April 9
Week 14: 13,000 Words in 2013 Dictionary Challenge
Week 14: 280
Week 13: 264
Week 12: 265
Week 11: 680
Week 10: 307
Week 9: 266
Week 8: 248
Week 7: 292
Week 6: 390
Week 5: 578
Week 4: 258
Week 3: 252
Week 2: 274
Week 1: 470 Entries
Total Tally: 4824 Entries
Happy dictionary building!
Love, Speed & Accuracy,
Elsie Villega
Hey Elsie! I’m so proud of you…Eventually, I’ll be there as well… I’m getting a little discouraged. My teacher lost my Q&A test. t I’ve did it over three weeks ago. I was doing my 140wpm Literary. They only posted my JC130wpm & my 130Lit. I’m pissed. I’m so tired of their B***S. Anyhow, how do you do defense=
DEFNS. And prosecute,pistol,juvenile and first degree and second degree scene, and scene of the accident? Get back to me when you can. I’ll be checking. I know you are busy doing your depositions, but if you get the time before Friday, if possible?
Your follower,
Awhh. I’m sorry that happened to you. Nobody can take your speed or progress from you! Keep pushing forward!
defense= D-FNS
prosecute= PR-
prosecutor= PR-R
pistol= STOL
juvenile= JUFL or JAOUFNL
first degree= F-D
second degree= S-D
third degree= TH-RD
scene of the accident= SNAX