March 22 2016

Readback: One Word, Not Two

ReadbackDespite spell check’s proclamations otherwise, readback is a compound word that exists.

Wiktionary defines readback as follows: (1) (Computing) The act of reading data back from a location where it has been stored. (2) (Aviation, telecommunications) The repetition of a message one has received, in order to acknowledge it. (3) The reading aloud by a court reporter or stenographer of testimony previously taken down in stenographic dictation, usually at the request of the presiding judge or parties involved in a deposition.”

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Category: Grammar | LEAVE A COMMENT
January 17 2013

Rules Of Grammar: Awhile vs A While

“Awhile” is used as an adverb. “A while” is used as a noun.

Here are some examples for how they should be used:
We have a while left before the train arrives.
I saw my friend a while ago.
We waited awhile for the bus.
She ran awhile.

Here’s a trick that usually works: If you can use “for a while” as a substitute, then using “awhile” will likely be the right choice when choosing between, “a while” and “awhile.”

Machine Briefs:
awhile= A/WHAOIL
a while= AEU/WHAOIL

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