June 10
Briefs and Phrases From Loki Episode 1
coordinate= KAORNT
occupancy= OUPZ
glorious= GLOIRZ
variant= VAIRNT
identified= AOIFD
organic= GO*RNG
temporal= TREFRPL
pencils= PEFNLS
supremacy= SPREMZ
hesitate= HEZ
stab wounds= STWOUNDZ
pantomime= PANT/MAO*IM
bureaucrats= BRAOURKS
trillions= TR-LS
behest= BHEFT
circus= S*IRKS
and I remember= SKPIRM
solace= SLAS
eyeballs= Y-BLS
mischievous= SKHIFZ
soda= SAOD
good part= GAORPT
psychobabble= SKOEBL
precisely= PRAOIFL
irrelevance= IRLS
I don’t believe you= YO*UBL
some of= SM-F
some of the= SM-FT
some of them= SM-FMT