January 18 2017

Case CATalyst: What Are Work Units?

I Love Steno Logo (Cropped)Work units are a function of Case CATalyst that is usually used in network situations when reporters provide daily copy, or take turns using the same computer.

Work units are consecutively numbered files that are created as a separate copy while a reporter writes realtime. Meanwhile, the original realtime file remains as one cohesive file.

A work unit can be programmed to be created every minute, every 60 minutes, or any increment in between. The work unit setting allows a scopist to access a realtime file as it is being created, with a minimum of a one minute delay and a maximum of a 60 minute delay. This allows for immediate editing. This helps to increase the rate of transcript turnaround.

The work unit that has been created and sent can be set to be displayed on the realtime screen in a shaded colored area.

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Posted January 18, 2017 by Elsie Villega in category "Information

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