Korean= KRAEN
skirmish= SKIRM/*IRB
metal= MAELT
decades= DAEDZ
do you know= DAOUN
who this= WHOTS
I didn’t tell= Y*ILT
couples= KUPLS
miracle= MIRBLG
ironic= AO*IRNG
aggravate= GRAIFT
squash= SKWARB
vacations= VAIGSZ
gentlemen= JE
civilians= SIFNLS
matter of time= MAERMT

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March 19 2021

Briefs and Phrases From The Falcon and The Winter Soldier: Season 1 Episode 1

The Falcon and The Winter Soldier S1 Ep1
someone else’s= SW*UNLS
someone else= SWUNLS
subtle= SULT
intel= SBEL
did you see= SDUZ
windshield= WIRBLD
call it= KA*ULT
glitchy= GLOIFP
Arabic= AR/B*IK
online= AONL
Washington= WARB/WARB
courageous= KURJS
righteous= RAOIRBS
stoically= STOIBLG
mantle= MANLT
alliance= LAOINZ
half hour= HAUF
nightmares= NAOIRMTS
did something= SD-FNG
condition= K-N
notebook= NOEKT
illegal= ILG
convict= VIKT
remember me= RERM
amends= AMDZ
give me= GIFM
nurture= NAOURT
absurd= AURBD
adventurous= DWURZ
pinochle= PAOE/N*UBLG
consulting= SKULGT
talk to= TAUKTD
consolidate= SKLOD
circulation= SL-GS
siblings= SIBLGS
widower= DWOR
widow= DWO
orphan= OFRN
recipes= SKPAOEZ
video games= VAOGS
under arrest= NARZ
avenger= A*FRJ
financials= F-NLS
indict= DAOIT
orbital= ORBLT

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