December 14 2012

Friday Phrases

first and foremost= FIFRMT
glove compartment= GLOFMT
go ahead= GHAED
greater weight= GRAERGT
habeas corpus= HAIBS
hospital room= HAOM
hung jury= HURJ
joint custody= JOID
joint legal custody= JOILD
joint venture= JOIF

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Category: Briefs | 2 Comments
December 13 2012

To Drop Or Not To Drop

Here’s a video with advice on how to drop when being tested.

When I started taking speed tests, I didn’t think about this method. My method was always to try to get every word…Different strokes for different folks; literally. Lol.

Everybody has their own methods. However, this video definitely gave me something to think about. I greatly appreciate the speaker’s advice.

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Category: Information | 3 Comments
December 12 2012

Rules Of Grammar: Anytime vs. Any Time

When “anytime” is used to mean “whenever,” it is written in one word. For example, “Come visit me anytime you are in my neighborhood.”

However, when it is used after a preposition, such as “at,” it is written in two words. For example, “Have you seen her at any time in the past two weeks?”

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Category: Grammar | 1 Comment
December 7 2012

Friday Phrases

telephone number= TEB
phone number= FUB
exhibit number= XUB
under the circumstances= UTS
under all circumstances= ULS
under all the circumstances= ULTS
under any circumstances= UNS
period of time= P-FT
up-to-date= P-TD
day-to-day= DTD

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