June 26
Briefs and Phrases From Loki Episode 3
buffalo= BAOFL
health department= H*EPLT
memories= MEMS
too long= TAONG
have you really= V*URL
goodbye= GAOIB
brochure= BRUR
slaughter= SLAURT
ultimate= ULT
gravity= GRA*EFT
massive= MAFS
diplomacy= DPLOEMZ
evacuation= AOEFGS
train station= TRAINGS or TRAIGS
wealthy= WOILT
tickets= TIKTS
headquarters= HAERTS
adopted= DOPTD
at this point= THIPT
fireworks= FAO*IRKS
whatever it is= WHA*FRTS
to the end of the= TOFNT
bear in mind= BAERMD
paranoid= POID
yes, of course= YEFX
ideal= YAOEL
hedonistic= HED/N*IFKT
subconscious= SKONS
enhancement= KBHAMT
and you can= SKPUK