Briefs and Phrases From Loki Episode 6
nothing to say= NOTS
at the end of= TEFN
lifetime= LAOIFMT
destiny= SDAEN or SDAEFNT
sugars= SHURGS
listen to me= L*MT
and I have the= SKPIFT
it needs= T-FRNT
friendship= FROIP
deceptive= SDEFPT or SDAOEFPT
et cetera= ETS
version= VERGS
same thing= SAIMG
one thing= WUNG
realities= RAELTS
erupted= AOERPTD
variant= VAIRNT
annihilate= NAOILT
weaponized= WEPDZ
innocent= N-NT
hungry= HOIRNG
workforce= WOFRKS
threshold= THREFLD
freedom= FRAOEM
pickle= PIBLG
ask me= SK-M