July 25 2012

RMR Requirements

The RMR is a certification test given by the National Court Reporting Association. In order to apply for the RMR skills test, a reporter must be a RPR and a NCRA member. In order to apply for the RMR written knowledge test, a reporter must be an RPR and have 3 years or current and continuous membership in the NCRA, starting from participating or registered member status.

The Registered Merit Reporter (RMR) examination consists of skills test and a written knowledge test. The written knowledge test is comprised of 105-110 questions that is based on the following four categories (with accompanying percentages of the questions):
Reporting Knowledge(47%)
Transcript production (41%)
Administration (6%)
Professional issues and continuing education (6%)
The written knowledge test is graded on a scaled score, with a passing rate of 70%. This test has a completion time of 90 minutes.

The skills portion of the RMR is based on three testing areas which must each be passed with 95% accuracy with an allotted transcription time of 75 minutes for each category. The categories are as follows:
1) 200 wpm Lit
2) 240 wpm Jury Charge
3) 260 wpm Q & A

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Posted July 25, 2012 by Elsie Villega in category "Information

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