Practice Video: Examination Under Oath (EUO)
Here are some briefs and phrases from the video:
my name is= MAOINS
driver’s license= DLND
date of birth= DOB/DOB
photograph= FOF
that’s correct= THAERK
A. That’s correct= SKREFRBLGTS
yes or no= YORN
under the influence= NUFL
if you want= FUPT
do you understand= DOUNDZ
court reporter= KRORPT
courtesy= KURTS
yes, I do= YOID
Louisiana= LA/LA
conceal= SKAOEL
with you= WU
for the record= FRORD
let the record reflect= LORK
car insurance= KARNS
income tax= N-KT
cellular phone= SLOERN
Where do you live?= WROUF
how long= HOUNG
operator= PRAEURT
roughly= RUFL
24-hour= 24OUR
how much= HOUFP
verifying= VOIFG
excuse me= SKAOUM
girlfriend= GOIF
chemical= KHEM
rear end= RAOERND
have you ever= VUFR
on this= ONTS
repairs= R-PS
mechanical= MEBLG
battery= BRAET
thank you= THAUNG
that I can= THAIK