Briefs, Phrases, and Legal Terminology From Boston Legal Season 1, Episode 5
suspects= SPTS
observed= OEBD
unoccupied= UN/OUPD
officer= OIFR
apprehension= PRAENGS
pandering= PARNGD
judge= JUJ
dismissed= DMIFD
civic= SIFK
politics= PLIX
Americans= MERNS
versus= V-S
trial= TRAOIL
testimony= T-M
cases= KAISZ
murderers= MRURDZ
motion= MOEGS
callous= KA*LS
pharmaceuticals= SKAOULTS
kind of= KAOIF
homicide= HOM or HOMDZ
criminal= KRINL
defense= D-FNS
prosecution= PR-GS
wanton= WAONT
intoxicating= SBOK/-G
class action= KLAS/-X
plaintiffs= PL-FS
offer= OFR
headaches= HAEKS
P. O. Box= PO*X
papular= PAP/LA*R
lesion= LAOEGS
tanapox= TAN/A/PO*X or TAN/NA/PO*X
virus= VAOIRS
diseases= D-SZ
hypochondriac= HAOIP/KON/DRAOE/A*K
biased= BAOIDZ
throat= THROET
collapsed= KLAPS/-D
objection= OX
sustained= STAEND
overruled= OEFRLD
suffocates= SUFKTS
police= PLIS
jury= JIR
in fact= N-FT
published= PL-RBD
newspapers= NUPS
witnesses= W-NSZ
your Honor= URN
employed= PLOID
malpractice= M-P
relationship= ROIP
friendship= FROIP
I feel= IFL
entitled= SBAOILTD
to be= TOB
honest= HONS
continuance= T-NZ
denied= D-ND
consolidate= SKLOD
attorneys= TOERNS
alternative= NAEFT
proceeding= PRAOEG
discharge= DARJ
quarter= QAERT
nuisance= NAOUFNS
enormous= NAOERMS
nauseous= NAURBS
wonderful= WUF
claiming= KLAIMG
arrested= ARD
problems= BLEMS
practice= PRA
patient= PAIRBT
mascot= MAFKT
condition= K-N
cold= KOELD
flu= FLU
bronchitis= BRON/KAO*ITS
diabetes= DAOIBTS
neglect= NEG
accommodate= KOMT
applaud= PLAUD
incapacitation= IN/KPAFGS
traditional= TRAL
migraine= MAOI/GRA*IN
psychosomatic= SKOE/SMA*KT
lawyers= LAURS
yes, your Honor= Y-RN
senior= S-R
citizens= SISZ
interlocutory= INT/LOEK/TO*ER
appeal= AEP
settlement= ST-MT
discussions= SKUGSZ
at this point= THIPT
excuse me= SKAOUM
I remembered= IRMD
definitely= DAFL
victim= VIM
encounter= KBOURNT
argue= GAOU
revenge= REFJ
Medicare= MAIRKD
generous= JERNS
injuries= JERS
opposition= PAOGS
parties= PAERTS
proposal= PROEPL
guarantee= GAERNT
district attorney= DAO
rejected= JEKTD
lethal= LAO*ELT
maneuver= MAOUFR
prison= PRIS
rubber= R*URB
prescription= PRIPGS
medical= MEL
supplies= SPLAOIZ
succinct= S*UNGT
succinctly= S*UNLGT
I see= IZ
clarify= KLOIF
yesterday= YED
charge= KHARJ
billions= B-LS
discriminated= SKRIMTD
driver’s license= DL-NS
percentage= PERJ
healthy= HOILT
poverty= POFRT
social security= S-S
overcharge= VARJ
million dollar= M-LD
verdict= VERD
members of the jury= MEJS
recuse= RAOE/KAOUS
contempt= KEMT
premeditation= PRAOEMGS
provoked= PROEFKD
trachea= TRAIK/YA*
assume= SAOUM
ills= *ILS
litigation= LIGS
frivolous= FRIFLS
software= SWA*ER
engineer= GER
depositions= DEPGSZ
examinations= X-GSZ
invoiced= KBOIFD
medical care= MAERK
doctor= DR-
psychiatric= SKAOERKT
alleviated= LAEFTD
defendant= D-FT
madam= MAMD
foreperson= FOERP
unanimous= NANS
murder in the first degree= M-FD
murder in the second degree= M-KD
adjourned= JOURND
congratulations= GLAIGSZ
in order= NORD
civil rights= SIRTS
idea= Y-D
incarcerated= KRAITD
burden= BURD
appealing= AEPG
bail= BAIL
not guilty= N-G
obliged= BLAOIJD
beg your pardon= BURPD
Alzheimer’s= ALZ
diagnostic= D-GT
evidence= AEFD
mistrial= STRAOIL